-#include <cstring>
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <csignal>
+#include <cstring> // strchr
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
+#include <unistd.h>
#include <msg/msg.h>
#include <xbt/log.h>
XBT_LOG_NEW_SUBCATEGORY(comm, simu, "Messages from asynchronous pipes");
XBT_LOG_NEW_SUBCATEGORY(proc, simu, "Messages from base process class");
XBT_LOG_NEW_SUBCATEGORY(loba, simu, "Messages from load-balancer");
+XBT_LOG_NEW_SUBCATEGORY(thrd, simu, "Messages from thread wrapper class");
#include "misc.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "process.h"
+#include "simgrid_features.h"
#include "statistics.h"
+#include "synchro.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "tracing.h"
#include "version.h"
+#define DATA_DESCR_WIDTH 39
namespace {
// Failure exit status
enum {
EXIT_FAILURE_INIT = 0x02, // failed to initialize simulator
EXIT_FAILURE_SIMU = 0x04, // simulation failed
EXIT_FAILURE_CLEAN = 0x08, // error at cleanup
+ EXIT_FAILURE_INTR = 0x10, // interrupted by user
+ EXIT_FAILURE_LOAD = 0x20, // lost load on exit
+ EXIT_FAILURE_OTHER = 0x40, // other error
- xbt_mutex_t proc_mutex;
- xbt_cond_t proc_cond;
- unsigned proc_counter;
- struct statistics comps;
- struct statistics loads;
+ // Cannot be globally initialized...
+ mutex_t* proc_mutex;
+ condition_t* proc_cond;
+ unsigned proc_counter = 0;
+ statistics loads;
+ statistics comps;
+ statistics comp_iterations;
+ statistics all_comp_iterations;
+ statistics iter_deviation;
+ statistics data_send_amount;
+ statistics data_recv_amount;
+ statistics data_send_count;
+ statistics data_recv_count;
+ statistics ctrl_send_amount;
+ statistics ctrl_recv_amount;
+ statistics ctrl_send_count;
+ statistics ctrl_recv_count;
+ statistics idle_duration;
+ statistics convergence;
int result;
process* proc;
- try {
- proc = opt::loba_algorithms.new_instance(opt::loba_algo, argc, argv);
- xbt_mutex_acquire(proc_mutex);
- ++proc_counter;
- xbt_mutex_release(proc_mutex);
- result = proc->run();
- xbt_mutex_acquire(proc_mutex);
- comps.push(proc->get_comp());
- loads.push(proc->get_real_load());
- // Synchronization barrier...
- // The goal is to circumvent a limitation in SimGrid (at least
- // in version 3.5): a process must be alive when another one
- // destroys a communication they had together.
+ proc = opt::loba_algorithms.new_instance(opt::loba_algo, argc, argv);
+ proc_mutex->acquire();
+ ++proc_counter;
+ proc_mutex->release();
+ result = proc->run();
+ proc_mutex->acquire();
+ loads.push(proc->get_real_load());
+ comps.push(proc->get_comp_amount());
+ comp_iterations.push(proc->get_comp_iter());
+ all_comp_iterations.push(proc->get_all_comp_iter());
+ iter_deviation.push(proc->get_iter_deviation());
+ data_send_amount.push(proc->get_data_send_amount());
+ data_recv_amount.push(proc->get_data_recv_amount());
+ data_send_count.push(proc->get_data_send_count());
+ data_recv_count.push(proc->get_data_recv_count());
+ ctrl_send_amount.push(proc->get_ctrl_send_amount());
+ ctrl_recv_amount.push(proc->get_ctrl_recv_amount());
+ ctrl_send_count.push(proc->get_ctrl_send_count());
+ ctrl_recv_count.push(proc->get_ctrl_recv_count());
+ idle_duration.push(proc->get_idle_duration());
+ double c = proc->get_convergence();
+ if (c != -1.0)
+ convergence.push(c);
+ // Synchronization barrier...
+ // The goal is to circumvent a limitation in SimGrid (at least
+ // in version 3.5): a process must be alive when another one
+ // destroys a communication they had together.
