+Makhoul's algorithm... several versions for source code...
+powwow:/home/makhoul# find . -name Fusion.cc -exec md5sum {} +
+powwow:/home/makhoul# find . -name Fusion.cc -ls
+238d74aac45bec21460e151295598764 ./Desktop/A.Makhoul/DiffusOMNET/Fusion.cc
+5541828 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 makhoul and 6631 mai 14 2007 ./Desktop/A.Makhoul/DiffusOMNET/Fusion.cc
+| void BRITENode::updateLoad(){
+| double deltaSum = 0.;
+| double deltaMin = this->load;
+| for (int i = 0; i < gateSize("out"); i++) {
+| double delta1 = this->load - neighborsLoad[i];
+| if (delta1 > epsilonDelta) {
+| delta[i] = delta1;
+| deltaSum += delta1;
+| if (deltaMin > delta1)
+| deltaMin = delta1;
+| } else
+| delta[i] = 0;
+| }
+| double alpha = deltaMin / (deltaMin + deltaSum);
+| for (int i = 0; i < gateSize("out"); i++) {
+| double transfer = alpha * delta[i];
+| totalSend[i] += transfer;
+| this->load -= transfer;
+| }
+| }
+8f5c3e7c5358626bc06726d888d912af ./Desktop/A.Makhoul/Abdallah-Makhoul/Recherche/Diffus-OMNET/Fusion.cc
+8f5c3e7c5358626bc06726d888d912af ./Desktop/AbdallahMakhoul/Recherche/Diffus-OMNET/Fusion.cc
+5540991 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 makhoul and 8001 juin 12 2007 ./Desktop/A.Makhoul/Abdallah-Makhoul/Recherche/Diffus-OMNET/Fusion.cc
+6497742 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 makhoul and 8001 juin 12 2007 ./Desktop/AbdallahMakhoul/Recherche/Diffus-OMNET/Fusion.cc
+| void BRITENode::updateLoad(){
+| double deltaSum = 0.;
+| double deltaMin = this->load;
+| for (int i = 0; i < gateSize("out"); i++) {
+| double delta1 = this->load - neighborsLoad[i];
+| if (delta1 > epsilonDelta) {
+| delta[i] = delta1;
+| deltaSum += delta1;
+| if (deltaMin > delta1)
+| deltaMin = delta1;
+| } else
+| delta[i] = 0;
+| }
+| double alpha = deltaMin / (deltaMin + deltaSum);
+| for (int i = 0; i < gateSize("out"); i++) {
+| double transfer = alpha * delta[i];
+| totalSend[i] += transfer;
+| this->load -= transfer;
+| }
+| }
+d0b4ef1a4553ff1c9c408390818cf925 ./FusionOmnet/Fusion.cc
+5516053 12 -rw-r--r-- 1 makhoul and 9732 juil. 13 2007 ./FusionOmnet/Fusion.cc
+| void BRITENode::updateLoad(){
+| totalSent = 0.;
+| const double alpha = 1.0 / (gateSize("out") + 1);
+| const double epsilon = 1.0e-4;
+| int nDelta = 0;
+| for (int i = 0; i < gateSize("out"); i++) {
+| double d = this->load - neighborsLoad[i];
+| if (d > epsilon) {
+| Delta[nDelta].delta = d;
+| Delta[nDelta].index = i;
+| nDelta++;
+| }
+| }
+| std::sort(Delta, Delta + nDelta, DeltaCompDec());
+| double neighborLoadMax = 0.0; // maximum load of neighbors to which
+| // something has been sent
+| for (int i = 0; i < nDelta; i++) {
+| int index = Delta[i].index;
+| double delta = this->load - neighborsLoad[index];
+| if (delta <= epsilon)
+| break;
+| #if 0
+| delta = Delta[i].delta; // does not work well...
+| #endif
+| double transfer = alpha * delta;
+| double transferMax =
+| std::min(this->load - neighborLoadMax,
+| (this->load - neighborsLoad[index]) / 2.0);
+| if (transfer > transferMax) // ping-pong violated?
