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30 \newcommand{\besteffort}{\emph{best effort}}
31 \newcommand{\makhoul}{\emph{Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis}}
37 \journal{Parallel Computing}
39 \title{Best effort strategy and virtual load for\\
40 asynchronous iterative load balancing}
42 \author{Raphaël Couturier}
43 \ead{raphael.couturier@univ-fcomte.fr}
45 \author{Arnaud Giersch\corref{cor}}
46 \ead{arnaud.giersch@univ-fcomte.fr}
49 \ead{mourad.hakem@univ-fcomte.fr}
52 FEMTO-ST Institute, Univ Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Belfort, France}
54 \cortext[cor]{Corresponding author.}
57 Most of the time, asynchronous load balancing algorithms are extensively
58 studied from a theoretical point of view. The Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis'
61 {bertsekas+tsitsiklis.1997.parallel} is undeniably the best known algorithm for which the asymptotic convergence proof is given.
63 practical point of view, when a node needs to balance a part of its load to
64 some of its neighbors, the algorithm's description is unfortunately too succinct, and no details are given on what is really sent and how the load balancing decisions are taken. In this paper, we
65 propose a new strategy called \besteffort{} which aims to balance the load
66 of a node to all its less loaded neighbors while ensuring that all involved nodes by the load balancing phase have the same amount of load. Moreover, since
67 asynchronous iterative algorithms are less sensitive to communications delays
68 and their variations \cite{bcvc07:bc}, both load transfer and load information messages are dissociated.
69 To speedup the convergence time of the load balancing process, we propose {\it a clairvoyant virtual load} heuristic. This heuristic allows a node receiving a load
70 information message to integrate the future virtual load (if any) in its load's list, even if the load has not been received yet. This leads to have predictive snapshots of nodes' loads at each iteration of the load balancing process. Consequently, the notified node sends a real part of its load to some of
71 its neighbors taking into account the virtual load it will receive in the subsequent time-steps. Based on the SimGrid simulator, some series of test-bed scenarios are considered and many QoS metrics are evaluated to show the usefulness of the proposed algorithm. %In order to validate our approaches, we have defined a
72 % simulator based on SimGrid which allowed us to conduct many experiments.
76 % %% keywords here, in the form: keyword \sep keyword
81 \section{Introduction}
83 Load balancing algorithms are widely used in parallel and distributed
84 applications to achieve high performances in terms of response time, throughput and resources usage. They play an important role and arise in various fields ranging from parallel and distributed
85 computing systems to wireless sensor networks (WSN).
86 The objective of load balancing is to orchestrate the distribution of the global load so that
87 the load difference between the computational resources of the network is
88 minimized as much as possible. Unfortunately, this problem is known to be {\bf NP-hard} in its
89 general form and heuristics are required to achieve sub-optimal solutions but in
90 polynomial time complexity.
92 In this paper, we focus on asynchronous load balancing of non negative real numbers of {\it divisible loads}
93 in homogeneous distributed systems. Loads can be divided in arbitrary {\it fine-grain} parallel parts size
94 that can be processed independently of each other. This model of divisible loads arises in
95 a wide range of real-world applications. Common examples, among many, include signal processing,
96 feature extraction and edge detection in image processing, records search in huge databases,
97 average consensus in WSN, pattern search in Big data and so on.
100 In the literature, the problem of load balancing has been formulated and studied in various ways. The first pioneering work is due to Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis~\cite{bertsekas+tsitsiklis.1997.parallel}. Under some specific hypothesis and {\it ping-pong} awareness conditions (see section~\ref{sec.bt-algo} for more details), an asymptotic convergence proof is derived.
102 %%RAPH Attention cette partie n'apparait plus
104 This algorithm has been borrowed and adapted in many works. For instance, in~\cite{CortesRCSL02} a static load balancing (called DASUD) for non negative integer number of divisible loads in arbitrary networks topologies is investigated. The term {\it "static"} stems from the fact that no loads are added or consumed during the load balancing process. The theoretical correctness proofs of the convergence property are given. Some generalizations of the same authors' own work for partially asynchronous discrete load balancing model are presented in~\cite{cedo+cortes+ripoll+al.2007.convergence}. The authors prove that the algorithm's convergence is finite and bounded by the straightforward network's diameter of the global equilibrium threshold in the network. In~\cite{bahi+giersch+makhoul.2008.scalable}, a fault tolerant communication version is addressed to deal with average consensus in wireless sensor networks. The objective is to have all nodes converged to the average of their initial measurements based only on nodes' local information. A slight adaptation is also considered in~\cite{BahiCG10} for dynamic networks with bounded delays asynchronous diffusion. The dynamical aspect stands at the communication level as links between the network's resources may be intermittent.
107 Although Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis describe the necessary conditions to
108 ensure the algorithm's convergence, there is no indication nor any strategy to really implement
109 the load distribution. %In other word, a node can send some amount of its load to one or many of its neighbors while all the convergence conditions are followed.
110 Consequently, we propose a new strategy called \besteffort{}
111 that tries to balance the load of a node to all its less loaded neighbors while
112 ensuring that all the nodes involved in the load balancing phase have the same
113 amount of load. Moreover, %when real-world asynchronous applications are considered,
114 %using asynchronous load balancing algorithms can reduce the execution
116 most of the time, it is simpler to dissociate load information messages
117 from data migration messages. Former ones allow a node to inform its
118 neighbors about its current load. These messages are in fact very small and can often be sent
119 very quickly. For example, if a computing iteration takes a significant time
120 (ranging from seconds to minutes), it is possible to send a new load information
121 message to each involved neighbor at each iteration. Then, the load is sent, but the reception may take time when the amount of load is huge and when communication links are slow. Depending on the application, it may make sense or not for the nodes to try to balance a part of their load at each computing
122 iteration. But the time to transfer a load message from a node to another one is
123 often much longer than the time to transfer a load information message. So,
124 when a node is notified
125 %receives the information
126 that later it will receive a data message,
127 it can take this information into account in its load's queue list for preventive purposes.
128 %and it can consider that its new load is larger.
129 Consequently, it can send a part of its predictive
132 neighbors if required. We call this trick the \emph{clairvoyant virtual load} transfer mechanism.
135 The main contributions and novelties of our work are summarized in the following section.
137 \section{Our contributions}
138 \label{contributions}
140 \item We propose a {\it best effort strategy} which proceeds greedily to achieve efficient local neighborhoods equilibrium. Upon local load imbalance detection, a {\it significant amount} of load is moved from a highly loaded node (initiator) to less loaded neighbors.
