1 \documentclass[smallextended]{svjour3}
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9 \usepackage[ruled,lined]{algorithm2e}
11 \newcommand{\abs}[1]{\lvert#1\rvert} % \abs{x} -> |x|
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14 \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{:~}l@{}}}{%
17 \newcommand{\FIXMEmargin}[1]{%
18 \marginpar{\textbf{[FIXME]} {\footnotesize #1}}}
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27 \title{Best effort strategy and virtual load
28 for asynchronous iterative load balancing}
30 \author{Raphaël Couturier \and
34 \institute{R. Couturier \and A. Giersch \at
35 FEMTO-ST, University of Franche-Comté, Belfort, France \\
36 % Tel.: +123-45-678910\\
37 % Fax: +123-45-678910\\
39 raphael.couturier@femto-st.fr,
40 arnaud.giersch@femto-st.fr}
48 Most of the time, asynchronous load balancing algorithms have extensively been
49 studied in a theoretical point of view. The Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis'
50 algorithm~\cite[section~7.4]{bertsekas+tsitsiklis.1997.parallel}
51 is certainly the most well known algorithm for which the convergence proof is
52 given. From a practical point of view, when a node wants to balance a part of
53 its load to some of its neighbors, the strategy is not described. In this
54 paper, we propose a strategy called \emph{best effort} which tries to balance
55 the load of a node to all its less loaded neighbors while ensuring that all the
56 nodes concerned by the load balancing phase have the same amount of load.
57 Moreover, asynchronous iterative algorithms in which an asynchronous load
58 balancing algorithm is implemented most of the time can dissociate messages
59 concerning load transfers and message concerning load information. In order to
60 increase the converge of a load balancing algorithm, we propose a simple
61 heuristic called \emph{virtual load} which allows a node that receives a load
62 information message to integrate the load that it will receive later in its
63 load (virtually) and consequently sends a (real) part of its load to some of its
64 neighbors. In order to validate our approaches, we have defined a simulator
65 based on SimGrid which allowed us to conduct many experiments.
70 \section{Introduction}
72 Load balancing algorithms are extensively used in parallel and distributed
73 applications in order to reduce the execution times. They can be applied in
74 different scientific fields from high performance computation to micro sensor
75 networks. They are iterative by nature. In literature many kinds of load
76 balancing algorithms have been studied. They can be classified according
77 different criteria: centralized or decentralized, in static or dynamic
78 environment, with homogeneous or heterogeneous load, using synchronous or
79 asynchronous iterations, with a static topology or a dynamic one which evolves
80 during time. In this work, we focus on asynchronous load balancing algorithms
81 where computer nodes are considered homogeneous and with homogeneous load with
82 no external load. In this context, Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis have proposed an
83 algorithm which is definitively a reference for many works. In their work, they
84 proved that under classical hypotheses of asynchronous iterative algorithms and
85 a special constraint avoiding \emph{ping-pong} effect, an asynchronous
86 iterative algorithm converge to the uniform load distribution. This work has
87 been extended by many authors. For example, Cortés et al., with
88 DASUD~\cite{cortes+ripoll+cedo+al.2002.asynchronous}, propose a
89 version working with integer load. This work was later generalized by
90 the same authors in \cite{cedo+cortes+ripoll+al.2007.convergence}.
91 \FIXME{Rajouter des choses ici. Lesquelles ?}
93 Although the Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis' algorithm describes the condition to
94 ensure the convergence, there is no indication or strategy to really implement
95 the load distribution. In other word, a node can send a part of its load to one
96 or many of its neighbors while all the convergence conditions are
97 followed. Consequently, we propose a new strategy called \emph{best effort}
98 that tries to balance the load of a node to all its less loaded neighbors while
99 ensuring that all the nodes concerned by the load balancing phase have the same
100 amount of load. Moreover, when real asynchronous applications are considered,
101 using asynchronous load balancing algorithms can reduce the execution
102 times. Most of the times, it is simpler to distinguish load information messages
103 from data migration messages. Former ones allows a node to inform its
104 neighbors of its current load. These messages are very small, they can be sent
105 quite often. For example, if an computing iteration takes a significant times
106 (ranging from seconds to minutes), it is possible to send a new load information
107 message at each neighbor at each iteration. Latter messages contains data that
108 migrates from one node to another one. Depending on the application, it may have
109 sense or not that nodes try to balance a part of their load at each computing
110 iteration. But the time to transfer a load message from a node to another one is
111 often much more longer that to time to transfer a load information message. So,
112 when a node receives the information that later it will receive a data message,
113 it can take this information into account and it can consider that its new load
114 is larger. Consequently, it can send a part of it real load to some of its
115 neighbors if required. We call this trick the \emph{virtual load} mechanism.
