+ // send
+ mutex.acquire();
+ std::for_each(neigh.begin(), neigh.end(),
+ bind(&process::data_send, this, _1));
+ mutex.release();
+ if (real_load == 0.0)
+ continue;
+ // compute
+ ++comp_iter;
+ double flops = opt::comp_cost(real_load);
+ m_task_t task = MSG_task_create("computation", flops, 0.0, NULL);
+ TRACE_msg_set_task_category(task, TRACE_CAT_COMP);
+ XBT_DEBUG("compute %g flop%s", flops, ESSE(flops));
+ MSG_task_execute(task);
+ add_comp_amount(flops);
+ MSG_task_destroy(task);
+ sleep_until_date(next_iter_after_date, opt::min_comp_iter_duration);
+ }
+ XBT_VERB("Going to finalize for %s...", __func__);
+ // last send, for not losing load scheduled to be sent
+ std::for_each(neigh.begin(), neigh.end(),
+ bind(&process::data_send, this, _1));
+ finalizing = true;
+ total_load_running -= real_load;
+ XBT_DEBUG("send DATA_CLOSE to %zu neighbor%s",
+ neigh.size(), ESSE(neigh.size()));
+ std::for_each(neigh.begin(), neigh.end(),
+ bind(&process::data_close, this, _1));
+ while (data_close_pending) {
+ comm.data_flush(false);
+ XBT_DEBUG("waiting for %d DATA CLOSE", data_close_pending);
+ data_receive(-1.0);
+ }
+ comm.data_flush(true);
+bool process::still_running()
+ static bool last_status = true;
+ if (!last_status) {
+ /* nop */
+ } else if (opt::exit_request) {
+ XBT_VERB("Global exit requested");
+ last_status = false;