142 \item Unlike earlier works, we use a new concept of virtual loads transfer which allows nodes to predict the future loads they will receive in the subsequent iterations.
143 This leads to a noticeable speedup of the global convergence time of the load balancing process.
145 \item We use SimGrid simulator which is known to be able to characterize and modelize realistic models of computation and communication in different types of platforms. We show that taking into account both loads transfers' costs and network contention is essential and has a real impact on the quality of the load balancing performances.
151 The reminder of the paper is organized as follows. Section~\ref{sec.related.works} offers a review of the relevant approaches in the literature. Section~\ref{sec.bt-algo} describes the
152 Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis' asynchronous load balancing algorithm.
153 Section~\ref{sec.besteffort} presents the best effort strategy which provides
154 efficient local loads equilibrium.
155 In Section~\ref{sec.virtual-load}, the clairvoyant virtual load scheme is proposed to speedup the convergence time of the load balancing process.
156 In Section~\ref{sec.simulations}, a comprehensive set of numerical results that exhibit the usefulness of our proposal when dealing with realistic models of computation and communication is provided. Finally, some concluding remarks are made in Section~\ref{conclusions-remarks}.
159 \section{Related works}
160 \label{sec.related.works}
161 In this section, the relevant techniques proposed in the literature to tackle the problem of load balancing in a general context of distributed systems are reviewed.
163 As pointed above, the most interesting approach to this issue has been proposed by Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis~\cite{bertsekas+tsitsiklis.1997.parallel}. This algorithm which is outlined in Section~\ref{sec.bt-algo} for the sake of comparison, has been borrowed and adapted in many works. For instance, in~\cite{CortesRCSL02} a static load balancing (called DASUD) for non negative integer number of divisible loads in arbitrary networks topologies is investigated. The term {\it "static"} stems from the fact that no loads are added or consumed during the load balancing process. The theoretical correctness proofs of the convergence property are given. Some generalizations of the same authors' own work for partially asynchronous discrete load balancing model are presented in~\cite{cedo+cortes+ripoll+al.2007.convergence}. The authors prove that the algorithm's convergence is finite and bounded by the straightforward network's diameter of the global equilibrium threshold in the network. In~\cite{bahi+giersch+makhoul.2008.scalable}, a fault tolerant communication version is addressed to deal with average consensus in wireless sensor networks. The objective is to have all nodes converging to the average of their initial measurements based only on nodes' local information. A slight adaptation is also considered in~\cite{BahiCG10} for dynamic networks with bounded delays asynchronous diffusion. The dynamical aspect stands at the communication level as links between the network's resources may be intermittent.
165 Cybenko~\cite{Cybenko89} proposes a {\it diffusion} approach for hypercube multiprocessor networks.
166 The author targets both static and dynamic random models of work distribution.
167 The convergence proof is derived based on the {\it eigenstructure} of the
168 iteration matrices that arise in load balancing of equal amount of
169 computational works. A static load balancing for both synchronous and asynchronous ring networks is addressed in~\cite{GehrkePR99}. The authors assume that at any time step, one token at the most (units of load) can be transmitted along any edge of the ring and no tokens are created during the balancing phase. They show that for every initial token distribution, the proposed algorithm converges to the stable equilibrium with tighter linear bounds of time step-complexity.
171 In order to achieve the load balancing of cloud data centers, a LB technique based on Bayes theorem and Clustering is proposed in~\cite{zhao2016heuristic}. The main idea of this approach is that, the Bayes theorem is combined with the clustering process to obtain the optimal clustering set of physical target hosts leading to the overall load balancing equilibrium. Bidding is a market-technique for task scheduling and load balancing in distributed systems
172 that characterize a set of negotiation rules for users' jobs. For instance, Izakian et al~\cite{IzakianAL10} formulate a double auction mechanism for tasks-resources matching in grid computing environments where resources are considered as provider agents and users as consumer ones. Each entity participates in the network independently and makes autonomous decisions. A provider agent determines its bid price based on its current workload and each consumer agent defines its bid value based on two main parameters: average remaining time and remaining resources for bidding. Based on JADE simulator, the proposed algorithm exhibits better performances in terms of successful execution rates, resource utilization rates and fair profit allocation.
175 Choi et al.~\cite{ChoiBH09} address the problem of robust task allocation in arbitrary networks. The proposed
176 approaches combine a bidding approach for task selection and a consensus procedure scheme for
177 decentralized conflict resolution. The developed algorithms are proven to converge to a conflict-free assignment in
178 both single and multiple task assignment problems. An online stochastic dual gradient LB algorithm, which is called DGLB, is proposed in~\cite{chen2017dglb}. The authors deal with both workload and energy management for cloud networks consisting of multiple geo-distributed mapping nodes and data Centers. To enable online distributed implementation, tasks are decomposed both across time and space by leveraging a dual decomposition approach. Experimental results corroborate the merits of the proposed algorithm.
181 In~\cite{tripathi2017non} a LB algorithm based on game theory is proposed for distributed data centers. The authors formulate the LB problem as a non-cooperative game among front-end proxy servers and characterize the structure of Nash equilibrium. Based on the obtained Nash equilibrium structure, they derive a LB algorithm to compute the Nash equilibrium. They show through simulations that the proposed algorithm ensures fairness among the users and a good average latency across all client regions. A hybrid task scheduling and load balancing dependent and independent tasks for master-slaves platforms are addressed in~In~\cite{liu2017dems}. To minimize the response time of the submitted jobs, the proposed algorithm which is called DeMS is split into three stages: i) communication overhead reduction between masters and slaves, ii) task migration to keep the workload balanced iii) and precedence task graphs partitioning.
183 Several LB techniques, based on artificial intelligence, have also been proposed in the literature: genetic algorithm (GA) \cite{subrata2007artificial}, honey bee behavior \cite{krishna2013honey, kwok2004new}, tabu search \cite{subrata2007artificial} and fuzzy logic \cite{salimi2014task}. The main strength of these techniques comes from their ability to seek in large search spaces, which arises in many combinatorial optimization problems. For instance, the works in~\cite{cao2005grid, shen2014achieving} have been proposed to tackle the load balancing problem using the multiagent approach where each agent is responsible for load balancing for a subset of nodes in the network. The agent objective is to minimize jobs' response time and host idle time dynamically. In~\cite{GrosuC05}, the authors formulate the load balancing problem as a non-cooperative game among users. They use the Nash equilibrium as the solution of this game to optimize the response time of all jobs in the entire system. The proposed scheme guarantees the optimal task allocation for each user with low time complexity. A game theoretic approach to tackle the static load balancing problem is also investigated in~\cite{PenmatsaC11}. To provide fairness to all users in the system, the load balancing problem is formulated as a non-cooperative game among the users to minimize the response time of the submitted users' jobs. As in~\cite{GrosuC05}, the authors use the concept of Nash equilibrium as the solution of a non-cooperative game. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme offers near optimal solutions compared to other existing techniques in terms of fairness.
