]> AND Private Git Repository - loba.git/history - simgrid_features.h
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[loba.git] / simgrid_features.h
2018-06-20 Arnaud GierschFix include for <simgrid/config.h>.
2018-04-30 Arnaud Gierschxbt_cond_timedwait has changed and doesn't throw except... sg_v3_18
2018-04-30 Arnaud GierschFilx build with SimGrid 3.14. sg_v3_14
2018-04-30 Arnaud GierschFix build with SimGrid 3.12. sg_v3_12
2018-04-30 Arnaud GierschDrop support for SimGrid version before 3.7.
2013-02-05 Arnaud GierschMSG_clean() was deprecated since SG 3.8.
2012-07-02 Arnaud GierschMSG type names got renamed in SimGrid 3.8.
2012-06-25 Arnaud GierschCosmetics.
2012-06-25 Arnaud GierschAPI change in SimGrid 3.8: MSG_global_init -> MSG_init.
2012-06-25 Arnaud GierschTracing API has changed. Disable it until its usage...
2012-03-30 Arnaud GierschTake tracing API changes into account.
2011-12-01 Arnaud GierschMissing include.
2011-03-17 Arnaud GierschSimGrid version <= 3.5 is not supported anymore.
2011-02-08 Arnaud GierschCheck if communications are successfull.
2011-02-08 Arnaud GierschCosmetics.
2011-02-03 Arnaud GierschMake build work with latest developments on simgrid...
2010-12-16 Arnaud GierschAdd more documentation.
2010-12-14 Arnaud GierschWip++...