Most of the time, asynchronous load balancing algorithms have extensively been
-studied in a theoretical point of view. The Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis' algorithm
+studied in a theoretical point of view. The Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis'
is certainly the most well known algorithm for which the convergence proof is
given. From a practical point of view, when a node wants to balance a part of
its load to some of its neighbors, the strategy is not described. In this
concerning load transfers and message concerning load information. In order to
increase the converge of a load balancing algorithm, we propose a simple
heuristic called \texttt{virtual load} which allows a node that receives an load
-information message to integrate the load that it will receive latter in its
+information message to integrate the load that it will receive later in its
load (virtually) and consequently sends a (real) part of its load to some of its
neighbors. In order to validate our approaches, we have defined a simulator
based on SimGrid which allowed us to conduct many experiments.
proved that under classical hypotheses of asynchronous iterative algorithms and
a special constraint avoiding \texttt{ping-pong} effect, an asynchronous
iterative algorithm converge to the uniform load distribution. This work has
-been extended by many authors. For example, DASUD propose a version working with
-integer load.
+been extended by many authors. For example,
+DASUD~\cite{cortes+ripoll+cedo+al.2002.asynchronous} propose a version working
+with integer load.
+%%% Local Variables:
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+% LocalWords: Raphaël Couturier Arnaud Giersch Abderrahmane Sider
+% LocalWords: Bertsekas Tsitsiklis SimGrid DASUD