188 \section{Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis' asynchronous load balancing algorithm}
191 In this section, we present a brief description of Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis' algorithm~\cite{bertsekas+tsitsiklis.1997.parallel} using its original notations.
192 A network is modeled as a connected undirected graph $G=(N,A)$, where $N$ is a set
193 of processors and $A$ is a set of communication links. The processors are
194 labeled $i = 1,...,n$, and a link between processors $i$ and
195 $j$ is denoted by $(i, j)\in A$. The set of processor $i$'s neighbors is denoted by $V(i)$.
196 %In this work, we consider that
197 %Processors are considered to be homogeneous for the sake of simplicity. It is easily extendable to the case of heterogeneous platforms by scaling the processor's load by its computing power~\cite{ElsMonPre02}.
198 %In order prove the convergence of asynchronous iterative load balancing
199 %Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis proposed a model
200 %in~\cite{bertsekas+tsitsiklis.1997.parallel}. Here we recall some notations.
201 %Consider that $N={1,...,n}$ processors are connected through a network.
202 %Communication links are represented by a connected undirected graph $G=(N,A)$
203 %where $A$ is the set of links connecting different processors.
205 %consider that processors are homogeneous for sake of simplicity. It is quite
206 %easy to tackle the heterogeneous case~\cite{ElsMonPre02}.
207 Load of processor $i$
208 at time $t$ is represented by $x_i(t)\geq 0$.
209 %Let $V(i)$ be the set of neighbors of processor $i$.
210 Each processor $i$ has an estimate of the load of
211 each of its neighbors $j \in V(i)$ denoted by $x_j^i(t)$ and this estimate
212 may be outdated due to %. According to
213 asynchronism and communication delays.
214 %, this estimate may be outdated.
216 %consider that the load is described by a continuous variable.
218 %Since we deal with large {\it fine grain} parallelism of divisible loads,
219 %the processor's load is represented by a continuous variable for notational
222 When a processor sends a part of its load to one or to some of its neighbors, the
223 transfer takes time to be completed. Let $s_{ij}(t)$ be the amount of load that
224 processor $i$ has transferred to processor $j$ at time $t$ and let $r_{ij}(t)$ be the
225 amount of loads received by $j$ from $i$ at time $t$. Then
226 the amount of load of processor $i$ at time $t+1$ is given by:
229 x_i(t+1)=x_i(t)-\sum_{j\in V(i)} s_{ij}(t) + \sum_{j\in V(i)} r_{ji}(t)
234 %Some conditions are required to ensure the convergence. One of them can be
235 %called the \emph{ping-pong} condition which specifies that:
237 The asymptotic convergence is derived based on the {\it ping-pong} awareness condition which specifies that:
240 x_i(t)-\sum _{k\in V(i)} s_{ik}(t) \geq x_j^i(t)+s_{ij}(t)
243 for any processor $i$ and any $j \in V(i)$ such that $x_i(t)>x_j^i(t)$.
244 %This condition aims at avoiding a processor to send a part of its load and being
245 %less loaded after that.
248 This condition prohibits the possibility that two nodes keep sending loads to each
249 other back and forth, without reaching equilibrium.
252 Nevertheless, we think that this condition may lead to deadlocks in some
253 cases. For example, consider a linear chain graph network of only three processors in which processor $1$
254 is linked to processor $2$ which is also linked to processor $3$, but in which processors $1$ and $3$ are not neighbors.
255 %(i.e. a simple chain which 3 processors).
257 \noindent Now consider that we have the following load values at time~$t$:
264 %{\bf RAPH, pourquoi il y a $x_3^2$?. Sinon il faudra reformuler la suite, c'est mal dit}
266 Owing to the algorithm's specifications, processor $2$ can either send
267 loads to processor $1$ or processor
268 $3$. If it sends loads to processor $1$, it will not satisfy condition
269 \eqref{eq.ping-pong} because after that sending it will be less loaded than
270 $x_3^2(t)$. So we consider that the \emph{ping-pong} condition is probably too
271 strong. %Currently, we did not try to make another convergence proof without this condition or with a weaker condition.
274 Despite this, we conjecture that a weaker condition may exist since we
275 have never seen any scenario that is not leading to convergence, even with
276 load-balancing strategies that are not exactly fulfilling the authors' own conditions. %se two conditions.
278 %It may be the subject of future work to express weaker conditions, and to prove
279 %that they are sufficient to ensure the convergence of the load-balancing
284 Even though this approach is interesting, several practical
285 questions arise when dealing with realistic models of
286 computation and communication. As reported above, the
287 algorithm's description is too succinct and no details are
288 given on what is really sent and how the load balancing decisions
289 are taken. To our knowledge, the only first attempt for a possible
290 implementation of this algorithm is investigated in~\cite{bahi+giersch+makhoul.2008.scalable} under the same conditions. Thus, in order to assess the performances
291 of the new \besteffort{}, we naturally chose to compare it to this previous
292 work. More precisely, we will use the algorithm~2 from
293 \cite{bahi+giersch+makhoul.2008.scalable} and, throughout the paper, we will
294 reference it under the original name {\it Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis} for the sake of convenience and readability.
297 Here is an outline of the main principle of the borrowed algorithm. When a given node $i$ has to take
298 a load balancing decision, it starts by sorting its neighbors by non-increasing
299 order of their loads. Then, it computes the difference between its own load, and
300 the load of each of its neighbors. Finally, taking the neighbors following the
301 order defined before, the amount of load to send $s_{ij}$ is computed as
302 $1/(|V(i)|+1)$ of the load difference%, with $n$ being the number of neighbors
303 . This process is iterated as long as the node is more loaded than the considered
307 \section{Best effort strategy}
308 \label{sec.besteffort}
310 In this section, we describe a new load-balancing strategy that we call
311 \besteffort{}. First, we explain the general idea behind this strategy,
312 and then we present some variants of this basic strategy.