+| transfer = transferMax;
+| totalSend[index] += transfer;
+| this->load -= transfer;
+| double newNeighborLoad = neighborsLoad[index] + transfer;
+| if (newNeighborLoad > neighborLoadMax)
+| neighborLoadMax = newNeighborLoad;
+| }
+| // double transfer = alpha * Delta[i].delta;
+| // if((this->load - totalSent) >= neighborsLoad[Delta[i].index] + transfer)
+| // break;
+| // else {
+| // totalSend[i] += transfer;
+| // this->load -= transfer;
+| // totalSent+=transfer;
+| // }
+| // }
+| // double deltaMax = 1.0e-3; // we consider only positive deltas
+| // int iMax = -1; // invalid value
+| // for (int i = 0; i < gateSize("out"); i++) {
+| // Delta[i].delta = this->load - neighborsLoad[i];
+| // if (Delta[i].delta > deltaMax) {
+| // deltaMax = Delta[i].delta;
+| // iMax = Delta[i].index;
+| // }
+| // }
+| // if (iMax != -1) {
+| // double transfer = alpha * Delta[iMax].delta;
+| // totalSend[iMax] += transfer;
+| // this->load -= transfer;
+| // }
+| }
+69f9baf76eb24e0e6cfa539d21c9b6f6 ./Bureau/Fusion.cc
+69f9baf76eb24e0e6cfa539d21c9b6f6 ./Bureau/Simulations-Fusion-Omnet/Fusion.cc
+69f9baf76eb24e0e6cfa539d21c9b6f6 ./Desktop/A.Makhoul/Abdallah-Makhoul/Recherche/Simulations-Fusion-Omnet/Fusion.cc
+69f9baf76eb24e0e6cfa539d21c9b6f6 ./Desktop/AbdallahMakhoul/Recherche/Simulations-Fusion-Omnet/Fusion.cc
+69f9baf76eb24e0e6cfa539d21c9b6f6 ./Simulations-Fusion-Omnet/Fusion.cc
+5516032 12 -rw-r--r-- 1 makhoul and 11160 nov. 7 2008 ./Bureau/Fusion.cc
+5524854 12 -rw-r--r-- 1 makhoul and 11160 nov. 7 2008 ./Bureau/Simulations-Fusion-Omnet/Fusion.cc
+5541114 12 -rw-r--r-- 1 makhoul and 11160 nov. 28 2007 ./Desktop/A.Makhoul/Abdallah-Makhoul/Recherche/Simulations-Fusion-Omnet/Fusion.cc
+6497957 12 -rw-r--r-- 1 makhoul and 11160 nov. 28 2007 ./Desktop/AbdallahMakhoul/Recherche/Simulations-Fusion-Omnet/Fusion.cc
+5516082 12 -rw-r--r-- 1 makhoul and 11160 nov. 7 2008 ./Simulations-Fusion-Omnet/Fusion.cc
+| void BRITENode::updateLoad(){
+| totalSent = 0.;
+| const double alpha = 1.0 / (gateSize("out") + 1);
+| const double epsilon = par("erreur");
+| int nDelta = 0;
+| for (int i = 0; i < gateSize("out"); i++) {
+| double d = this->load - neighborsLoad[i];
+| if (d > epsilon) {
+| Delta[nDelta].delta = d;
+| Delta[nDelta].index = i;
+| nDelta++;
+| }
+| }
+| std::sort(Delta, Delta + nDelta, DeltaCompDec());
+| double neighborLoadMax = 0.0; // maximum load of neighbors to which
+| // something has been sent
+| for (int i = 0; i < nDelta; i++) {
+| int index = Delta[i].index;
+| double delta = this->load - neighborsLoad[index];
+| if (delta <= epsilon)
+| break;
+| #if 0
+| delta = Delta[i].delta; // does not work well...
+| #endif
+| double transfer = alpha * delta;
+| double transferMax =
+| std::min(this->load - neighborLoadMax,
+| (this->load - neighborsLoad[index]) / 2.0);
+| if (transfer > transferMax) // ping-pong violated?
+| transfer = transferMax;
+| totalSend[index] += transfer;
+| this->load -= transfer;
+| double newNeighborLoad = neighborsLoad[index] + transfer;
+| if (newNeighborLoad > neighborLoadMax)
+| neighborLoadMax = newNeighborLoad;
+| }
+| // double transfer = alpha * Delta[i].delta;
+| // if((this->load - totalSent) >= neighborsLoad[Delta[i].index] + transfer)
+| // break;
+| // else {
+| // totalSend[i] += transfer;
+| // this->load -= transfer;
+| // totalSent+=transfer;
+| // }
+| // }
+| // double deltaMax = 1.0e-3; // we consider only positive deltas
+| // int iMax = -1; // invalid value
+| // for (int i = 0; i < gateSize("out"); i++) {
+| // Delta[i].delta = this->load - neighborsLoad[i];
+| // if (Delta[i].delta > deltaMax) {
+| // deltaMax = Delta[i].delta;
+| // iMax = Delta[i].index;
+| // }
+| // }
+| // if (iMax != -1) {
+| // double transfer = alpha * Delta[iMax].delta;
+| // totalSend[iMax] += transfer;
+| // this->load -= transfer;
+| // }
+| }