+ --proc_counter;
+ proc_cond->broadcast();
+ while (proc_counter > 0)
+ proc_cond->wait(*proc_mutex);
+ proc_mutex->release();
+ delete proc;
- --proc_counter;
- xbt_cond_broadcast(proc_cond);
- while (proc_counter > 0)
- xbt_cond_wait(proc_cond, proc_mutex);
- xbt_mutex_release(proc_mutex);
- delete proc;
- }
- catch (std::invalid_argument& e) {
- THROW1(arg_error, 0, "%s", e.what());
- }
return result;
-static void check_for_lost_load()
+static bool check_for_lost_load()
+ bool res = true;
double total_init = process::get_total_load_init();
double total_exit = process::get_total_load_exit();
double lost = total_init - total_exit;
double lost_ratio = 100.0 * lost / total_init;
- if (lost_ratio < -opt::load_ratio_threshold)
- XBT_CRITICAL("Gained load at exit! %g (%g%%) <============",
- -lost, -lost_ratio);
- else if (lost_ratio > opt::load_ratio_threshold)
- XBT_CRITICAL("Lost load at exit! %g (%g%%) <============",
- lost, lost_ratio);
- else
+ if (lost_ratio < -opt::load_ratio_threshold) {
+ XBT_ERROR("Gained load at exit! %g (%g%%) <============",
+ -lost, -lost_ratio);
+ res = false;
+ } else if (lost_ratio > opt::load_ratio_threshold) {
+ XBT_ERROR("Lost load at exit! %g (%g%%) <============",
+ lost, lost_ratio);
+ res = false;
+ } else
XBT_VERB("Total load at exit looks good: %g (%g%%)", lost, lost_ratio);
double total_running = process::get_total_load_running();
double running_ratio = 100.0 * total_running / total_init;
- if (running_ratio < -opt::load_ratio_threshold)
- XBT_CRITICAL("Negative running load at exit! %g (%g%%) <============",
- total_running, running_ratio);
- else if (running_ratio > opt::load_ratio_threshold)
- XBT_CRITICAL("Remaining running load at exit! %g (%g%%) <============",
- total_running, running_ratio);
- else
+ if (running_ratio < -opt::load_ratio_threshold) {
+ XBT_ERROR("Negative running load at exit! %g (%g%%) <============",
+ total_running, running_ratio);
+ res = false;
+ } else if (running_ratio > opt::load_ratio_threshold) {
+ XBT_ERROR("Remaining running load at exit! %g (%g%%) <============",
+ total_running, running_ratio);
+ res = false;
+ } else
XBT_VERB("Running load at exit looks good: %g (%g%%)",
total_running, running_ratio);
+ return res;
+static void check_file_access(const std::string& name)
+ if (access(name.c_str(), R_OK) != 0) {
+ std::cerr << "ERROR: cannot access to file \""
+ << name << "\" for reading: " << strerror(errno) << "\n";
+ }
+static void signal_handler(int /*sig*/)
+ if (!opt::exit_request) {
+ XBT_CRITICAL(">>>>>>>>>>"
+ " caught CTRL-C: global exit requested "
+ "<<<<<<<<<<");
+ opt::exit_request = 1;
+ } else {
+ XBT_CRITICAL(">>>>>>>>>>"
+ " caught CTRL-C for the 2nd time: exit immediately "
+ "<<<<<<<<<<");
+ }
+static void install_signal_handler()
+ struct sigaction action;
+ action.sa_handler = signal_handler;
+ sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask);
+ action.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
+ if (sigaction(SIGINT, &action, NULL) == -1) {
+ std::cerr << "ERROR: sigaction: " << strerror(errno) << "\n";
+ }
+#define PR_VALUE(descr, format, ...) \
+ XBT_INFO("| %.*s: " format, DATA_DESCR_WIDTH, \
+ descr " ................................................", \
+ __VA_ARGS__)
#define PR_STATS(descr, st) \
- XBT_INFO("| %.*s: %g / %g / %g", 39, \
- descr " total/avg./stddev. at exit.........................", \
+ XBT_INFO("| %.*s: %g / %g / %g", DATA_DESCR_WIDTH, \
+ descr " (sum/avg/dev) ..................................", \
st.get_sum(), st.get_mean(), st.get_stddev())
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
- // Note: variables used after THROW must be declared as volatile.
