Most of the time, asynchronous load balancing algorithms have extensively been
-studied in a theoretical point of view. The Bertsekas' algorithm is certainly
-the most well known algorithm for which the convergence proof is given. From a
-practical point of view, when a node wants to balance a part of its load to some
-of its neighbors, the strategy is not described. In this paper, we propose a
-strategy called \texttt{best effort} which tries to balance the load of a node
-to all its less loaded neighbors while ensuring that all the nodes concerned by
-the load balancing phase have the same amount of load. Moreover, asynchronous
-iterative algorithms in which an asynchronous load balancing algorithm is
-implemented most of the time can dissociate messages concerning load transfers
-and message concerning load information. In order to increase the converge of a
-load balancing algorithm, we propose a simple heuristic called \texttt{virtual
- load} which allows a node that receives an load information message to
-integrate the load that it will receive latter in its load (virtually) and
-consequently sends a (real) part of its load to some of its neighbors. In order
-to validate our approaches, we have defined a simulator based on SimGrid which
-allowed us to conduct many experiments.
+studied in a theoretical point of view. The Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis' algorithm
+is certainly the most well known algorithm for which the convergence proof is
+given. From a practical point of view, when a node wants to balance a part of
+its load to some of its neighbors, the strategy is not described. In this
+paper, we propose a strategy called \texttt{best effort} which tries to balance
+the load of a node to all its less loaded neighbors while ensuring that all the
+nodes concerned by the load balancing phase have the same amount of load.
+Moreover, asynchronous iterative algorithms in which an asynchronous load
+balancing algorithm is implemented most of the time can dissociate messages
+concerning load transfers and message concerning load information. In order to
+increase the converge of a load balancing algorithm, we propose a simple
+heuristic called \texttt{virtual load} which allows a node that receives an load
+information message to integrate the load that it will receive later in its
+load (virtually) and consequently sends a (real) part of its load to some of its
+neighbors. In order to validate our approaches, we have defined a simulator
+based on SimGrid which allowed us to conduct many experiments.
+Load balancing algorithms are extensively used in parallel and distributed
+applications in order to reduce the execution times. They can be applied in
+different scientific fields from high performance computation to micro sensor
+networks. They are iterative by nature. In literature many kinds of load
+balancing algorithms have been studied. They can be classified according
+different criteria: centralized or decentralized, in static or dynamic
+environment, with homogeneous or heterogeneous load, using synchronous or
+asynchronous iterations, with a static topology or a dynamic one which evolves
+during time. In this work, we focus on asynchronous load balancing algorithms
+where computer nodes are considered homogeneous and with homogeneous load with
+no external load. In this context, Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis have proposed an
+algorithm which is definitively a reference for many works. In their work, they
+proved that under classical hypotheses of asynchronous iterative algorithms and
+a special constraint avoiding \texttt{ping-pong} effect, an asynchronous
+iterative algorithm converge to the uniform load distribution. This work has
+been extended by many authors. For example, DASUD propose a version working with
+integer load.
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% mode: latex
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+%%% ispell-local-dictionary: "american"
+%%% End:
+% LocalWords: Raphaël Couturier Arnaud Giersch Abderrahmane Sider
+% LocalWords: Bertsekas Tsitsiklis SimGrid DASUD