-In this paper we propose the parallelization of Ehrlich-Aberth method using two parallel programming paradigms OpenMP and MPI on CUDA multi-GPU platforms. Our CUDA/MPI and CUDA/OpenMP codes are the first implementations of Ehrlich-Aberth method with multiple GPUs for finding roots of polynomials. Our major contributions include:
-\LZK{Pourquoi la méthode Ehrlich-Aberth et pas autres? the Ehrlich-Aberth have very good convergence and it is suitable to be implemented in parallel computers.}
+%In this paper we propose the parallelization of Ehrlich-Aberth method using two parallel programming paradigms OpenMP and MPI on CUDA multi-GPU platforms. Our CUDA-MPI and CUDA-OpenMP codes are the first implementations of Ehrlich-Aberth method with multiple GPUs for finding roots of polynomials. Our major contributions include:
+%\LZK{Pourquoi la méthode Ehrlich-Aberth et pas autres? the Ehrlich-Aberth have very good convergence and it is suitable to be implemented in parallel computers.}
+In this paper we propose the parallelization of Ehrlich-Aberth method which has a good convergence and it is suitable to be implemented in parallel computers. We use two parallel programming paradigms OpenMP and MPI on CUDA multi-GPU platforms. Our CUDA-MPI and CUDA-OpenMP codes are the first implementations of Ehrlich-Aberth method with multiple GPUs for finding roots of polynomials. Our major contributions include:
+\LZK{J'ai ajouté une phrase pour justifier notre choix de la méthode Ehrlich-Aberth. A revérifier.}