-Most of the numerical methods that deal with the polynomial root-finding problem are simultaneous methods, \textit{i.e.} the iterative methods to find simultaneous approximations of the $n$ polynomial roots. These methods start from the initial approximations of all $n$ polynomial roots and give a sequence of approximations that converge to the roots of the polynomial. Two examples of well-known simultaneous methods for root-finding problem of polynomials are Durand-Kerner method~\cite{Durand60,Kerner66} and Ehrlich-Aberth method~\cite{Ehrlich67,Aberth73}.
-The convergence time of simultaneous methods drastically increases with the increasing of the polynomial's degree. The great challenge with simultaneous methods is to parallelize them and to improve their convergence. Many authors have proposed parallel simultaneous methods~\cite{Freeman89,Loizou83,Freemanall90,cs01:nj,Couturier02}, using several paradigms of parallelization (synchronous or asynchronous computations, mechanism of shared or distributed memory, etc). However, they have treated only polynomials not exceeding degrees of 20,000.
+Most of the numerical methods that deal with the polynomial
+root-finding problems are simultaneous methods, \textit{i.e.} the
+iterative methods to find simultaneous approximations of the $n$
+polynomial roots. These methods start from the initial approximation
+of all $n$ polynomial roots and give a sequence of approximations that
+converge to the roots of the polynomial. Two examples of well-known
+simultaneous methods for root-finding problem of polynomials are
+the Durand-Kerner method~\cite{Durand60,Kerner66} and the Ehrlich-Aberth method~\cite{Ehrlich67,Aberth73}.
+The convergence time of simultaneous methods drastically increases
+with the increasing of the polynomial's degree. The great challenge
+with simultaneous methods is to parallelize them and to improve their
+convergence. Many authors have proposed parallel simultaneous
+using several paradigms of parallelization (synchronous or
+asynchronous computations, mechanism of shared or distributed memory,
+etc). However, so fat until now, only polynomials not exceeding
+degrees of less than 100,000 have been solved.