X-Git-Url: https://bilbo.iut-bm.univ-fcomte.fr/and/gitweb/loba.git/blobdiff_plain/cd6b2539af2f8564684f287983ffb05bb0f7b285..53a788a711ff43849a434de08a1d052fe4212686:/communicator.cpp

diff --git a/communicator.cpp b/communicator.cpp
index e30d731..2df6d76 100644
--- a/communicator.cpp
+++ b/communicator.cpp
@@ -1,228 +1,140 @@
 #include <algorithm>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <tr1/functional>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <msg/msg.h>
+#include <simgrid/msg.h>
 #include <xbt/log.h>
 #include "misc.h"
-#include "options.h"
-#include "simgrid_features.h"
 #include "tracing.h"
 #include "communicator.h"
-std::string message::to_string()
-    static const char* str[] = { "INFO", "CREDIT", "LOAD",
-                                 "CTRL_CLOSE", "DATA_CLOSE" };
-    std::ostringstream oss;
-    oss << str[type] << ": " << amount;
-    return oss.str();
+namespace {
+    void check_for_lost_messages(size_t size, const char* descr)
+    {
+        if (size)
+            XBT_WARN("lost %zu %s message%s!", size, descr, ESSE(size));
+    }
     : host(static_cast<hostdata*>(MSG_host_get_data(MSG_host_self())))
-    , mutex(xbt_mutex_init())
-    , cond(xbt_cond_init())
-    , ctrl_task(NULL)
-    , ctrl_comm(NULL)
-    , data_task(NULL)
-    , data_comm(NULL)
-    xbt_mutex_acquire(mutex);
-    receiver_process =
-        MSG_process_create("receiver", communicator::receiver_wrapper,
-                           this, MSG_host_self());
-    xbt_cond_wait(cond, mutex); // wait for the receiver to be ready
-    xbt_mutex_release(mutex);
+    receiver_thread = new_msg_thread("receiver", [this]() { this->receiver(); });
+    receiver_thread->start();
-    m_task_t task;
+    msg_task_t task;
-    DEBUG0("send finalize to receiver/ctrl");
+    XBT_DEBUG("send finalize to receiver/ctrl");
     task = MSG_task_create("finalize", 0.0, 0, NULL);
-    MSG_task_send(task, get_ctrl_mbox());
+    MSG_task_send(task, host->get_ctrl_mbox());
-    DEBUG0("send finalize to receiver/data");
+    XBT_DEBUG("send finalize to receiver/data");
     task = MSG_task_create("finalize", 0.0, 0, NULL);
-    MSG_task_send(task, get_data_mbox());
+    MSG_task_send(task, host->get_data_mbox());
-    xbt_mutex_acquire(mutex);
-    while (receiver_process) {
-        DEBUG0("waiting for receiver to terminate");
-        xbt_cond_wait(cond, mutex);
-    }
-    xbt_mutex_release(mutex);
-    if (ctrl_comm)
-        WARN0("ctrl_comm is pending!");
-    if (data_comm)
-        WARN0("data_comm is pending!");
-    if (!received.empty())
-        WARN2("lost %lu received message%s!",
-              (unsigned long )received.size(), ESSE(received.size()));
-    if (!sent_comm.empty())
-        WARN2("lost %lu sent message%s!",
-              (unsigned long )sent_comm.size(), ESSE(sent_comm.size()));
-    xbt_cond_destroy(cond);
-    xbt_mutex_destroy(mutex);
+    receiver_thread->wait();
+    delete receiver_thread;
+    check_for_lost_messages(ctrl_received.size(), "received ctrl");
+    check_for_lost_messages(data_received.size(), "received data");
+    check_for_lost_messages(ctrl_sent.size(), "sent ctrl");
+    check_for_lost_messages(data_sent.size(), "sent data");
-void communicator::send(const char* dest, message* msg)
+msg_comm_t communicator::real_send(const char* dest, message* msg)
-    DEBUG2("send %s to %s", msg->to_string().c_str(), dest);
-    double msg_size = sizeof *msg;
-    if (msg->get_type() == message::LOAD)
-        msg_size += opt::comm_cost(msg->get_amount());
-    m_task_t task = MSG_task_create("message", 0.0, msg_size, msg);    
-    TRACE_msg_set_task_category(task,
-                                msg->get_type() == message::LOAD ?
