\newcommand{\AG}[2][inline]{\todo[color=green!50,#1]{\sffamily\textbf{AG:} #2}\xspace}
+\newcommand{\JC}[2][inline]{\todo[color=red!10,#1]{\sffamily\textbf{JC:} #2}\xspace}
FEMTO-ST Institute\\
University of Franche-Comté\\
- IUT de Belfort-Montb\'{e}liard, Rue Engel Gros, BP 27, 90016 Belfort, France\\
- Fax : (+33)~3~84~58~77~32\\
- Email: \{jean-claude.charr, raphael.couturier, ahmed.fanfakh, arnaud.giersch\}@univ-fcomte.fr
+ IUT de Belfort-Montbéliard, 19 avenue du Maréchal Juin, BP 527, 90016 Belfort cedex, France\\
+ Fax : +33~3~84~58~77~32\\
+ Email: \{jean-claude.charr,raphael.couturier,ahmed.fanfakh\_badri\_muslim,arnaud.giersch\}@univ-fcomte.fr
+\AG{Is the fax number correct? Shall we add a telephone number?}
Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling (DVFS) can be applied to modern CPUs.
This technique is usually used to reduce the energy consumed by a CPU while
\section{Related works}
-\AG{Consider introducing the models sec.~\ref{sec.exe} maybe before related works}
+\AG{Consider introducing the models (sec.~\ref{sec.exe}) before related works}
In this section, some heuristics to compute the scaling factor are
presented and classified into two categories: offline and online methods.
\section{Execution and energy of parallel tasks on homogeneous platform}
-%\AG{The whole subsection ``Parallel Tasks Execution on Homogeneous Platform'', can be deleted if we need space, we can just say we are interested in this paper in homogeneous clusters}
+%\JC{The whole subsection ``Parallel Tasks Execution on Homogeneous Platform'', can be deleted if we need space, we can just say we are interested in this paper in homogeneous clusters}
\subsection{Parallel tasks execution on homogeneous platform}
A homogeneous cluster consists of identical nodes in terms of hardware and software.
Each node has its own memory and at least one processor which can
\left( 1 + \sum_{i=2}^{N} \frac{T_i^3}{T_1^3} \right) }
-\AG{The following 2 sections can be merged easily}
+\JC{The following 2 sections can be merged easily}
\section{Performance evaluation of MPI programs}
- \caption{Optimal scaling factors for predicted energy and performance of NAS benchmarks}
+ \caption{Optimal scaling factors for the predicted energy and performance of NAS benchmarks}
refer to this scenario as $R_{E}$. The second scenario is similar to the first
except setting the slower task to the maximum frequency (when the scale $S=1$)
to keep the performance from degradation as mush as possible. We refer to this
-scenario as $R_{E-P}$. While we refer to our algorithm as EPSA. The comparison is made in tables~(\ref{table:compareA},\ref{table:compareB},\ref{table:compareC}). These
+scenario as $R_{E-P}$. While we refer to our algorithm as EPSA. The comparison
+is made in tables \ref{table:compareA}, \ref{table:compareB},
+and~\ref{table:compareC}. These
tables show the results of our method and Rauber and Rünger scenarios for all the
NAS benchmarks programs for classes A,B and C.
+\AG{Jean-Claude, why did you remove the Mésocentre here?}
As a PhD student, M. Ahmed Fanfakh, would like to thank the University of
Babylon (Iraq) for supporting his work.