- volatile int exit_status = 0; // global exit status
- volatile double simulated_time = -1.0;
- timestamp simulation_time;
- xbt_ex_t ex;
+ int exit_status = 0; // global exit status
+ double simulated_time = -1.0;
+ timestamp elapsed_time(timestamp::wallclock_time);
+ timestamp simulation_time(timestamp::cpu_time);
MSG_error_t res;
+ elapsed_time.start();
// Set default logging parameters
// Initialize some MSG internal data.
- // Note: MSG_global_init() may throw an exception, but it seems
- // impossible to catch it correctly :-(
- MSG_global_init(&argc, argv);
+ MSG_init(&argc, argv);
+ install_signal_handler();
// Parse global parameters
bool parse_res = opt::parse_args(&argc, argv);
- TRY {
- exit_status = EXIT_FAILURE_INIT; // =====
- // Register the default function of an agent
- // MSG_function_register("simulation_main", simulation_main);
- MSG_function_register_default(simulation_main);
- // Create the platform and the application.
- MSG_create_environment(opt::platform_file.c_str());
- hostdata::create();
- if (opt::auto_depl::enabled) {
- if (!opt::auto_depl::nhosts)
- opt::auto_depl::nhosts = hostdata::size();
- if (opt::auto_depl::nhosts > hostdata::size()) {
- XBT_WARN("%u hosts is too much: limiting to %zu",
- opt::auto_depl::nhosts, hostdata::size());
- opt::auto_depl::nhosts = hostdata::size();
- }
- if (!opt::auto_depl::load)
- opt::auto_depl::load = opt::auto_depl::nhosts;
- MY_launch_application(); // it is already opt::* aware...
- } else {
- MSG_launch_application(opt::deployment_file.c_str());
+ // Register the default function of an agent
+ // MSG_function_register("simulation_main", simulation_main);
+ MSG_function_register_default(simulation_main);
+ // Create the platform and the application.
+ XBT_DEBUG("Loading platform file...");
+ check_file_access(opt::platform_file);
+ MSG_create_environment(opt::platform_file.c_str());
+ XBT_DEBUG("Creating hostdata...");
+ hostdata::create();
+ XBT_INFO("Loaded description of %zd hosts.", hostdata::size());
+ XBT_DEBUG("Deploying processes...");
+ if (opt::auto_depl::enabled) {
+ if (!opt::auto_depl::nhosts)
+ opt::auto_depl::nhosts = hostdata::size();
+ if (opt::auto_depl::nhosts > hostdata::size()) {
+ XBT_WARN("%u hosts is too much: limiting to %zu",
+ opt::auto_depl::nhosts, hostdata::size());
+ opt::auto_depl::nhosts = hostdata::size();
- // Register tracing categories
- exit_status = EXIT_FAILURE_SIMU; // =====
- proc_mutex = xbt_mutex_init();
- proc_cond = xbt_cond_init();
- proc_counter = 0;
- // Launch the MSG simulation.
- XBT_INFO("Starting simulation at %f...", MSG_get_clock());
- res = MSG_main();
- simulated_time = MSG_get_clock();
- XBT_INFO("Simulation ended at %f.", simulated_time);
- xbt_cond_destroy(proc_cond);
- xbt_mutex_destroy(proc_mutex);
- if (res != MSG_OK)
- THROW1(0, 0, "MSG_main() failed with status %#x", res);
- exit_status = EXIT_NO_FAILURE; // =====
+ if (opt::auto_depl::load == 0.0) {
+ XBT_WARN("Initial load is zero! "
+ "Falling back on old behaviour (load = nhosts).");
+ opt::auto_depl::load = opt::auto_depl::nhosts;
+ } else if (opt::auto_depl::load < 0.0)
+ opt::auto_depl::load =
+ -opt::auto_depl::load * opt::auto_depl::nhosts;
+ double iload = std::trunc(opt::auto_depl::load);
+ if (opt::integer_transfer && opt::auto_depl::load != iload) {
+ XBT_WARN("Total load %g is not an integer. Truncate it.",
+ opt::auto_depl::load);
+ opt::auto_depl::load = iload;
+ }
+ MY_launch_application(); // it is already opt::* aware...
