#!/bin/bash set -e declare -a toclean cleanup() { test ${#toclean[@]} -gt 0 && rm -f "${toclean[@]}" } trap cleanup EXIT tmpA=$(mktemp) toclean+=( $tmpA ) tmpB=$(mktemp) toclean+=( $tmpB ) debug=0 if [ "$1" = "-d" ]; then debug=1 shift fi if_debug() { [ $debug = 1 ] && eval "$@" } RE=${1:-_R[1N]_} grep -e "$RE" alldata > $tmpA for type in {I,R}{1,N}; do for ratio in 10:1 1:1 1:10; do for platf in cluster grid; do for topo in line torus hcube; do < $tmpA awk \ -v re="^results_${type}_${ratio}/plat_${platf}[0-9]+/topo_${topo}" \ ' $0 ~ re { split($1, cfg, "/"); platf=cfg[2]; algo=cfg[4]; size=substr(platf, match(platf, "[0-9]")); idle=$4; conv_avg=$5; conv_max=$6; if (conv_max > 0.0) print algo, size, idle, conv_avg, conv_max; } ' \ | sort -k1,1r -k2,2n \ | awk \ ' { if (NR == 1) { printf("%s\n", $1); } else if ($1 != prev) { printf("\n\n%s\n", $1); } prev=$1; $1=""; print; } ' \ > $tmpB title="results_${type}_${ratio}/plat_${platf}/topo_${topo}" if [ ! -s $tmpB ]; then if_debug echo "... skip: $title" continue fi echo "===[ $title ]===" if_debug cat $tmpB nb=$(expr $(grep -c ^algo $tmpB) - 1) || true if true; then ### show conv max gnuplot \ -e "set title '$title'" \ -e "plot for [i=0:$nb] '$tmpB' index i using 1:4 with linespoint ls i+1 title column(1)" \ -e "pause mouse" else ### all idle avg; conv avg; conv max gnuplot \ -e "set title '$title'" \ -e "plot for [i=0:$nb] '$tmpB' index i using 1:4 with linespoint ls i+1 title column(1), for [i=0:$nb] '$tmpB' index i using 1:3 with linespoint ls i+1 notitle, for [i=0:$nb] '$tmpB' index i using 1:2 with linespoint ls i+1 notitle" \ -e "pause mouse" fi done done done done