int data_close_pending; // number of "close" messages to wait
// on data channel
bool close_received; // true if we received a "close" message
- bool may_receive; // true if there remains neighbors to listen for
bool finalizing; // true when finalize() is running
unsigned lb_iter; // counter of load-balancing iterations
void send1_bookkeeping(neighbor& nb);
void send();
- // Receive procedure: wait (or not) for a message to come.
- enum recv_wait_mode { NO_WAIT = 0, WAIT, WAIT_FOR_CLOSE };
- void receive(recv_wait_mode wait);
+ // Returns true if there remains neighbors to listen for
+ bool may_receive() { return ctrl_close_pending || data_close_pending; }
+ // Receive procedure: wait (or not) for a message to come
+ void receive(bool wait);
// Finalize sends a "close" message to each neighbor and wait for
// all of them to answer.