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+title = {Parallel Iterative Algorithms: from sequential to grid computing},
+publisher = {Chapman \& Hall/CRC},
+series = {Numerical Analysis \& Scientific Computating},
+year = 2007,
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+ journal={Applied Soft Computing},
+ volume={13},
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+ title={Artificial life techniques for load balancing in computational grids},
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+ title={Task scheduling using NSGA II with fuzzy adaptive operators for computational grids},
+ author={Salimi, Reza and Motameni, Homayun and Omranpour, Hesam},
+ journal={Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing},
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+ title={Grid load balancing using intelligent agents},
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+ journal={Future generation computer systems},
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+ title={Achieving dynamic load balancing through mobile agents in small world P2P networks},
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+ journal={Computer Networks},
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+ title={A new fuzzy-decision based load balancing system for distributed object computing},
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+ journal={Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing},
+ volume={64},
+ number={2},
+ pages={238--253},
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