314 \subsection{Basic strategy}
315 The description of our algorithm will be given from the point of view a processor~$i$.
316 The principle of the \besteffort{} strategy is that each processor
317 detecting itself to be more loaded than some of its neighbors, sends some load to its less loaded neighbors, doing its best to reach the equilibrium
318 between the involved neighbors and itself.
320 More precisely, %when a processor $i$ is in its load-balancing phase,
321 at each iteration of the load balancing process, processor~$i$
324 \item First, the neighbors are sorted in non-decreasing order of their
325 known loads $x^i_j(t)$.
327 \item Then, this sorted list is used to find its largest
328 prefix such as the load of each selected neighbor is smaller than:
330 \item the load of processor $i$, and
331 \item the mean of the loads of the selected neighbors and processor i.
333 Let $S_i(t)$ be the set of the selected neighbors, and
334 $\bar{x}(t)$ be the mean of the loads between the selected neighbors and processor $i$ which is given as follows:
336 \bar{x}(t) = \frac{1}{\abs{S_i(t)} + 1}
337 \left( x_i(t) + \sum_{j\in S_i(t)} x^i_j(t) \right)
339 so that the following properties hold: %{\bf RAPH : la suite tombe du ciel :-)}
342 S_i(t) \subset V(i) \\
343 x^i_j(t) < x_i(t) & \forall j \in S_i(t) \\
344 x^i_j(t) < \bar{x} & \forall j \in S_i(t) \\
345 x^i_j(t) \leq x^i_k(t) & \forall j \in S_i(t), \forall k \in V(i) \setminus S_i(t) \\
350 \item Once this selection is done, processor $i$ sends to each selected neighbor $j\in S_i(t)$ an amount of load $s_{ij}(t) =
353 %From the above equations, and notably from the definition of $\bar{x}$, it can easily be verified that:
356 In this way we obtain:
360 x_i(t) - \sum_{j\in S_i(t)} s_{ij}(t) = \bar{x} \\
361 x^i_j(t) + s_{ij}(t) = \bar{x} & \forall j \in S_i(t)
368 \subsection{Leveling the amount of load to move}
370 With the aforementioned basic strategy, each node does its best to reach the
371 equilibrium with its neighbors. However, one question should be outlined here:
372 how can we handle the case where two (or more) node initiators might concurrently send
373 some loads to the same least loaded neighbor? Indeed,
374 %since each node may take the same kind of decision at the same time,
375 there is a risk that a node will receive loads from
376 several of its neighbors, and then might temporary go off the equilibrium state.
377 This is particularly true with strongly connected applications.
381 In order to reduce this effect, we add the ability to level the amount of loads to send.
382 The idea, here, is to make as few steps as possible toward the equilibrium, such that a
383 potentially unsuitable decision pointed above has a lower impact on the local equilibrium.
384 Roughly speaking, once $s_{ij}$ is estimated as previously explained, it is simply weighted by
385 a given prescribed threshold parameter which we call
386 %. This parameter is called
388 Section~\ref{sec.results}. The amount of data to send is then $s_{ij}(t) =
389 (\bar{x} - x^i_j(t))/k$.
390 %\FIXME[check that it's still named $k$ in Sec.~\ref{sec.results}]{}
394 %\section{Other strategies}
397 %Another load balancing strategy, working under the same conditions, was
398 %previously developed by Bahi, Giersch, and Makhoul in
399 %\cite{bahi+giersch+makhoul.2008.scalable}. In order to assess the performances
400 %of the new \besteffort{}, we naturally chose to compare it to this anterior
401 %work. More precisely, we will use the algorithm~2 from
402 %\cite{bahi+giersch+makhoul.2008.scalable} and, in the following, we will
403 %reference it under the name of naïve implementation of Bertsekas' load balancing algorithm. {\bf : RAPH j'ai renommé MAKHOUL en naive, il faut valider !!!! LE SOUCI, il faudrait refaire les figures}
405 %Here is an outline of the \makhoul{} algorithm. When a given node needs to take
406 %a load balancing decision, it starts by sorting its neighbors by increasing
407 %order of their load. Then, it computes the difference between its own load, and
408 %the load of each of its neighbors. Finally, taking the neighbors following the
409 %order defined before, the amount of load to send $s_{ij}$ is computed as
410 %$1/(n+1)$ of the load difference, with $n$ being the number of neighbors. This
411 %process continues as long as the node is more loaded than the considered
415 \section{Virtual load}
416 \label{sec.virtual-load}
418 In this section, we present the new concept of \emph{virtual load} which aims to improve the global convergence time. For this end, both load transfer messages and load information messages are dissociated.
420 %use this concept, load balancing messages must be sent using two different kinds
421 %of messages: load information messages and load balancing messages.
423 precisely, a node wanting to send some amount of its load to one (or more) of its neighbors
424 can first send a load information message about the load it will send, and
425 later it can send the load message containing data to be transferred.
426 Load information messages are in fact short
428 and will be received soon.
430 In contrast, load transfer messages are often larger ones and thus
431 require more time to be transferred.
433 The concept of \emph{virtual load} allows a node receiving a load
434 information message to integrate (virtually) the future load it will receive later in its load's list
435 even if the load has not been received yet. Consequently, the notified node can send a (real) part of its load to some of its
436 neighbors when needed. By and large, this allows a node on the one hand, to predict the load it will receive in the subsequent time steps, and on the other hand, to take suitable decisions when detecting load imbalance in its closed neighborhoods. Doing so, we expect faster convergence time since nodes can take
437 into account the information about the predictive loads not
441 %In fact, a node that receives a load information message knows that
442 %later it will receive the corresponding load balancing message containing the
443 %corresponding data. So, if this node detects it is too loaded compared to some
444 %of its neighbors and if it has enough load (real load), then it can send more
445 %load to some of its neighbors without waiting the reception of the load
448 %Doing this, we can expect a faster convergence since nodes have a faster
449 %information of the load they will receive, so they can take it into account.
451 %\FIXME{Est ce qu'on donne l'algo avec virtual load?}
453 %With integer load, this algorithm has been adapted by rounding the load value. In fact, we consider that the total amount of load is big enough and that it can be split with integer numbers.
