]> AND Private Git Repository - loba.git/history - synchro.h
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Conclusions for performance loss.
[loba.git] / synchro.h
2018-04-30 Arnaud Gierschxbt_cond_timedwait has changed and doesn't throw except... sg_v3_18
2018-04-30 Arnaud GierschFilx build with SimGrid 3.14. sg_v3_14
2018-04-30 Arnaud GierschBe consistent and hold mutex in any case when returning...
2018-04-30 Arnaud GierschHandle timeout exception in condition_t::timedwait().
2013-02-05 Arnaud GierschUse correct include.
2011-05-31 Arnaud GierschCosmetics: declare condition_t as friend of mutex_t.
2011-02-08 Arnaud GierschDefine classes for mutex and condition objects.