X-Git-Url: https://bilbo.iut-bm.univ-fcomte.fr/and/gitweb/loba.git/blobdiff_plain/f8daec44188cc69bbd5b05a1eebfb813a07ae495..dd6e93b0d35c26c2dd9dacdf3fb964a2da2c1cb2:/process.cpp?ds=inline

diff --git a/process.cpp b/process.cpp
index 1414033..01b5e0f 100644
--- a/process.cpp
+++ b/process.cpp
@@ -16,14 +16,19 @@ XBT_LOG_EXTERNAL_DEFAULT_CATEGORY(proc);
 #include "process.h"
+mutex_t *process::proc_mutex;
 double process::total_load_init = 0.0;
 double process::total_load_running = 0.0;
 double process::total_load_exit = 0.0;
 int process::process_counter = 0;
 double process::total_load_average;
+double process::average_load_ratio;
 double process::load_diff_threshold;
+std::atomic<int> process::convergence_counter(0);
 namespace {
     void sleep_until_date(double& date, double duration)
@@ -58,21 +63,27 @@ process::process(int argc, char* argv[])
         rev_neigh.insert(std::make_pair(host, ptr));
-    // Note: there should not be race condition with the current
-    // version of Simgrid, when updating the global variables.
     prev_load_broadcast = -1;   // force sending of load on first send_all()
     expected_load = real_load;
-    total_load_running += real_load;
-    total_load_init += real_load;
     received_load = 0.0;
+    idle_duration = 0.0;
     convergence = -1.0;
+    proc_mutex->acquire();
+    convergence_counter++;
+    total_load_init += real_load;
+    total_load_running += real_load;
     total_load_average = total_load_running / process_counter;
+    if (opt::avg_load_ratio >= 0.0)
+        average_load_ratio = opt::avg_load_ratio;
+    else
+        average_load_ratio = 100.0 *
+            (process_counter / -opt::avg_load_ratio) / total_load_average;
     load_diff_threshold = (opt::load_ratio_threshold +
-                           opt::avg_load_ratio * total_load_average) / 100.0;
+                           average_load_ratio * total_load_average) / 100.0;
+    proc_mutex->release();
     ctrl_close_pending = data_close_pending = neigh.size();
     close_received = false;
@@ -102,7 +113,9 @@ process::process(int argc, char* argv[])
     delete lb_thread;
+    proc_mutex->acquire();
     total_load_exit += real_load;
+    proc_mutex->release();
     xbt_assert(received_load == 0.0,
                "received_load is %g, but should be 0.0 !", received_load);
     if (opt::log_rate < 0)
@@ -111,15 +124,30 @@ process::~process()
              lb_iter, comp_iter, all_comp_iter, real_load);
     if (convergence >= 0.0)
         XBT_INFO("Convergence within %g%% was achieved at time %g",
-                 opt::avg_load_ratio, convergence);
+                 average_load_ratio, convergence);
         XBT_INFO("Convergence within %g%% was not achieved",
-                 opt::avg_load_ratio);
+                 average_load_ratio);
     XBT_VERB("Expected load was: %g", expected_load);
     XBT_VERB("Total computation for this process: %g", get_comp_amount());
     print_loads(true, xbt_log_priority_debug);
+double process::get_iter_deviation() const
+    double average_cost = opt::comp_cost(total_load_average); // fixme: get locked?
+    // Do not count idle periods
+    double comp_iter_opt = acc.comp_amount / average_cost;
+    // Add iterations that could have been achieved while beeing idle
+    // (kept for documentation)
+    double self_speed = MSG_get_host_speed(MSG_host_self());
+    double average_duration = average_cost / self_speed;
+    comp_iter_opt += idle_duration / average_duration;
+    return comp_iter - comp_iter_opt;
 int process::run()
     if (opt::log_rate >= 0) {
@@ -202,28 +230,30 @@ void process::compute_loop()
     using std::placeholders::_1;
     double next_iter_after_date = MSG_get_clock() + opt::min_comp_iter_duration;
+    double idle_since_date = 0.0;
     while (still_running()) {
+        // receive
+        // if there is something to compute, do not block
+        // else, block the duration of an *lb* iteration
+        data_receive(real_load > 0.0 ? 0.0 : opt::min_lb_iter_duration);
-        do {
-            // receive (do not block if there is something to compute)
-            data_receive(real_load > 0.0 ? 0.0 : opt::min_comp_iter_duration);
-            // send
-            comm.data_flush(false);
-            mutex.acquire();
-            real_load += received_load;
-            received_load = 0.0;
-            std::for_each(neigh.begin(), neigh.end(),
-                          std::bind(&process::data_send, this, _1));
-            mutex.release();
-            ++all_comp_iter;
+        // send
+        comm.data_flush(false);
+        mutex.acquire();
+        real_load += received_load;
+        received_load = 0.0;
+        std::for_each(neigh.begin(), neigh.end(),
+                      std::bind(&process::data_send, this, _1));
+        mutex.release();
-        } while (real_load == 0.0);
+        ++all_comp_iter;
+        if (real_load == 0.0)
+            continue;
         // compute
+        idle_duration += MSG_get_clock() - idle_since_date;
         double flops = opt::comp_cost(real_load);
         m_task_t task = MSG_task_create("computation", flops, 0.0, NULL);
@@ -233,10 +263,13 @@ void process::compute_loop()
+        idle_since_date = MSG_get_clock();
         sleep_until_date(next_iter_after_date, opt::min_comp_iter_duration);
     XBT_VERB("Going to finalize for %s...", __func__);
+    // Note: idle duration is not counted during finalization
     finalizing = true;
     XBT_DEBUG("send DATA_CLOSE to %zu neighbor%s",
               neigh.size(), ESSE(neigh.size()));
@@ -249,27 +282,32 @@ void process::compute_loop()
     real_load += received_load;
     received_load = 0.0;
+    proc_mutex->acquire();
     total_load_running -= real_load;
+    proc_mutex->release();
 void process::convergence_check()
-    double load_diff = std::fabs(real_load - total_load_average);
+    double average = total_load_average; // fixme: get locked?
+    double load_diff = std::fabs(real_load - average);
     bool converged = load_diff <= load_diff_threshold;
     if (convergence >= 0.0) {
         if (!converged) {
             XBT_VERB("current load has diverged: %g (%.4g%%)",
-                     real_load, 100.0 * load_diff / total_load_average);
+                     real_load, 100.0 * load_diff / average);
             convergence = -1.0;
+            convergence_counter++;
     } else {
         if (converged) {
             XBT_VERB("current load has converged: %g (%.4g%%)",
-                     real_load,  100.0 * load_diff / total_load_average);
+                     real_load,  100.0 * load_diff / average);
             convergence = MSG_get_clock();
+            convergence_counter--;
@@ -297,6 +335,10 @@ bool process::still_running()
         XBT_VERB("Reached comp_maxiter: %d/%d", comp_iter, opt::comp_maxiter);
         last_status = false;
+    } else if (opt::exit_on_convergence && convergence_counter == 0) {
+        XBT_VERB("Global convergence detected");
+        last_status = false;
     } else if (opt::exit_on_close && close_received) {
         XBT_VERB("Close received");
         last_status = false;
@@ -306,7 +348,7 @@ bool process::still_running()
         last_status = false;
     } else if (100.0 * total_load_running / total_load_init <=
-               opt::load_ratio_threshold) {
+               opt::load_ratio_threshold) { // fixme: get locked?
         // fixme: this check should be implemented with a distributed
         // algorithm, and not a shared global variable!
         XBT_VERB("No more load to balance in system.");