-to parallelize a loop. In this way, a set of loops can be distributed along the different threads that will access to different data allo-
-cated in local shared memory. One of the advantages of OpenMP is its global view of application memory address space that allows relatively fast development of parallel applications with easier maintenance. However, it is often difficult to get high rates of
-performance in large scale applications. Although, in OpenMP a usage of threads ids and managing data explicitly as done in an MPI
-code can be considered, it defeats the advantages of OpenMP.
+to parallelize a loop. In this way, a set of loops can be distributed along the different threads that will access to different data allocated in local shared memory. One of the advantages of OpenMP is its global view of application memory address space that allows relatively fast development of parallel applications with easier maintenance. However, it is often difficult to get high rates of performance in large scale applications. Although usage of OpenMP threads and managed data explicitly done with MPI can be considered, this approcache undermines the advantages of OpenMP.