-* verify bookkeeping version.
+* Create git repo for papers.
+ Done.
-* add minimum (sleep) time between 2 lb iterations ?
+* Implement algorithm discussed on Feb. 23 with R.C.
-* add options -j/-J : minimum number of iterations ?
+* Implement makhoul2 algorithm?
+ See source code for omnet++.
-* add a variant to (not) change neighbor load information at send.
+* Implement some random initial distribution of load
+ Options -r seed, -R [algo ?]
-* implement loba_* algorithms (start with some trivial one)
+* Terminate smoothly on ctrl+c.
-* for automatic process topology,
- -> implement some random initial distribution of load
+* Support heterogeneous platforms?
+ Not sure yet.
-* add synchronized mode
+* Add options -j/-J : minimum number of iterations?
-* translate README file?
+* Add options -f/-F : termination based on flops achieved?
+* Choose a license before making the code public.
+* Translate french parts in english (README, QUESTIONS, ALGORITHMS, ...)
+ Not urgent.
+* Add synchronized mode?
+ No.
+* Add a variant to (not) change neighbor load information at send?
+ No.