+example, when the current load is near zero).
+ \caption{Computing thread}
+ \label{algo.comp}
+ \KwData{
+ \begin{algodata}
+ \VAR{data\_fifo} & buffer of received data messages \\
+ \VAR{real\_load} & current load \\
+ \end{algodata}}
+ \While{true}{%
+ \If{\VAR{data\_fifo} is empty and $\VAR{real\_load} = 0$}{%
+ wait until a message is pushed into \VAR{data\_fifo}\;
+ }
+ \While{\VAR{data\_fifo} is not empty}{%
+ pop a message from \VAR{data\_fifo}\;
+ get the load embedded in the message, and add it to \VAR{real\_load}\;
+ }
+ \ForEach{neighbor $n$}{%
+ \If{there is some amount of load $a$ to send to $n$}{%
+ send $a$ units of load to $n$, and subtract it from \VAR{real\_load}\;
+ }
+ }
+ \If{$\VAR{real\_load} > 0.0$}{
+ simulate some computation, whose duration is function of \VAR{real\_load}\;
+ ensure that the main loop does not iterate too fast\;
+ }
+ }