#include <algorithm>
#include <tr1/functional>
#include <iterator>
-#include <numeric>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <sstream>
#include <xbt/log.h>
#include "misc.h"
#include "options.h"
+#include "tracing.h"
#include "process.h"
comp = 0.0;
- prev_load_broadcast = -1; // force sending of load on first send()
+ prev_load_broadcast = -1; // force sending of load on first send_all()
expected_load = load;
total_load_running += load;
total_load_init += load;
total_load_exit += load;
+ if (opt::bookkeeping) {
+ INFO4("Final load after %d:%d iterations: %g ; expected: %g",
+ lb_iter, comp_iter, load, expected_load);
+ } else {
+ INFO2("Final load after %d iterations: %g",
+ lb_iter, load);
+ if (lb_iter != comp_iter)
+ WARN2("lb_iter (%d) and comp_iter (%d) differ!",
+ lb_iter, comp_iter);
+ }
+ VERB1("Total computation for this process: %g", comp);
int process::run()
comp_iter = lb_iter = 0;
while (true) {
- if (opt::min_iter_duration) {
+ double ld = lb_load();
+ if (ld > 0.0) {
double now = MSG_get_clock();
- if (now < next_iter_after_date){
- double delay = next_iter_after_date - now;
- DEBUG1("sleeping for %g s", delay);
- MSG_process_sleep(delay);
- }
+ if (now < next_iter_after_date)
+ MSG_process_sleep(next_iter_after_date - now);
next_iter_after_date = MSG_get_clock() + opt::min_iter_duration;
- }
- double ld = lb_load();
- if (ld > 0.0) {
if (opt::log_rate && lb_iter % opt::log_rate == 0) {
lb_load() = ld;
// send load information, and load (data) if any
- send();
+ send_all();
if (load > 0.0) {
- if (opt::bookkeeping) {
- INFO4("Final load after %d:%d iterations: %g ; expected: %g",
- lb_iter, comp_iter, load, expected_load);
- } else {
- INFO2("Final load after %d iterations: %g",
- lb_iter, load);
- if (lb_iter != comp_iter)
- WARN2("lb_iter (%d) and comp_iter (%d) differ!",
- lb_iter, comp_iter);
- }
return 0;
-double process::sum_of_to_send() const
- using std::tr1::bind;
- using std::tr1::placeholders::_1;
- using std::tr1::placeholders::_2;
- return std::accumulate(neigh.begin(), neigh.end(), 0.0,
- bind(std::plus<double>(),
- _1, bind(&neighbor::get_to_send, _2)));
double process::load_balance(double /*my_load*/)
if (lb_iter == 1) // warn only once
if (load > 0.0) {
double flops = opt::comp_cost(load);
m_task_t task = MSG_task_create("computation", flops, 0.0, NULL);
+ TRACE_msg_set_task_category(task, TRACE_CAT_COMP);
DEBUG2("compute %g flop%s", flops, ESSE(flops));
comp += flops;
comm.send(nb.get_data_mbox(), new message(message::LOAD, load_to_send));
-void process::send()
+void process::send_all()
using std::tr1::bind;
using std::tr1::placeholders::_1;