-                                TRACE_CAT_DATA : TRACE_CAT_CTRL);
-    msg_comm_t comm = MSG_task_isend(task, dest);
-    sent_comm.push_back(comm);
+    XBT_DEBUG("send %s to %s", msg->to_string().c_str(), dest);
+    msg_task_t task = MSG_task_create("message", 0.0, msg->get_size(), msg);
+    // MSG_task_set_category(task,
+    //                       msg->get_type() == message::DATA ?
+    //                       TRACE_CAT_DATA : TRACE_CAT_CTRL);
+    return MSG_task_isend(task, dest);
-bool communicator::recv(message*& msg, m_host_t& from, double timeout)
+void communicator::real_flush(sent_comm_type& sent_comm, bool wait)
-    if (timeout != 0) {
-        volatile double deadline =
-            timeout > 0 ? MSG_get_clock() + timeout : 0.0;
-        xbt_mutex_acquire(mutex);
-        while (received.empty() && (!deadline || deadline > MSG_get_clock())) {
-            xbt_ex_t e;
-            DEBUG0("waiting for a message to come");
-            TRY {
-                if (deadline)
-                    xbt_cond_timedwait(cond, mutex, deadline - MSG_get_clock());
-                else
-                    xbt_cond_wait(cond, mutex);
-            }
-            CATCH (e) {
-                if (e.category != timeout_error)
-                    RETHROW;
-                xbt_ex_free(e);
-            }
-        }
-        xbt_mutex_release(mutex);
+    sent_comm_type::iterator bound =
+        std::remove_if(sent_comm.begin(), sent_comm.end(),
+                       comm_test_n_destroy);
+    sent_comm.erase(bound, sent_comm.end());
+    if (wait && !sent_comm.empty()) {
+        size_t size = sent_comm.size();
+        msg_comm_t* comms = new msg_comm_t[size];
+        std::copy(sent_comm.begin(), sent_comm.end(), comms);
+        sent_comm.clear();
+        MSG_comm_waitall(comms, size, -1.0);
+        std::for_each(comms, comms + size, comm_check_n_destroy);
+        delete[] comms;
-    if (received.empty())
-        return false;
-    m_task_t task = received.front();
-    received.pop();
-    msg = static_cast<message*>(MSG_task_get_data(task));
-    from = MSG_task_get_source(task);
-    MSG_task_destroy(task);
+void communicator::receiver()
+    xbt_dynar_t comms = xbt_dynar_new(sizeof(msg_comm_t), NULL);
+    struct channel {
+        msg_comm_t comm;
+        msg_task_t task;
+        const char* mbox;
+        message_queue& received;
+    };
+    channel chan[] = { { NULL, NULL, host->get_ctrl_mbox(), ctrl_received },
+                       { NULL, NULL, host->get_data_mbox(), data_received } };
+    const int chan_size = (sizeof chan) / (sizeof chan[0]);
+    for (int i = 0 ; i < chan_size ; ++i) {
+        chan[i].comm = MSG_task_irecv(&chan[i].task, chan[i].mbox);
+        xbt_dynar_push(comms, &chan[i].comm);
+    }
-    DEBUG2("received %s from %s",
-           msg->to_string().c_str(), MSG_host_get_name(from));
+    while (!xbt_dynar_is_empty(comms)) {
+        int index = MSG_comm_waitany(comms);
+        msg_comm_t finished_comm = xbt_dynar_get_as(comms, index, msg_comm_t);
+        channel* ch;
+        for (ch = chan ; ch->comm != finished_comm ; ++ch)
+            /* nop */;
+        comm_check_n_destroy(ch->comm);
+        if (strcmp(MSG_task_get_name(ch->task), "finalize")) {
+            XBT_DEBUG("received message on %s", ch->mbox);
+            ch->received.push(ch->task);
+            ch->task = NULL;
+            ch->comm = MSG_task_irecv(&ch->task, ch->mbox);
+            xbt_dynar_set_as(comms, index, msg_comm_t, ch->comm);
+        } else {