458 %\FIXME{describe integer mode}
460 \section{Implementation with SimGrid and simulations}
461 \label{sec.simulations}
463 In order to test and validate our approache, we wrote a simulator
465 framework~\cite{simgrid.web,casanova+giersch+legrand+al.2014.simgrid}. This
466 simulator, which consists of about 2,700 lines of C++, allows to run
467 the different load-balancing strategies under various parameters, such
468 as the initial distribution of load, the interconnection topology, the
469 characteristics of the running platform, etc. Then several metrics
470 were considered to assess and compare the behavior of the different
471 %are issued that permit to compare the
474 The simulation model is detailed in the next section (\ref{sec.model}), and the
475 experimental contexts are described in section~\ref{sec.exp-context}. Then the
476 results of the simulations are presented in section~\ref{sec.results}.
478 \subsection{Simulation model}
481 In the simulation model the processors exchange messages which are of
482 two types. First, there are \emph{control messages} which carry only the information exchanged between processors, such as the
483 current load, or the virtual load transfers if this option is
484 considered. These messages are rather small, and their size is
485 constant. Then, there are \emph{data messages} that carry the real
486 load transferred between processors. The size of a data message
487 is a function of the amount of load that it carries, and it can be
488 pretty large. In order to receive the messages, each processor has
489 two receiving channels, one for each type of messages. Finally, when
490 a message is sent or received, this is done by using non-blocking
491 primitives of SimGrid\footnote{That are \texttt{MSG\_task\_isend()},
492 and \texttt{MSG\_task\_irecv()}.}.
494 During the simulation, each processor concurrently runs three threads:
495 a \emph{receiving thread}, a \emph{computing thread}, and a
496 \emph{load-balancing thread}, which we will briefly describe hereafter.
498 For the sake of simplicity, a few details were voluntary omitted from
499 these descriptions. For an exhaustive presentation, we refer to the
500 actual source code that was used for the experiments%
501 \footnote{As mentioned before, our simulator relies on the SimGrid
502 framework~\cite{casanova+giersch+legrand+al.2014.simgrid}. For the
503 experiments, we used a pre-release of SimGrid 3.7 (Git commit
504 67d62fca5bdee96f590c942b50021cdde5ce0c07, available from
505 \url{https://github.com/simgrid/simgrid})}, and which is
507 \url{http://info.iut-bm.univ-fcomte.fr/staff/giersch/software/loba.tar.gz}.
509 \subsubsection{Receiving thread}
511 The receiving thread is in charge of waiting for incoming messages, either on the
512 control channel, or on the data channel. Its behavior is sketched by
513 Algorithm~\ref{algo.recv}. When a message is received, it is pushed in a buffer
514 of received messages, to be later consumed by one of the other threads. There
515 are two such buffers, one for the control messages, and one for the data
517 The buffers are implemented with first-in, first-out queues (FIFO).
520 \caption{Receiving thread}
524 \VAR{ctrl\_chan}, \VAR{data\_chan}
525 & communication channels (control and data) \\
526 \VAR{ctrl\_fifo}, \VAR{data\_fifo}
527 & buffers of received messages (control and data) \\
530 wait for a message to be available on either \VAR{ctrl\_chan},
531 or \VAR{data\_chan}\;
532 \If{a message is available on \VAR{ctrl\_chan}}{%
533 get the message from \VAR{ctrl\_chan}, and push it into \VAR{ctrl\_fifo}\;
535 \If{a message is available on \VAR{data\_chan}}{%
536 get the message from \VAR{data\_chan}, and push it into \VAR{data\_fifo}\;
541 \subsubsection{Computing thread}
543 The computing thread is in charge of the real load management. As outlined in
544 Algorithm~\ref{algo.comp}, it iteratively runs the following operations:
546 \item if some load was received from the neighbors, get it;
547 \item if there is some load to send to the neighbors, send it;
548 \item run some computations, whose duration is a function of the processor's current
551 Practically, after the computation, the computing thread waits for a
552 small amount of time if the iterations are looping too fast (for
553 example, when the current load is near zero).
556 \caption{Computing thread}
560 \VAR{data\_fifo} & buffer of received data messages \\
561 \VAR{real\_load} & current load \\
564 \If{\VAR{data\_fifo} is empty and $\VAR{real\_load} = 0$}{%
565 wait until a message is pushed into \VAR{data\_fifo}\;
567 \While{\VAR{data\_fifo} is not empty}{%
568 pop a message from \VAR{data\_fifo}\;
569 get the load embedded in the message, and add it to \VAR{real\_load}\;
571 \ForEach{neighbor $n$}{%
572 \If{there is some amount of load $a$ to send to $n$}{%
573 send $a$ units of load to $n$, and subtract it from \VAR{real\_load}\;
576 \If{$\VAR{real\_load} > 0.0$}{
577 simulate some computation, whose duration is function of \VAR{real\_load}\;
578 ensure that the main loop does not iterate too fast\;
583 \subsubsection{Load-balancing thread}
585 The load-balancing thread is in charge of running the load-balancing algorithm,
586 and exchanging the control messages. As shown in Algorithm~\ref{algo.lb}, it
587 iteratively runs the following operations:
589 \item get the control messages that were received from the neighbors;
590 \item run the load-balancing algorithm;
591 \item send control messages to the neighbors, to inform them about the
592 processor's current load, and possibly the future virtual load transfers;
593 \item wait a minimum (configurable) amount of time, to avoid iterating too fast.
597 \caption{Load-balancing}
600 \While{\VAR{ctrl\_fifo} is not empty}{%
601 pop a message from \VAR{ctrl\_fifo}\;
602 identify the sender of the message,
603 and update the current knowledge of its load\;
605 run the load-balancing algorithm to make the decision about load transfers\;
606 \ForEach{neighbor $n$}{%
607 send a control messages to $n$\;
609 ensure that the main loop does not iterate too fast\;
613 %\paragraph{}\FIXME{ajouter des détails sur la gestion de la charge virtuelle ?
614 % par ex, donner l'idée générale de l'implémentation. l'idée générale est déja
615 % décrite en section~\ref{sec.virtual-load}}
617 \subsection{Experimental contexts}
618 \label{sec.exp-context}
620 In order to assess the performances of our algorithm, simulations with various parameters have been achieved out, and several metrics are described in this section.
622 \subsubsection{Load balancing strategies}
624 Several load balancing strategies were compared. Experiments with
625 the \besteffort{}, and with the \makhoul{} strategies have been performed. First the \emph{best
626 effort} was tested with parameter $k = 1$, $k = 2$, and $k = 4$. Then,
627 each strategy was run in its two variants: with, and without the management of
628 \emph{virtual load}. Finally, each configuration with \emph{real},
629 and with \emph{integer} load values is considered.
631 To summarize the different load balancing strategies, we have:
633 \item[\textbf{strategies:}] \makhoul{}, or \besteffort{} with $k\in
635 \item[\textbf{variants:}] with, or without virtual loads
636 %\item[\textbf{domain:}] real load, or integer load
639 %This gives us as many as $4\times 2\times 2 = 16$ different strategies.
641 \subsubsection{End of the simulation}
643 The simulations were run until reaching the global equilibrium threshold.
644 %the load was nearly balanced among the participating nodes.
645 More precisely, the simulation stops when each node holds
646 an amount of load at least inferior to 1\% of the load average.
647 %, during an arbitrary
648 %number of computing iterations (2000 in our case).
650 %Note that this convergence detection was implemented in a centralized manner.
651 %This is easy to do within the simulator, but it is obviously not realistic. In a
652 %real application we would have chosen a decentralized convergence detection
653 %algorithm, like the one described in \cite{ccl09:ij}.
655 \subsubsection{Platform}
657 %In order to show the behavior of the different strategies
659 %settings, we simulated the executions on two sorts of platforms. These two
660 %sorts of platforms differ by their network topology. On the one hand,
661 %we have homogeneous platforms, modeled as a cluster. On the other hand, we have
662 %heterogeneous platforms, modeled as the interconnection of a number of clusters.
665 %The clusters are modeled by a fixed number of computing nodes interconnected
666 %through a backbone link. Each computing node has a computing power of
667 %1~GFlop/s, and is connected to the backbone by a network link whose bandwidth is
668 %of 125~MB/s, with a latency of 50~$\mu$s. The backbone has a network bandwidth
669 %of 2.25~GB/s, with a latency of 500~$\mu$s.
671 In order to make our experiments, an heterogeneous grid platform description were created by taking a subset of the
672 Grid'5000 infrastructure\footnote{Grid'5000 is a French large scale experimental
673 Grid (see \url{https://www.grid5000.fr/}).}, as described in the platform file
674 \texttt{g5k.xml} distributed with SimGrid. Note that the heterogeneity of the
675 platform here only comes from the network topology. Indeed,
676 processors are considered to be homogeneous for the sake of simplicity.
677 However, this situation is easily extendable to the case of heterogeneous platforms
678 by scaling the processor's load by its computing power~\cite{ElsMonPre02}.
680 %algorithms currently do not handle heterogeneous computing resources,
682 processor speeds were normalized, and we arbitrarily chose to fix them at
683 1~GFlop/s. Each type of platform with four different numbers of computing
684 nodes: 16, 64, 256, and 1024 nodes is built in a similar way.
686 \subsubsection{Configurations}
688 The distributed processes of the application were then logically organized along
689 three possible typologies: a line, a torus or an hypercube. Tests were divided into two groups on the basis of the initial distribution of the global load: i) some tests were performed with the total load initially on only one node, ii) and other tests were performed for which the load was initially randomly distributed across all the
690 participating nodes of the platform. The total amount of loads was fixed to a number of load
691 units equal to 1,000 times the number of node. The average load is then of 1,000
694 For all the previous configurations, the
695 computation and communication costs of a load unit are defined. They were chosen so as to
696 have two different computation to communication ratios (CCR), and hence characterize
697 two different types of applications:
699 \item mainly communicating, with a CCR of $1/10$;
700 \item mainly computing, with a CCR of $10/1$.
701 %\item balanced, with a computation/communication cost ratio of $1/1$.
704 % To summarize the various configurations, we have:
705 % \begin{description}
706 % \item[\textbf{platforms:}] homogeneous (cluster), or heterogeneous (subset of
708 % \item[\textbf{platform sizes:}] platforms with 16, 64, 256, or 1024 nodes
709 % \item[\textbf{process topologies:}] line, torus, or hypercube
710 % \item[\textbf{initial load distribution:}] initially on a only node, or
711 % initially randomly distributed over all nodes
712 % \item[\textbf{computation/communication cost ratio:}] $10/1$, $1/1$, or $1/10$
715 % This gives us as many as $2\times 4\times 3\times 2\times 3 = 144$ different
718 % Combined with the various load balancing strategies, $16\times 144 =
719 % 2,304$ distinct settings have been evaluated. In fact, as it will be shown later, only configurations with a maximum number of 1,024 nodes are considered in order to limit the time of experiments.
722 \subsubsection{Metrics}
725 In order to evaluate and compare the different load balancing strategies, several metrics were considered. Our goal, when choosing these metrics, is to have
726 something tending to a constant value, i.e. to have a measure which is not
727 changing anymore once the convergence state is reached. Moreover, the goal is to
728 have some normalized values, in order to be able to compare them across different
729 settings. With these constraints in mind, the following metrics are defined:
732 \item[\it{average idle time:}] that is the total time spent, when the nodes
733 do not hold any share of load, and thus have nothing to compute.
735 %time is divided by the number of participating nodes, such as to have a number
736 %that can be compared between simulations of different sizes.
737 %This metric is expected to give an idea of the ability of the strategy to
738 %diffuse the load quickly.
739 A smaller value is better.
741 \item[\it{average convergence time:}] that is the average of the times when
742 all nodes reached the final balanced load distribution. Times are measured as a number
743 of (simulated) seconds from the beginning of the simulation.
745 \item[\it{maximum convergence time:}] that is the time when the last node
746 reached the final stable equilibrium.
747 %These two dates give an idea of the time needed by the strategy to reach the
749 A smaller value is better.
751 % \item[\textbf{data transfer amount:}] that is the sum of the amount of all data
752 % transfers during the simulation. This sum is then normalized by dividing it
753 % by the total amount of data present in the system.
755 % This metric is expected to give an idea of the efficiency of the strategy in
756 % terms of data movements, i.e. its ability to reach the equilibrium with fewer
757 % transfers. Again, a smaller value is better.
762 \subsection{Experimental results}
765 In this section, the results for the different simulations are presented,
766 and our observations are explained.
768 % \subsubsection{Cluster versus grid platforms}
770 % As mentioned earlier, different algorithms have been simulated on two kinds of
771 % physical platforms: clusters and grids. A first observation,
772 % is that the graphs we draw from the data have a similar aspect for the two kinds
773 % of platforms. The only noticeable difference is that the algorithms need a bit
774 % more time to achieve the convergence on the grid platforms, than on clusters.
775 % Nevertheless their relative performances remain generally similar.
777 % This suggests that the relative performances of the different strategies are not
778 % influenced by the characteristics of the physical platform. The differences in
779 % the convergence times can be explained by the fact that on the grid platforms,
780 % distant sites are interconnected by links of smaller bandwidth.