119 So, in this work, we propose a new strategy for improving the distribution of
120 the load and a simple but efficient trick that also improves the load
121 balancing. Moreover, we have conducted many simulations with SimGrid in order to
122 validate our improvements are really efficient. Our simulations consider that in
123 order to send a message, a latency delays the sending and according to the
124 network performance and the message size, the time of the reception of the
127 In the following of this paper, Section~\ref{BT algo} describes the Bertsekas
128 and Tsitsiklis' asynchronous load balancing algorithm. Moreover, we present a
129 possible problem in the convergence conditions. Section~\ref{Best-effort}
130 presents the best effort strategy which provides an efficient way to reduce the
131 execution times. This strategy will be compared with other ones, presented in
132 Section~\ref{Other}. In Section~\ref{Virtual load}, the virtual load mechanism
133 is proposed. Simulations allowed to show that both our approaches are valid
134 using a quite realistic model detailed in Section~\ref{Simulations}. Finally we
135 give a conclusion and some perspectives to this work.
139 \section{Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis' asynchronous load balancing algorithm}
142 In order prove the convergence of asynchronous iterative load balancing
143 Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis proposed a model
144 in~\cite{bertsekas+tsitsiklis.1997.parallel}. Here we recall some notations.
145 Consider that $N={1,...,n}$ processors are connected through a network.
146 Communication links are represented by a connected undirected graph $G=(N,V)$
147 where $V$ is the set of links connecting different processors. In this work, we
148 consider that processors are homogeneous for sake of simplicity. It is quite
149 easy to tackle the heterogeneous case~\cite{ElsMonPre02}. Load of processor $i$
150 at time $t$ is represented by $x_i(t)\geq 0$. Let $V(i)$ be the set of
151 neighbors of processor $i$. Each processor $i$ has an estimate of the load of
152 each of its neighbors $j \in V(i)$ represented by $x_j^i(t)$. According to
153 asynchronism and communication delays, this estimate may be outdated. We also
154 consider that the load is described by a continuous variable.
156 When a processor send a part of its load to one or some of its neighbors, the
157 transfer takes time to be completed. Let $s_{ij}(t)$ be the amount of load that
158 processor $i$ has transferred to processor $j$ at time $t$ and let $r_{ij}(t)$ be the
159 amount of load received by processor $j$ from processor $i$ at time $t$. Then
160 the amount of load of processor $i$ at time $t+1$ is given by:
162 x_i(t+1)=x_i(t)-\sum_{j\in V(i)} s_{ij}(t) + \sum_{j\in V(i)} r_{ji}(t)
167 Some conditions are required to ensure the convergence. One of them can be
168 called the \emph{ping-pong} condition which specifies that:
170 x_i(t)-\sum _{k\in V(i)} s_{ik}(t) \geq x_j^i(t)+s_{ij}(t)
172 for any processor $i$ and any $j \in V(i)$ such that $x_i(t)>x_j^i(t)$. This
173 condition aims at avoiding a processor to send a part of its load and being
174 less loaded after that.
176 Nevertheless, we think that this condition may lead to deadlocks in some
177 cases. For example, if we consider only three processors and that processor $1$
178 is linked to processor $2$ which is also linked to processor $3$ (i.e. a simple
179 chain which 3 processors). Now consider we have the following values at time $t$:
186 In this case, processor $2$ can either sends load to processor $1$ or processor
187 $3$. If it sends load to processor $1$ it will not satisfy condition
188 (\ref{eq:ping-pong}) because after the sending it will be less loaded that
189 $x_3^2(t)$. So we consider that the \emph{ping-pong} condition is probably to
190 strong. Currently, we did not try to make another convergence proof without this
191 condition or with a weaker condition.
