\section{Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis' asynchronous load balancing algorithm}
\label{BT algo}
-Comment on the problem in the convergence condition.
+In order prove the convergence of asynchronous iterative load balancing
+Bertesekas and Tsitsiklis proposed a model
+in~\cite{bertsekas+tsitsiklis.1997.parallel}. Here we recall some notations.
+Consider that $N={1,...,n}$ processors are connected through a network.
+Communication links are represented by a connected undirected graph $G=(N,V)$
+where $V$ is the set of links connecting differents processors. In this work, we
+consider that processors are homogeneous for sake of simplicity. It is quite
+easy to tackle the heterogeneous case~\cite{ElsMonPre02}. Load of processor $i$
+at time $t$ is represented by $x_i(t)\geq 0$. Let $V(i)$ be the set of
+neighbors of processor $i$. Each processor $i$ has an estimate of the load of
+each of its neighbors $j \in V(i)$ represented by $x_j^i(t)$. According to
+asynchronism and communication delays, this estimate may be outdated. We also
+consider that the load is described by a continuous variable.
+When a processor send a part of its load to one or some of its neighbors, the
+transfer takes time to be completed. Let $s_{ij}(t)$ be the amount of load that
+processor $i$ has transfered to processor $j$ at time $t$ and let $r_{ij}(t)$ be the
+amount of load received by processor $j$ from processor $i$ at time $t$. Then
+the amount of load of processor $i$ at time $t+1$ is given by:
+x_i(t+1)=x_i(t)-\sum_{j\in V(i)} s_{ij}(t) + \sum_{j\in V(i)} r_{ji}(t)
\section{Best effort strategy}
\subsection{Validation of our approaches}
+On veut montrer quoi ? :
+1) best plus rapide que les autres (simple, makhoul)
+2) avantage virtual load
+Est ce qu'on peut trouver des contre exemple?
+Topologies variées
+Simulation avec temps définies assez long et on mesure la qualité avec : volume de calcul effectué, volume de données échangées
+Mais aussi simulation avec temps court qui montre que seul best converge
+Expés avec ratio calcul/comm rapide et lent
+Quelques expés avec charge initiale aléatoire plutot que sur le premier proc
+Cadre processeurs homogènes
+Topologies statiques
+On ne tient pas compte de la vitesse des liens donc on la considère homogène
+Prendre un réseau hétérogène et rendre processeur homogène
+Taille : 10 100 très gros
\section{Conclusion and perspectives}