- // fixme: shall we do something special when duration is 0 ?
- double duration = opt::comp_cost(load);
- m_task_t task = MSG_task_create("computation", duration, 0.0, NULL);
- DEBUG2("compute %g flop%s.", duration, ESSE(duration));
- MSG_task_execute(task);
- MSG_task_destroy(task);
+ static bool last_status = true;
+ if (!last_status) {
+ /* nop */
+ } else if (opt::time_limit && MSG_get_clock() >= opt::time_limit) {
+ XBT_VERB("Reached time limit: %g/%g", MSG_get_clock(), opt::time_limit);
+ last_status = false;
+ } else if (opt::lb_maxiter && lb_iter >= opt::lb_maxiter) {
+ XBT_VERB("Reached lb_maxiter: %d/%d", lb_iter, opt::lb_maxiter);
+ last_status = false;
+ } else if (opt::comp_maxiter && comp_iter >= opt::comp_maxiter) {
+ XBT_VERB("Reached comp_maxiter: %d/%d", comp_iter, opt::comp_maxiter);
+ last_status = false;
+ } else if (opt::exit_on_close && close_received) {
+ XBT_VERB("Close received");
+ last_status = false;
+ } else if (real_load == 0.0 && !data_close_pending) {
+ XBT_VERB("I'm a poor lonesome process, and I have no load...");
+ last_status = false;
+ } else if (100.0 * total_load_running / total_load_init <=
+ opt::load_ratio_threshold) {
+ // fixme: this check should be implemented with a distributed
+ // algorithm, and not a shared global variable!
+ XBT_VERB("No more load to balance in system.");
+ last_status = false;
+ }
+ return last_status;