193 \FIXME{Develop: We have the feeling that such a weaker condition
194 exists, because (it's not a proof, but) we have never seen any
195 scenario that is not leading to convergence, even with LB-strategies
196 that are not fulfilling these two conditions.}
198 \section{Best effort strategy}
201 In this section we describe a new load-balancing strategy that we call
202 \emph{best effort}. First, we explain the general idea behind this strategy,
203 and then we describe some variants of this basic strategy.
205 \subsection{Basic strategy}
207 The general idea behind the \emph{best effort} strategy is that each processor,
208 that detects it has more load than some of its neighbors, sends some load to the
209 most of its less loaded neighbors, doing its best to reach the equilibrium
210 between those neighbors and himself.
212 More precisely, when a processor $i$ is in its load-balancing phase,
213 he proceeds as following.
215 \item First, the neighbors are sorted in non-decreasing order of their
216 known loads $x^i_j(t)$.
218 \item Then, this sorted list is traversed in order to find its largest
219 prefix such as the load of each selected neighbor is lesser than:
221 \item the processor's own load, and
222 \item the mean of the loads of the selected neighbors and of the
225 Let's call $S_i(t)$ the set of the selected neighbors, and
226 $\bar{x}(t)$ the mean of the loads of the selected neighbors and of
229 \bar{x}(t) = \frac{1}{\abs{S_i(t)} + 1}
230 \left( x_i(t) + \sum_{j\in S_i(t)} x^i_j(t) \right)
232 The following properties hold:
235 S_i(t) \subset V(i) \\
236 x^i_j(t) < x_i(t) & \forall j \in S_i(t) \\
237 x^i_j(t) < \bar{x} & \forall j \in S_i(t) \\
238 x^i_j(t) \leq x^i_k(t) & \forall j \in S_i(t), \forall k \in V(i) \setminus S_i(t) \\
243 \item Once this selection is completed, processor $i$ sends to each of
244 the selected neighbor $j\in S_i(t)$ an amount of load $s_{ij}(t) =
247 From the above equations, and notably from the definition of
248 $\bar{x}$, it can easily be verified that:
251 x_i(t) - \sum_{j\in S_i(t)} s_{ij}(t) = \bar{x} \\
252 x^i_j(t) + s_{ij}(t) = \bar{x} & \forall j \in S_i(t)
257 \subsection{Leveling the amount to send}
259 With the aforementioned basic strategy, each node does its best to reach the
260 equilibrium with its neighbors. Since each node may be taking the same kind of
261 decision at the same moment, there is the risk that a node receives load from
262 several of its neighbors, and then is temporary going off the equilibrium state.
263 This is particularly true with strongly connected applications.
265 In order to reduce this effect, we add the ability to level the amount to send.
266 The idea, here, is to make smaller steps toward the equilibrium, such that a
267 potentially wrong decision has a lower impact.
269 Concretely, once $s_{ij}$ has been evaluated as before, it is simply divided by
270 some configurable factor. That's what we named the ``parameter $k$'' in
271 Section~\ref{Results}. The amount of data to send is then $s_{ij}(t) = (\bar{x}
273 \FIXME[check that it's still named $k$ in Sec.~\ref{Results}]{}
275 \section{Other strategies}
278 Another load balancing strategy, working under the same conditions, was
279 previously developed by Bahi, Giersch, and Makhoul in
280 \cite{bahi+giersch+makhoul.2008.scalable}. In order to assess the performances
281 of the new \emph{best effort}, we naturally chose to compare it to this anterior
282 work. More precisely, we will use the algorithm~2 from
283 \cite{bahi+giersch+makhoul.2008.scalable} and, in the following, we will
284 reference it under the name of Makhoul's.
286 Here is an outline of the Makhoul's algorithm. When a given node needs to take
287 a load balancing decision, it starts by sorting its neighbors by increasing
288 order of their load. Then, it computes the difference between its own load, and
289 the load of each of its neighbors. Finally, taking the neighbors following the
290 order defined before, the amount of load to send $s_{ij}$ is computed as
291 $1/(N+1)$ of the load difference, with $N$ being the number of neighbors. This
292 process continues as long as the node is more loaded than the considered
296 \section{Virtual load}
299 In this section, we present the concept of \texttt{virtual load}. In order to
300 use this concept, load balancing messages must be sent using two different kinds
301 of messages: load information messages and load balancing messages. More
302 precisely, a node wanting to send a part of its load to one of its neighbors,
303 can first send a load information message containing the load it will send and
304 then it can send the load balancing message containing data to be transferred.
305 Load information message are really short, consequently they will be received
306 very quickly. In opposition, load balancing messages are often bigger and thus
307 require more time to be transferred.
309 The concept of \texttt{virtual load} allows a node that received a load
310 information message to integrate the load that it will receive later in its load
311 (virtually) and consequently send a (real) part of its load to some of its
312 neighbors. In fact, a node that receives a load information message knows that
313 later it will receive the corresponding load balancing message containing the
314 corresponding data. So if this node detects it is too loaded compared to some
315 of its neighbors and if it has enough load (real load), then it can send more
316 load to some of its neighbors without waiting the reception of the load
319 Doing this, we can expect a faster convergence since nodes have a faster
320 information of the load they will receive, so they can take in into account.
322 \FIXME{Est ce qu'on donne l'algo avec virtual load?}
324 \FIXME{describe integer mode}
326 \section{Simulations}
329 In order to test and validate our approaches, we wrote a simulator
331 framework~\cite{casanova+legrand+quinson.2008.simgrid}. This
332 simulator, which consists of about 2,700 lines of C++, allows to run
333 the different load-balancing strategies under various parameters, such
334 as the initial distribution of load, the interconnection topology, the
335 characteristics of the running platform, etc. Then several metrics
336 are issued that permit to compare the strategies.
338 The simulation model is detailed in the next section (\ref{Sim
339 model}), and the experimental contexts are described in
340 section~\ref{Contexts}. Then the results of the simulations are
341 presented in section~\ref{Results}.
343 \subsection{Simulation model}
346 In the simulation model the processors exchange messages which are of
347 two kinds. First, there are \emph{control messages} which only carry
348 information that is exchanged between the processors, such as the
349 current load, or the virtual load transfers if this option is
350 selected. These messages are rather small, and their size is
351 constant. Then, there are \emph{data messages} that carry the real
352 load transferred between the processors. The size of a data message
353 is a function of the amount of load that it carries, and it can be
354 pretty large. In order to receive the messages, each processor has
355 two receiving channels, one for each kind of messages. Finally, when
356 a message is sent or received, this is done by using the non-blocking
357 primitives of SimGrid\footnote{That are \texttt{MSG\_task\_isend()},
358 and \texttt{MSG\_task\_irecv()}.}.
360 During the simulation, each processor concurrently runs three threads:
361 a \emph{receiving thread}, a \emph{computing thread}, and a
362 \emph{load-balancing thread}, which we will briefly describe now.
364 \paragraph{Receiving thread} The receiving thread is in charge of
365 waiting for messages to come, either on the control channel, or on the
366 data channel. Its behavior is sketched by Algorithm~\ref{algo.recv}.
367 When a message is received, it is pushed in a buffer of
368 received message, to be later consumed by one of the other threads.
369 There are two such buffers, one for the control messages, and one for
370 the data messages. The buffers are implemented with a lock-free FIFO
371 \cite{sutter.2008.writing} to avoid contention between the threads.
374 \caption{Receiving thread}
378 \VAR{ctrl\_chan}, \VAR{data\_chan}
379 & communication channels (control and data) \\
380 \VAR{ctrl\_fifo}, \VAR{data\_fifo}
381 & buffers of received messages (control and data) \\
384 wait for a message to be available on either \VAR{ctrl\_chan},
385 or \VAR{data\_chan}\;
386 \If{a message is available on \VAR{ctrl\_chan}}{%
387 get the message from \VAR{ctrl\_chan}, and push it into \VAR{ctrl\_fifo}\;
389 \If{a message is available on \VAR{data\_chan}}{%
390 get the message from \VAR{data\_chan}, and push it into \VAR{data\_fifo}\;
395 \paragraph{Computing thread} The computing thread is in charge of the
396 real load management. As exposed in Algorithm~\ref{algo.comp}, it
397 iteratively runs the following operations:
399 \item if some load was received from the neighbors, get it;
400 \item if there is some load to send to the neighbors, send it;
401 \item run some computation, whose duration is function of the current
402 load of the processor.
404 Practically, after the computation, the computing thread waits for a
405 small amount of time if the iterations are looping too fast (for
406 example, when the current load is near zero).
409 \caption{Computing thread}
413 \VAR{data\_fifo} & buffer of received data messages \\
414 \VAR{real\_load} & current load \\
417 \If{\VAR{data\_fifo} is empty and $\VAR{real\_load} = 0$}{%
418 wait until a message is pushed into \VAR{data\_fifo}\;
420 \While{\VAR{data\_fifo} is not empty}{%
421 pop a message from \VAR{data\_fifo}\;
422 get the load embedded in the message, and add it to \VAR{real\_load}\;
424 \ForEach{neighbor $n$}{%
425 \If{there is some amount of load $a$ to send to $n$}{%
426 send $a$ units of load to $n$, and subtract it from \VAR{real\_load}\;
429 \If{$\VAR{real\_load} > 0.0$}{
430 simulate some computation, whose duration is function of \VAR{real\_load}\;
431 ensure that the main loop does not iterate too fast\;
436 \paragraph{Load-balancing thread} The load-balancing thread is in
437 charge of running the load-balancing algorithm, and exchange the
438 control messages. As shown in Algorithm~\ref{algo.lb}, it iteratively
439 runs the following operations:
441 \item get the control messages that were received from the neighbors;
442 \item run the load-balancing algorithm;
443 \item send control messages to the neighbors, to inform them of the
444 processor's current load, and possibly of virtual load transfers;
445 \item wait a minimum (configurable) amount of time, to avoid to
450 \caption{Load-balancing}
453 \While{\VAR{ctrl\_fifo} is not empty}{%
454 pop a message from \VAR{ctrl\_fifo}\;
455 identify the sender of the message,
456 and update the current knowledge of its load\;
458 run the load-balancing algorithm to make the decision about load transfers\;
459 \ForEach{neighbor $n$}{%
460 send a control messages to $n$\;
462 ensure that the main loop does not iterate too fast\;
467 For the sake of simplicity, a few details were voluntary omitted from
468 these descriptions. For an exhaustive presentation, we refer to the
469 actual source code that was used for the experiments%
470 \footnote{As mentioned before, our simulator relies on the SimGrid
471 framework~\cite{casanova+legrand+quinson.2008.simgrid}. For the
472 experiments, we used a pre-release of SimGrid 3.7 (Git commit
473 67d62fca5bdee96f590c942b50021cdde5ce0c07, available from
474 \url{https://gforge.inria.fr/scm/?group_id=12})}, and which is
476 \url{http://info.iut-bm.univ-fcomte.fr/staff/giersch/software/loba.tar.gz}.
478 \FIXME{ajouter des détails sur la gestion de la charge virtuelle ?
479 par ex, donner l'idée générale de l'implémentation. l'idée générale est déja décrite en section~\ref{Virtual load}}
481 \subsection{Experimental contexts}
484 In order to assess the performances of our algorithms, we ran our
485 simulator with various parameters, and extracted several metrics, that
486 we will describe in this section.
488 \paragraph{Load balancing strategies}
490 Several load balancing strategies were compared. We ran the experiments with
491 the \emph{Best effort}, and with the \emph{Makhoul} strategies. \emph{Best
492 effort} was tested with parameter $k = 1$, $k = 2$, and $k = 4$. Secondly,
493 each strategy was run in its two variants: with, and without the management of
494 \emph{virtual load}. Finally, we tested each configuration with \emph{real},
495 and with \emph{integer} load.
497 To summarize the different load balancing strategies, we have:
499 \item[\textbf{strategies:}] \emph{Makhoul}, or \emph{Best effort} with $k\in
501 \item[\textbf{variants:}] with, or without virtual load
502 \item[\textbf{domain:}] real load, or integer load
505 This gives us as many as $4\times 2\times 2 = 16$ different strategies.
507 \paragraph{End of the simulation}
509 The simulations were run until the load was nearly balanced among the
510 participating nodes. More precisely the simulation stops when each node holds
511 an amount of load at less than 1\% of the load average, during an arbitrary
512 number of computing iterations (2000 in our case).
514 Note that this convergence detection was implemented in a centralized manner.
515 This is easy to do within the simulator, but it's obviously not realistic. In a
516 real application we would have chosen a decentralized convergence detection
517 algorithm, like the one described by Bahi, Contassot-Vivier, Couturier, and
518 Vernier in \cite{10.1109/TPDS.2005.2}.
520 \paragraph{Platforms}
522 In order to show the behavior of the different strategies in different
523 settings, we simulated the executions on two sorts of platforms. These two
524 sorts of platforms differ by their underlaid network topology. On the one hand,
525 we have homogeneous platforms, modeled as a cluster. On the other hand, we have
526 heterogeneous platforms, modeled as the interconnection of a number of clusters.
528 The clusters were modeled by a fixed number of computing nodes interconnected
529 through a backbone link. Each computing node has a computing power of
530 1~GFlop/s, and is connected to the backbone by a network link whose bandwidth is
531 of 125~MB/s, with a latency of 50~$\mu$s. The backbone has a network bandwidth
532 of 2.25~GB/s, with a latency of 500~$\mu$s.
534 The heterogeneous platform descriptions were created by taking a subset of the
535 Grid'5000 infrastructure\footnote{Grid'5000 is a French large scale experimental
536 Grid (see \url{https://www.grid5000.fr/}).}, as described in the platform file
537 \texttt{g5k.xml} distributed with SimGrid. Note that the heterogeneity of the
538 platform here only comes from the network topology. Indeed, since our
539 algorithms currently do not handle heterogeneous computing resources, the
540 processor speeds were normalized, and we arbitrarily chose to fix them to
543 Then we derived each sort of platform with four different number of computing
544 nodes: 16, 64, 256, and 1024 nodes.
546 \paragraph{Configurations}
548 The distributed processes of the application were then logically organized along
549 three possible topologies: a line, a torus or an hypercube. We ran tests where
550 the total load was initially on an only node (at one end for the line topology),
551 and other tests where the load was initially randomly distributed across all the
552 participating nodes. The total amount of load was fixed to a number of load
553 units equal to 1000 times the number of node. The average load is then of 1000
556 For each of the preceding configuration, we finally had to choose the
557 computation and communication costs of a load unit. We chose them, such as to
558 have three different computation over communication cost ratios, and hence model
559 three different kinds of applications:
561 \item mainly communicating, with a computation/communication cost ratio of $1/10$;
562 \item mainly computing, with a computation/communication cost ratio of $10/1$ ;
563 \item balanced, with a computation/communication cost ratio of $1/1$.