782 % Therefore, in the following, we only discuss the results for the grid
785 \subsubsection{Main results}
789 \includegraphics[width=.5\linewidth]{data/graphs/R1-10:1-grid-line}%
790 \includegraphics[width=.5\linewidth]{data/graphs/R1-1:10-grid-line}
791 \includegraphics[width=.5\linewidth]{data/graphs/R1-10:1-grid-torus}%
792 \includegraphics[width=.5\linewidth]{data/graphs/R1-1:10-grid-torus}
793 \includegraphics[width=.5\linewidth]{data/graphs/R1-10:1-grid-hcube}%
794 \includegraphics[width=.5\linewidth]{data/graphs/R1-1:10-grid-hcube}
795 \caption{Real mode, initially on an only mode, CCR = $10/1$ (left), or $1/10$ (right). For each bar, from bottom to top starting at $t=0$, the first part represents the average idle
796 time, the second part represents the average convergence time, and then the third part represents the maximum convergence time.}
802 \includegraphics[width=.5\linewidth]{data/graphs/RN-10:1-grid-line}%
803 \includegraphics[width=.5\linewidth]{data/graphs/RN-1:10-grid-line}
804 \includegraphics[width=.5\linewidth]{data/graphs/RN-10:1-grid-torus}%
805 \includegraphics[width=.5\linewidth]{data/graphs/RN-1:10-grid-torus}
806 \includegraphics[width=.5\linewidth]{data/graphs/RN-10:1-grid-hcube}%
807 \includegraphics[width=.5\linewidth]{data/graphs/RN-1:10-grid-hcube}
808 \caption{Real mode, random initial distribution, CCR = $10/1$ (left), or $1/10$ (right).}
812 The main results for our simulations on grid platforms are presented in Figures~\ref{fig.results1} and~\ref{fig.resultsN}.
814 The results in Figure~\ref{fig.results1} are when the load to balance is
815 initially on only one node, while the results in Figure~\ref{fig.resultsN} are
816 when the load to balance is initially randomly distributed over all nodes.
817 On both figures, the CCR is $10/1$ on the left
818 column, and $1/10$ on the right column. %With a computation/communication cost
819 %ratio of $1/1$ the results are just between these two extrema, and definitely
820 %don not give additional information, so we chose not to show them here.
821 On each Figure, ~\ref{fig.results1} and~\ref{fig.resultsN}, the results
822 are given for the process topology being, from top to bottom, a line, a torus or
825 Finally, the vertical bars show the measured times for the evaluated metrics
826 %each of the algorithms
827 . These measured times are, starting at $t=0$ and from bottom to top, the average idle
828 time, the average convergence time, and the maximum convergence time (see
829 Section~\ref{sec.metrics}). The measurements are repeated for the different
830 platform sizes. Some bars are missing, especially for large platforms. This is
831 because the algorithm did not reach the convergence state in the
835 %\FIXME{annoncer le plan de la suite}
837 \subsubsection{The \besteffort{} and \makhoul{} strategies without virtual load}
839 The {\it simple} ({\it plain}) version of each strategy is defined as the load balancing
840 algorithm without virtual load's transfers. For each strategy, we compare the simple
841 version (without virtual load) and the improved one (with virtual load).
842 Each algorithm is evaluated in terms of achieved idle time and convergence time.
844 Before looking at the different variations, we will first show that the simple
845 \besteffort{} strategy is valuable, and may be as good as the \makhoul{}
846 strategy. On Figures~\ref{fig.results1} and~\ref{fig.resultsN},
847 these strategies are respectively labeled ``b'' and ``a''.
849 We can see that the relative performance of these strategies is mainly
850 influenced by the application topology structure. It is for the line topology that the
851 difference is the most important. In this case, the \besteffort{} strategy is
852 really faster than the \makhoul{} strategy. This can be explained by the
853 fact that the \besteffort{} strategy tries to distribute the load fairly between
854 all the nodes and is in a good agreement with the line topology since it is easy
855 to load balance the load efficiently.
857 In contrast, for the hypercube topology, the \besteffort{}' performances are lower than
858 the \makhoul{} strategy. In this case, the \makhoul{} strategy, which
859 tries to give more load to few neighbors, reaches the equilibrium faster.
861 For the torus topology, for which the number of links is between the line and
862 the hypercube, the \makhoul{} strategy is slightly better but the difference is
863 more nuanced when the initial load is only on one node. The only case where the
864 \makhoul{} strategy is really faster than the \besteffort{} strategy is with the
865 random initial distribution when communications are slow.
867 Generally speaking, the number of interconnection is very important. Indeed, the more
868 numerous the interconnection links are, the faster the \makhoul{} strategy is because
869 it distributes quickly significant amount of loads, even if the distribution may be unfair, between
870 all neighbors. However, the \besteffort{} strategy distributes the
871 load fairly when needed and is better for sparse connected applications.
877 \subsubsection{With virtual load}
879 The impact of virtual load scheme is most of the time really significant compared to
880 the simple version of the algorithm with the same configuration. %Sometimes it has no effect but, based on our observations, it has never a negative effect on the load balancing we tested.
881 For instance, as can be seen from Figure~\ref{fig.results1}, when the load is initially on one node, it can be
882 noticed that the average idle times are generally longer with the virtual load
883 than the simple version. This can be explained by the fact that, with virtual load,
884 processors will exchange all the load they need to exchange as soon as the
885 virtual load has been balanced between all the processors. As a consequence, they
886 cannot compute at the beginning. This is especially noticeable when the
887 communication are slow (on the left part of Figure ~\ref{fig.results1}).
890 When the load to balance is initially randomly distributed over all nodes, we can see from Figure \ref{fig.resultsN} that the effect of virtual load is not significant for the line topology structure. However, for both torus and hypercube structures with CCR = 1/10 (on the left of the figure), the performance of virtual load transfers is significantly better. This is explained by the fact
891 that for small CCR values, high communication costs play quite a significant role. Moreover, the impact of
892 communication becomes less important as the CCR values increase, since larger CCR values result in smaller communication times. The impact of CCR values were also tested on the performance of each algorithm in terms of idle times. From Figures~\ref{fig.results1} and ~\ref{fig.resultsN} virtual load scheme can be seen to achieve really good average idle times, which is quite close to both its own simple version and its direct competitor {\it Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis} algorithm. As expected, for coarse grain applications (CCR =10/1), idle times are close to 0 since processors are inactive most of the time compared to fine grain applications.
