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[loba.git] / communicator.h
2011-02-10 Arnaud GierschSeparate ctrl and data communications.
2011-02-09 Arnaud GierschMake communicator::recv() inline.
2011-02-09 Arnaud GierschUse a vector for sent_comm (smaller and faster than...
2011-02-09 Arnaud GierschDefine class for MSG thread.
2011-02-09 Arnaud GierschDefine class for message queue.
2011-02-08 Arnaud GierschDefine classes for mutex and condition objects.
2011-02-08 Arnaud GierschCleanups on communicator.
2011-02-08 Arnaud GierschCheck if communications are successfull.
2011-02-08 Arnaud GierschNo return value for communicator::receiver().
2011-02-08 Arnaud GierschRename some variables.
2011-02-07 Arnaud GierschDo not use MSG_comm_test() after MSG_comm_waitany().
2011-01-30 couturieMerge branch 'master' of ssh://info.iut-bm.univ-fcomte...
2011-01-30 Raphael Couturiermerge de loba_fairstrategy
2011-01-18 Arnaud GierschBug fixed: use a timeout on receive.
2011-01-18 Arnaud GierschUpdate copyright in version string, and other cosmetic...
2011-01-12 Arnaud GierschDo not call flush automatically in communcator::send...
2011-01-07 Arnaud GierschAllow changing communicator::send_count_before_flush...
2011-01-06 Arnaud GierschUse a separate thread to handle incoming messages.
2010-12-16 Arnaud GierschAdd more documentation.
2010-12-14 Arnaud GierschWip++...
2010-12-14 Arnaud GierschWip++...
2010-12-14 Arnaud GierschWip++...
2010-12-14 Arnaud GierschWip++...
2010-12-14 Arnaud GierschWip++...
2010-12-14 Arnaud GierschWip++...
2010-12-07 Arnaud GierschInitial commit.