566 To summarize the various configurations, we have:
568 \item[\textbf{platforms:}] homogeneous (cluster), or heterogeneous (subset of
570 \item[\textbf{platform sizes:}] platforms with 16, 64, 256, or 1024 nodes
571 \item[\textbf{process topologies:}] line, torus, or hypercube
572 \item[\textbf{initial load distribution:}] initially on a only node, or
573 initially randomly distributed over all nodes
574 \item[\textbf{computation/communication ratio:}] $10/1$, $1/1$, or $1/10$
577 This gives us as many as $2\times 4\times 3\times 2\times 3 = 144$ different
580 Combined with the various load balancing strategies, we had $16\times 144 =
581 2304$ distinct settings to evaluate. In fact, as it will be shown later, we
582 didn't run all the strategies, nor all the configurations for the bigger
583 platforms with 1024 nodes, since to simulations would have run for a too long
586 Anyway, all these the experiments represent more than 240 hours of computing
591 In order to evaluate and compare the different load balancing strategies we had
592 to define several metrics. Our goal, when choosing these metrics, was to have
593 something tending to a constant value, i.e. to have a measure which is not
594 changing anymore once the convergence state is reached. Moreover, we wanted to
595 have some normalized value, in order to be able to compare them across different
598 With these constraints in mind, we defined the following metrics:
601 \item[\textbf{average idle time:}] that's the total time spent, when the nodes
602 don't hold any share of load, and thus have nothing to compute. This total
603 time is divided by the number of participating nodes, such as to have a number
604 that can be compared between simulations of different sizes.
606 This metric is expected to give an idea of the ability of the strategy to
607 diffuse the load quickly. A smaller value is better.
609 \item[\textbf{average convergence date:}] that's the average of the dates when
610 all nodes reached the convergence state. The dates are measured as a number
611 of (simulated) seconds since the beginning of the simulation.
613 \item[\textbf{maximum convergence date:}] that's the date when the last node
614 reached the convergence state.
616 These two dates give an idea of the time needed by the strategy to reach the
617 equilibrium state. A smaller value is better.
619 \item[\textbf{data transfer amount:}] that's the sum of the amount of all data
620 transfers during the simulation. This sum is then normalized by dividing it
621 by the total amount of data present in the system.
623 This metric is expected to give an idea of the efficiency of the strategy in
624 terms of data movements, i.e. its ability to reach the equilibrium with fewer
625 transfers. Again, a smaller value is better.
630 \subsection{Validation of our approaches}
634 On constate quoi (vérifier avec les chiffres)?
636 \item cluster ou grid, entier ou réel, ne font pas de grosses différences
638 \item bookkeeping? améliore souvent les choses, parfois au prix d'un retard au démarrage
640 \item makhoul? se fait battre sur les grosses plateformes
642 \item taille de plateforme?
644 \item ratio comp/comm?
646 \item option $k$? peut-être intéressant sur des plateformes fortement interconnectées (hypercube)
648 \item volume de comm? souvent, besteffort/plain en fait plus. pourquoi?
650 \item integer mode sur topo. line n'a jamais fini en plain? vérifier si ce n'est
651 pas à cause de l'effet d'escalier que bk est capable de gommer.
653 \item répartition initiale de la charge ?
658 On veut montrer quoi ? :
659 \FIXME{remove that part}
661 1) best plus rapide que les autres (simple, makhoul)
662 2) avantage virtual load
664 Est ce qu'on peut trouver des contre exemple?
668 Simulation avec temps définies assez long et on mesure la qualité avec : volume de calcul effectué, volume de données échangées
669 Mais aussi simulation avec temps court qui montre que seul best converge
671 Expés avec ratio calcul/comm rapide et lent
673 Quelques expés avec charge initiale aléatoire plutot que sur le premier proc
675 Cadre processeurs homogènes
679 On ne tient pas compte de la vitesse des liens donc on la considère homogène
681 Prendre un réseau hétérogène et rendre processeur homogène
683 Taille : 10 100 très gros
686 \section{Conclusion and perspectives}
690 \begin{acknowledgements}
691 Computations have been performed on the supercomputer facilities of
692 the Mésocentre de calcul de Franche-Comté.
693 \end{acknowledgements}
695 \bibliographystyle{spmpsci}
696 \bibliography{biblio}
704 %%% ispell-local-dictionary: "american"
707 % LocalWords: Raphaël Couturier Arnaud Giersch Abderrahmane Sider Franche ij
708 % LocalWords: Bertsekas Tsitsiklis SimGrid DASUD Comté Béjaïa asynchronism ji
709 % LocalWords: ik isend irecv Cortés et al chan ctrl fifo Makhoul GFlop xml pre
710 % LocalWords: FEMTO Makhoul's fca bdee cdde Contassot Vivier underlaid