+ } else {
+ check_file_access(opt::deployment_file);
+ MSG_launch_application(opt::deployment_file.c_str());
- CATCH (ex) {
- int len = strlen(ex.msg);
- if (len > 0 && ex.msg[len - 1] == '\n')
- ex.msg[len - 1] = '\0'; // strip the ending '\n'
- XBT_ERROR("%s", ex.msg);
- XBT_DEBUG("Error from %s() in %s:%d", ex.func, ex.file, ex.line);
- xbt_ex_free(ex);
+ // Register tracing categories
+ TRACE_category_with_color(TRACE_CAT_COMP, TRACE_COLOR_COMP);
+ TRACE_category_with_color(TRACE_CAT_CTRL, TRACE_COLOR_CTRL);
+ TRACE_category_with_color(TRACE_CAT_DATA, TRACE_COLOR_DATA);
+ proc_mutex = new mutex_t();
+ proc_cond = new condition_t();
+ process::set_proc_mutex(proc_mutex);
+ // Launch the MSG simulation.
+ XBT_INFO("Starting simulation at %f...", MSG_get_clock());
+ res = MSG_main();
+ simulated_time = MSG_get_clock();
+ XBT_INFO("Simulation ended at %f.", simulated_time);
+ process::set_proc_mutex(NULL);
+ delete proc_cond;
+ delete proc_mutex;
+ if (res == MSG_OK) {
+ exit_status = EXIT_NO_FAILURE;
+ } else {
+ XBT_ERROR("MSG_main() failed with status %#x", res);
+ exit_status = EXIT_FAILURE_SIMU;
// Clean the MSG simulation.
// Report final simulation status.
if (simulated_time >= 0.0) {
- check_for_lost_load();
+ elapsed_time.stop();
+ if (!check_for_lost_load())
+ exit_status |= EXIT_FAILURE_LOAD;
XBT_INFO(",----[ Results ]");
PR_STATS("Load", loads);
PR_STATS("Computation", comps);
- XBT_INFO("| Total simulated time...................: %g",
- simulated_time);
- XBT_INFO("| Total simulation time..................: %g",
- simulation_time.duration());
+ PR_STATS("Comp. iterations", comp_iterations);
+ PR_STATS("X-Comp. iterations", all_comp_iterations);
+ PR_STATS("Data send amount", data_send_amount);
+ PR_STATS("Data recv amount", data_recv_amount);
+ PR_STATS("Data send count", data_send_count);
+ PR_STATS("Data recv count", data_recv_count);
+ PR_STATS("Ctrl send amount", ctrl_send_amount);
+ PR_STATS("Ctrl recv amount", ctrl_recv_amount);
+ PR_STATS("Ctrl send count", ctrl_send_count);
+ PR_STATS("Ctrl recv count", ctrl_recv_count);
+ PR_VALUE("Total simulated time", "%g", simulated_time);
+ PR_VALUE("Total simulation time", "%g", simulation_time.duration());
+ PR_VALUE("Elapsed (wall clock) time", "%g", elapsed_time.duration());
+ XBT_INFO("`----");
+ double load_imbalance = 100.0 * loads.get_stddev() / loads.get_mean();
+ double transfer_amount =
+ data_send_amount.get_sum() / opt::comm_cost(loads.get_sum());
+ XBT_INFO(",----[ Useful metrics ]");
+ PR_VALUE("Final load imbalance", "%g %s", load_imbalance,
+ "percent of the load average");
+ PR_VALUE("Data transfer amount", "%g %s", transfer_amount,
+ "times the total amount of data");
+ PR_VALUE("Number of hosts that converged", "%u / %u",
+ convergence.get_count(), loads.get_count());
+ PR_VALUE("Times of convergence (min/max/avg/dev)", "%g / %g / %g / %g",
+ convergence.get_min(), convergence.get_max(),
+ convergence.get_mean(), convergence.get_stddev());
+ PR_STATS("Idle duration", idle_duration);
+ PR_STATS("Supernumer. comp. iter.", iter_deviation);
if (exit_status)
XBT_ERROR("Simulation failed (%#x).", exit_status);