+            XBT_DEBUG("received finalize on %s", ch->mbox);
+            MSG_task_destroy(ch->task);
+            ch->task = NULL;
+            ch->comm = NULL;
+            xbt_dynar_remove_at(comms, index, NULL);
+        }
-    return true;
+    }
+    xbt_dynar_free(&comms);
-void communicator::flush(bool wait)
+void communicator::comm_check_n_destroy(msg_comm_t comm)
-    sent_comm.remove_if(comm_test_n_destroy);
-    if (wait && !sent_comm.empty()) {
-        msg_comm_t comms[sent_comm.size()];
-        std::copy(sent_comm.begin(), sent_comm.end(), comms);
-        MSG_comm_waitall(comms, sent_comm.size(), -1.0);
-            std::for_each(sent_comm.begin(), sent_comm.end(), MSG_comm_destroy);
-        sent_comm.clear();
-    }
+    xbt_assert(MSG_comm_get_status(comm) == MSG_OK);
+    MSG_comm_destroy(comm);
 bool communicator::comm_test_n_destroy(msg_comm_t comm)
     if (MSG_comm_test(comm)) {
-        MSG_comm_destroy(comm);
+        comm_check_n_destroy(comm);
         return true;
     } else
         return false;
-int communicator::receiver_wrapper(int, char* [])
-    communicator* comm;
-    comm = static_cast<communicator*>(MSG_process_get_data(MSG_process_self()));
-    int result = comm->receiver();
-    DEBUG0("terminate");
-    xbt_mutex_acquire(comm->mutex);
-    comm->receiver_process = NULL;
-    xbt_cond_signal(comm->cond);
-    xbt_mutex_release(comm->mutex);
-    return result;
-int communicator::receiver()
-    ctrl_comm = MSG_task_irecv(&ctrl_task, get_ctrl_mbox());
-    data_comm = MSG_task_irecv(&data_task, get_data_mbox());
-    DEBUG0("receiver ready");
-    xbt_mutex_acquire(mutex);
-    xbt_cond_signal(cond);      // signal master that we are ready
-    xbt_mutex_release(mutex);
-    xbt_dynar_t comms = xbt_dynar_new(sizeof(msg_comm_t), NULL);
-    while (ctrl_comm || data_comm) {
-        if (ctrl_comm)
-            xbt_dynar_push(comms, &ctrl_comm);
-        if (data_comm)
-            xbt_dynar_push(comms, &data_comm);
-        MSG_comm_waitany(comms);
-        xbt_dynar_reset(comms);
-        if (ctrl_comm && comm_test_n_destroy(ctrl_comm)) {
-            if (strcmp(MSG_task_get_name(ctrl_task), "finalize")) {
-                DEBUG0("received message from ctrl");
-                xbt_mutex_acquire(mutex);
-                received.push(ctrl_task);
-                xbt_mutex_release(mutex);
-                ctrl_task = NULL;
-                ctrl_comm = MSG_task_irecv(&ctrl_task, get_ctrl_mbox());
-            } else {
-                DEBUG0("received finalize from ctrl");
-                MSG_task_destroy(ctrl_task);
-                ctrl_task = NULL;
-                ctrl_comm = NULL;
-            }
-        }
-        if (data_comm && comm_test_n_destroy(data_comm)) {
-            if (strcmp(MSG_task_get_name(data_task), "finalize")) {
-                DEBUG0("received message from data");
-                xbt_mutex_acquire(mutex);
-                received.push(data_task);
-                xbt_mutex_release(mutex);
-                data_task = NULL;
-                data_comm = MSG_task_irecv(&data_task, get_data_mbox());
-            } else {
-                DEBUG0("received finalize from data");
-                MSG_task_destroy(data_task);
-                data_task = NULL;
-                data_comm = NULL;
-            }
-        }
-        xbt_mutex_acquire(mutex);
-        if (!received.empty())
-            xbt_cond_signal(cond);
-        xbt_mutex_release(mutex);
-    }
-    xbt_dynar_free(&comms);
-    return 0;
 // Local variables:
 // mode: c++
 // End: