+ typedef MAP_TEMPLATE<m_host_t, neighbor*> rev_neigh_type;
+ neigh_type neigh; // list of neighbors (do not alter
+ // after construction!)
+ rev_neigh_type rev_neigh; // map m_host_t -> neighbor
+ communicator comm; // communicator for this process
+ int ctrl_close_pending; // number of "close" messages to wait
+ // on ctrl channel
+ int data_close_pending; // number of "close" messages to wait
+ // on data channel
+ unsigned iter; // counter of iterations
+ double prev_load_broadcast; // used to ensure that we do not send
+ // a same information messages
+ double load; // current load
+ double expected_load; // expected load in bookkeeping mode
+ // The load balancing algorithm comes here...
+ // Parameter "my_load" is the load to take into account for myself
+ // (may be load or expected load).
+ // Returns the total load sent to neighbors.
+ virtual double load_balance(double my_load);
+ // Virtually do some computation