-OpenMP Application Program Interface, 4th edition, July 2013.
-URL: http://www.openmp.org/mp-documents/OpenMP4.0.0.pdf.
-Peter Pacheco. Parallel Programming with MPI. Morgan Kaufmann, 1996.
ALTauthor = {Peter Pacheco},
- title = "OpenMP Application Program Interface",
+ title = "{OpenMP} Application Program Interface",
journal = "",
volume = "",
number = "",
pages = "673-681",
year = "1990",
author = "T.L. Freeman AND R.K. Brankin",
- title = " Extraction de racines dans des polynômes creux de degrées élevés. {RSRCP} (Réseaux et Systèmes Répartis, Calculateurs Parallèles)",
- journal = " Algorithmes itératifs paralléles et distribués",
- volume = "1",
- number = "13",
- pages = "67-81",
- year = "1990",
- author = "R. Couturier AND F. Spies",
+inhal = {no},
+author = {Couturier, Rapha\"el and Spies, Fran\c{c}ois},
+title = {Extraction de racines dans des polyn\^omes creux de degr\'e \'elev\'e},
+journal = {RSRCP (R\'eseaux et Syst\`emes R\'epartis, Calculateurs Parall\`eles), Num\'ero th\'ematique : Algorithmes it\'eratifs parall\`eles et distribu\'es},
+publisher = {Herm\`es},
+volume = 13,
+number = 1,
+pages = {67--81},
+year = 2001,
+ author = "Raphael Couturier and Philippe Canalda and Francois
+ Spies",
+ editor = "Sartaj Sahni and Viktor K. Prasanna and Uday Shukla",
+ title = "Iterative Algorithms on Heterogeneous Network
+ Computing: Parallel Polynomial Root Extracting",
+ booktitle = "High Performance Computing -- (9th HiPC'02),
+ Proceedings 9th International Conference",
+ series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)",
+ volume = "2552",
+ pages = "283--291",
+ publisher = "Springer-Verlag (New York)",
+ address = "Bangalore, India",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "2002",
+ keywords = "algorithm,",
+ abstract = "Rapha{\"e}l Couturier\par Fran\c{c}ois Spies",
title = " On a Theorem by {J. L. Walsh} Concerning the Moduli of Roots of Algebraic Equations. A.M.S.",
journal = " Algorithmes itératifs paralléles et distribués",