X-Git-Url: https://bilbo.iut-bm.univ-fcomte.fr/and/gitweb/loba-papers.git/blobdiff_plain/3dde28334c43de22323538f3bab0c463fa4a5346..804146a80986e500483810bf87b00c0b2cc361c6:/supercomp11/data/script.r?ds=inline

diff --git a/supercomp11/data/script.r b/supercomp11/data/script.r
index 9694aba..52af905 100644
--- a/supercomp11/data/script.r
+++ b/supercomp11/data/script.r
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
 ## Usage: launch R, and then: source("script.r")
+## save, and chane default options
+osp <- options("scipen")
 ## load dataset (variable is "ds")
@@ -39,11 +43,6 @@ draw <- function(dset = ds,
   ## save the graphical parameters
   p <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
-### TODO
-### - add some spacing between each size
-### - fill in empty rows (e.g. with large size)
-### - add a label telling the size
   par(mar=c(13, 4, 4, 4) + 0.1,         # change margins
       mgp=c(11, 1, 0))
@@ -63,7 +62,7 @@ draw <- function(dset = ds,
   ## draw the time axis on the left
   axis(2, labels=TRUE)
-  mtext("Time (s)", side=2, line=2.5)
+  mtext("Simulated time (s)", side=2, line=2.5)
@@ -87,13 +86,77 @@ draw <- function(dset = ds,
   mtext("Data amount (relative)", side=4, line=2.5)
   ## finally, set title
-  t <- paste0(dset$Mode[1], dset$Distrib[1], " / ", dset$Ratio[1], " / ",
+  t <- paste0(dset$Mode[1], dset$Distrib[1], " / ",
+              dset$Ratio[1], " / ",
               dset$Platform[1], " / ", dset$Topo[1])
   ## restore the graphical parameters
+  return(dset)
+draw2 <- function(dset = ds,
+                 draw_mode = "R",
+                 draw_distrib = 1,
+                 draw_ratio = "1:1",
+                 draw_platform = "cluster",
+                 draw_topo = "hcube") {
+  ## extract desired data
+  dset <- subset(dset,
+                 Mode == draw_mode & Distrib == draw_distrib &
+                 Ratio == draw_ratio &
+                 Platform == draw_platform & Topo == draw_topo)
+  ## reorder lines (first "plain", then "bookkeeping")
+  dset <- rbind(subset(dset, grepl("plain", Algo)),
+                subset(dset, grepl("bookkeeping", Algo)))
+  dset <- dset[order(dset$Size), ]
+  ## keep only useful data
+  dset.long <- data.frame(Algo=dset$Algo, Size=dset$Size,
+                          Idle_avg=dset$Idle_avg,
+                          Conv_avg=dset$Conv_avg,
+                          Conv_max=dset$Conv_max)
+  ## reshape data -> wide
+  dset.wide <- reshape(dset.long, direction="wide",
+                       idvar="Algo", timevar="Size")
+  ## rename rows
+  rownames(dset.wide) <- dset.wide$Algo
+  #colnames(dset.wide) <- sub("^[^.]*\\.", "", colnames(dset.wide))
+  ## remove first column (aka "Algo")
+  dset.mat <- as.matrix(dset.wide[-1])
+  dset.plot <- dset.mat[, c(FALSE,FALSE,TRUE)]
+  barplot(dset.plot, beside=TRUE,
+          names.arg=sub("^[^.]*\\.", "", colnames(dset.plot)),
+          col=rainbow(nrow(dset.mat), s=.5))
+  dset.plot <- dset.mat[, c(FALSE,TRUE,FALSE)]
+  barplot(dset.plot, beside=TRUE,
+          axes=FALSE, axisnames=FALSE, add=TRUE,
+          legend.text=TRUE,
+          args.legend=list(x="topleft", inset=c(.02,0), title="Algorithms"),
+          col=rainbow(nrow(dset.mat)))
+  dset.plot <- dset.mat[, c(TRUE,FALSE,FALSE)]
+  barplot(dset.plot, beside=TRUE,
+          axes=FALSE, axisnames=FALSE, add=TRUE,
+          col=rainbow(nrow(dset.mat), v=.5))
+  ## finally, set titles
+  t <- paste0(dset$Mode[1], dset$Distrib[1], " / ",
+              dset$Ratio[1], " / ",
+              dset$Platform[1], " / ", dset$Topo[1])
+  title(xlab="Platform size",
+        ylab="Simulated time (s)",
+        main=t)
 msg <- function(text,
@@ -103,11 +166,43 @@ msg <- function(text,
+if (FALSE) {
 msg("First test, with algorithms \"plain\"...", wait = FALSE);
-draw(subset(ds, grepl("[lt]_plain", Algo)))
+draw(subset(ds, grepl("[lt]_plain", Algo)), draw_distrib="N")
+msg("... with draw2()...")
+draw2(subset(ds, grepl("[lt]_plain", Algo)), draw_distrib="N")
 msg("Second test, with algorithms \"bookkeeping\"...");
-draw(subset(ds, grepl("[lt]_bookkeeping", Algo)))
+draw(subset(ds, grepl("[lt]_bookkeeping", Algo)), draw_distrib="N")
+msg("... with draw2()...")
+draw2(subset(ds, grepl("[lt]_bookkeeping", Algo)), draw_distrib="N")
 msg("Third test, with all algorithms...");
+msg("... with draw2()...")
+system("mkdir -pv graphs")
+for (m in c("R", "I")) {
+  for (d in c("1", "N")) {
+    for (r in c("10:1", "1:1", "1:10")) {
+      for (t in c("line", "torus", "hcube")) {
+        for (p in c("grid", "cluster")) {
+          message(sprintf(">>> Drawing: %s%s / %s / %s / %s", m, d, r, p, t))
+          pdf(file=sprintf("graphs/%s%s-%s-%s-%s.pdf", m, d, r, p, t))
+          draw2(#subset(ds, grepl("[lt]_plain", Algo)),
+                draw_mode=m, draw_distrib=d, draw_ratio=r,
+                draw_topo=t, draw_platform=p)
+          dev.off()
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+## restore default options