+ \caption{Load-balancing}
+ \label{algo.lb}
+ \While{true}{%
+ \While{\VAR{ctrl\_fifo} is not empty}{%
+ pop a message from \VAR{ctrl\_fifo}\;
+ identify the sender of the message,
+ and update the current knowledge of its load\;
+ }
+ run the load-balancing algorithm to make the decision about load transfers\;
+ \ForEach{neighbor $n$}{%
+ send a control messages to $n$\;
+ }
+ ensure that the main loop does not iterate too fast\;
+ }
+For the sake of simplicity, a few details were voluntary omitted from
+these descriptions. For an exhaustive presentation, we refer to the
+actual code that was used for the experiments, and which is
+available at \textbf{FIXME URL}.
+\textbf{FIXME: ajouter des détails sur la gestion de la charge virtuelle ?}
+\subsection{Experimental contexts}
+\textbf{FIXME once the experimentation is done!}
+\item[platforms] homogeneous ; heterogeneous generated with the SIMULACRUM tool~\cite{QUINSON:2010:INRIA-00502839:1}