895 Taken as a whole, the results illustrated in Figures~\ref{fig.results1} and ~\ref{fig.resultsN} clearly show that our proposal outperforms the Betsekas and Tsistlikis algorithm.
896 These results indicate that local load balancing decisions have a significant impact on the global
897 convergence time achieved by the compared strategies. This is because, upon load imbalance detection, assigning an amount of load in an unfair way between neighbors will severely increase the total number of iterations required by the algorithm before reaching the final stable distributions. The reason of the poorer performance of {\it Bertsekas and tsistsilikis} algorithm can be explained by the inconvenience of the iterative load balance policy adopted for load distribution between neighbors. Neighbors are selected in such a way that the {\it ping-pong} condition holds. Doing so, loads are not really assigned to processor neighbors which would allow them to be fairly balanced.
900 Unlike the {\it Betsekas and Tsistlikis} algorithm, our approach is not really sensitive when dealing with realistic models of computation and communication. This is due to two main features: i) the use of "virtual load" transfers which allows nodes to predict the load they receive in the subsequent iterations steps, ii) and the greedy neighbors selection adopted by our algorithm at each time step in the load balancing process. The involved neighbors are selected in such a way that the load difference between the computational resources is minimized as much as possible.
903 Comparing the results of the extended version (with virtual load) to the results of the simple one, it can be observed in Figs.~\ref{fig.results1} and ~\ref{fig.resultsN} that the improved version gives the best performances. It always improves both convergence and idle times significantly in all figures. This is because, with virtual load transfers, the algorithm seeks greedily to ensure a certain degree of load balancing for processors by taking into account the information about the predictive loads not received yet. Consequently, this leads to optimizing the final convergence time of the load balancing process. Similarly, the extended version achieves much better results than the simple one when considering larger platforms, as shown in Figs.~\ref{fig.results1} and ~\ref{fig.resultsN}.
906 We also find in Figs.~\ref{fig.results1} and ~\ref{fig.resultsN} that the performance difference between the improved version of our proposal and its simple version (without virtual load) increases when the CCR increases. This interesting result comes from the fact that larger CCR values reveal that we are dealing with intensive computations applications in grid platforms. Thus, in order to reduce the convergence time of the load balancing for such applications, it is important to take suitable decisions upon local load imbalance detection. That is why we added {\it virtual load} transfers scheme to the {\it best effort} strategy to perfectly balance the load of processors at each step of the load balancing process.
909 Finally, it is worthwhile noting from Figures~\ref{fig.results1} and ~\ref{fig.resultsN}, that the algorithm's convergence time increases together with the size of the network. We also see that the idle time increases together with the size of the network when a load is initially on a single node (Figure~\ref{fig.results1}),
910 as expected. In addition, it is interesting to note that when the number of nodes increases, there is no substantial difference in the increase of the convergence time, compared to the simple version without virtual load. This is explained by the fact that the increase in the convergence time is already absorbed by the virtual load transfers between processors being in line with the network's size.
914 \subsubsection{The $k$ parameter}
917 As explained previously when the communication are slow the \besteffort{}
918 strategy is efficient. This is due to the fact that it tries to balance the load
919 fairly and consequently a significant amount of the load is transferred between
920 processors. In this case, it is possible to reduce the convergence time by
921 using the leveler parameter (parameter $k$). The advantage of using this
922 solution is particularly true when the initial load is randomly distributed
923 on the nodes with torus and hypercube topologies and slow communication. When
924 a virtual load scheme is used, the effect of this parameter is also perceptible
925 in the same conditions.
930 \subsubsection{With non negative integer load values}
931 In addition to the first tests devoted to the case of non negative real load values, further experiments were also carried with integer load values to assess the performance of our proposal.
932 As expected, the obtained results globally have the same behavior, that is why we decided not to show similar figures. The most
933 interesting result, from our point of view, is that the virtual mode allows
934 processors in a line topology to converge to the uniform load balancing state. Without
935 the virtual load, most of the time, processors converge to what is called the
936 ``stairway effect'', that is to say that there is only a difference of at most one unit load between any pairs of neighbor nodes, i.e. the load difference between each processor and its neighbors is within one unit load (for example with 10 processors, we
937 obtain 10 9 8 7 6 6 7 8 9 10 instead of 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8).
940 To summarize the simulation results led us to show that, with a few exceptions (without virtual load), our proposal is superior to the {\it Bertsekas and Tsiltsikis} algorithm in all the tested scenarios. The illustrated results indicate that network size, CCR values and initial load distribution have a significant impact on the algorithm's performances. Thus, this experimental study corroborates the usefulness of our algorithm, and confirms that when dealing with realistic model platforms, both {\it best effort} strategy and {\it virtual load} transfers play an important role on the achieved idle and convergence times.
945 \label{conclusions-remarks}
947 In this paper, a new asynchronous load balancing algorithm for non negative real numbers
948 of divisible loads in distributed systems was presented. The proposed algorithm which is called {\it best effort strategy}
949 seeks greedily for loads imbalance detection and tries to achieve efficient local load equilibrium
950 between neighbors. Our proposal is based on {\it a clairvoyant virtual loads' transfer} scheme which allows nodes to predict the future loads they will receive in the subsequent iterations.
951 This leads to a noticeable speedup of the global convergence time of the load balancing process.
952 Based on SimGrid simulator, we have demonstrated that, when dealing with realistic models of computation and communication, our algorithm exhibits better performances than its direct competitor from the literature. This makes it a viable choice for load balancing of both non negative real and integer divisible loads in distributed computing systems. % un peu gonflé peut être pour la dernière phrase.
954 \section*{Acknowledgments}
956 This paper is partially funded by the Labex ACTION program (contract
957 ANR-11-LABX-01-01). We also thank the supercomputer facilities of the Mésocentre de calcul de Franche-Comté.
959 \bibliographystyle{elsarticle-num}
960 \bibliography{biblio}
961 %\FIXME{find and add more references}
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973 % LocalWords: SimGrid DASUD Comté asynchronism ji ik isend irecv Cortés et al
974 % LocalWords: chan ctrl fifo Makhoul GFlop xml pre FEMTO Makhoul's fca bdee
975 % LocalWords: cdde Contassot Vivier underlaid du de Maréchal Juin cedex calcul
976 % LocalWords: biblio Institut UMR Université UFC Centre Scientifique CNRS des
977 % LocalWords: École Nationale Supérieure Mécanique Microtechniques ENSMM UTBM
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