NOL_INSERT("makhoul", "balance with Makhoul's PhD algorithm",
NOL_INSERT("makhoul2", "balance with Makhoul's source code",
NOL_INSERT("makhoul", "balance with Makhoul's PhD algorithm",
NOL_INSERT("makhoul2", "balance with Makhoul's source code",
<< "minimum duration between comp. iterations"
<< " [" << opt::min_comp_iter_duration << "]\n";
std::clog << o("-d value")
<< "minimum duration between comp. iterations"
<< " [" << opt::min_comp_iter_duration << "]\n";
std::clog << o("-d value")
<< " [" << opt::comp_iter_delay << "]\n";
std::clog << o("-D value")
<< "start comp. iterations after given time"
<< " [" << opt::comp_iter_delay << "]\n";
std::clog << o("-D value")
<< "start comp. iterations after given time"