+ << "print current load every n lb iterations, 0 to disable"
+ << " [" << opt::log_rate << "]\n";
+ std::clog << o("-v")
+ << "verbose: do not override the default logging parameters\n";
+ std::clog << "\nAutomatic deployment:\n";
+ std::clog << o("-T name")
+ << "enable automatic deployment with selected topology"
+ << " [" << opt::auto_depl::topology << "]\n";
+ if (opt::help_requested > 1)
+ so_list(opt::topologies);
+ std::clog << o("-L value")
+ << "total load with auto deployment, average if negative"
+ << " [" << opt::auto_depl::load << "]\n";
+ std::clog << o("-N value")
+ << "number of hosts to use with auto deployment, 0 for max."
+ << " [" << opt::auto_depl::nhosts << "]\n";
+ std::clog << o("-R")
+ << "toggle random initial load distribution"
+ << " [" << opt_helper::on_off(opt::auto_depl::random_distribution)
+ << "]\n";
+ std::clog << o("-r value")
+ << "random seed for initial load distribution, or 0, or 1"
+ << " [" << opt::auto_depl::random_seed << "]\n";
+ if (opt::help_requested > 1)
+ std::clog << o("") << "- use 0 for a seed based on current date\n"
+ << o("") << "- use 1 for a constant random\n";
+ std::clog << "\nLoad balancing algorithm:\n";
+ std::clog << o("-a name") << "load balancing algorithm"
+ << " [" << opt::loba_algo << "]\n";
+ if (opt::help_requested > 1)
+ so_list(opt::loba_algorithms);
+ std::clog << o("-b") << "toggle bookkeeping (\"virtual load\")"
+ << " [" << opt_helper::on_off(opt::bookkeeping) << "]\n";
+ std::clog << o("-E") << "toggle egocentric mode when bookkeeping"
+ << " [" << opt_helper::on_off(opt::egocentric) << "]\n";
+ if (opt::help_requested > 1)
+ std::clog << o("")
+ << "(a not so good idea introduced by git commit f5336c5)\n";
+ std::clog << "\nLb. and comp. iterations:\n";
+ std::clog << o("-s value")
+ << "minimum duration between lb. iterations"
+ << " [" << opt::min_lb_iter_duration << "]\n";
+ std::clog << o("-S value")
+ << "minimum duration between comp. iterations"
+ << " [" << opt::min_comp_iter_duration << "]\n";
+ std::clog << o("-d value")
+ << "start comp. iterations after given number of lb. iter."
+ << " [" << opt::comp_iter_delay << "]\n";
+ std::clog << o("-D value")
+ << "start comp. iterations after given time"
+ << " [" << opt::comp_time_delay << "]\n";
+ std::clog << "\nComputations and communications:\n";
+ std::clog << o("-c [aN,...]a0")