\newcommand{\AG}[2][inline]{\todo[color=green!50,#1]{\sffamily\small\textbf{AG:} #2}}
-bla bla bla
The need for computing power is still increasing and it is not expected to slow
down in the coming years. To satisfy this demand, researchers and supercomputers
constructors have been regularly increasing the number of computing cores in
without scaled frequency :
- E_{Norm} = \frac{E_{Reduced}}{E_{Original}}
+ E_\textit{Norm} = \frac{E_{Reduced}}{E_{Original}}
= \frac{ P_{dyn} \cdot S_i^{-2} \cdot
\left( T_1 + \sum_{i=2}^{N}\frac{T_i^3}{T_1^2}\right) +
P_{static} \cdot T_1 \cdot S_i \cdot N }{
system. The algorithm is called just one time during the execution of the
program. The following example shows where and when the EPSA algorithm is called
in the MPI program :
-\AG{Use the same format as for Algorithm~\ref{EPSA}}
-FOR J:=1 to Some_iterations Do
- -Computations Section.
- -Communications Section.
- IF (J==1) THEN
- -Gather all times of computation and communication
- from each node.
- -Call EPSA with these times.
- -Calculate the new frequency from optimal scale.
- -Set the new frequency to the system.
+%\AG{Use the same format as for Algorithm~\ref{EPSA}}
+ \caption{DVFS}
+ \label{dvfs}
+ \begin{algorithmic}
+ \For {$J:=1$ to $Some_iterations Do$}
+ \State -Computations Section.
+ \State -Communications Section.
+ \If {$(J==1)$}
+ \State -Gather all times of computation and\par
+ \State communication from each node.
+ \State -Call EPSA with these times.
+ \State -Calculate the new frequency from optimal scale.
+ \State -Set the new frequency to the system.
+ \EndIf
After obtaining the optimal scale factor from the EPSA algorithm. The program
calculates the new frequency $F_i$ for each task proportionally to its time
value $T_i$. By substitution of the EQ~(\ref{eq:s}) in the EQ~(\ref{eq:si}), we
CG & 1.56 &39.23 & 14.88 & 24.35\\ \hline
MG & 1.47 &34.97&21.7& 13.27 \\ \hline
EP & 1.04 &22.14&20.73 &1.41\\ \hline
- LU & 1.388 &35.83&22.49 &13.34\\ \hline
- BT & 1.315 &29.6&21.28 &8.32\\ \hline
- SP & 1.388 &33.48 &21.36&12.12\\ \hline
- FT & 1.47 &34.72 &19&15.72\\ \hline
+ LU & 1.38 &35.83&22.49 &13.34\\ \hline
+ BT & 1.31 &29.60&21.28 &8.32\\ \hline
+ SP & 1.38 &33.48 &21.36&12.12\\ \hline
+ FT & 1.47 &34.72 &19.00&15.72\\ \hline
\label{table:factors results}
% is used to refer this table in the text
\caption{Comparing Results for The NAS Class A}
% title of Table
- \begin{tabular}{ | l | l | l |l | l |l| }
+ \begin{tabular}{ | l | l | l |l | l | l| }
Method&Program&Factor& Energy& Performance &Energy-Perf.\\
name &name&value& Saving \%&Degradation \% &Distance
\\ \hline
% \rowcolor[gray]{0.85}
EPSA&CG & 1.56 &37.02 & 13.88 & 23.14\\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E-P}$&CG &2.14 &42.77 & 25.27 & 17.5\\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E-P}$&CG &2.14 &42.77 & 25.27 & 17.50\\ \hline
$Rauber_{E}$&CG &2.14 &42.77&26.46&16.31\\ \hline
EPSA&MG & 1.47 &27.66&16.82&10.84\\ \hline
$Rauber_{E-P}$&MG &2.14&34.45&31.84&2.61\\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E}$&MG &2.14&34.48&33.65&0.8 \\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E}$&MG &2.14&34.48&33.65&0.80 \\ \hline
EPSA&EP &1.19 &25.32&20.79&4.53\\ \hline
$Rauber_{E-P}$&EP&2.05&41.45&55.67&-14.22\\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E}$&EP&2.05&42.09&57.59&-15.5\\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E}$&EP&2.05&42.09&57.59&-15.50\\ \hline
EPSA&LU&1.56& 39.55 &19.38& 20.17\\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E-P}$&LU&2.14&45.62&27&18.62 \\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E-P}$&LU&2.14&45.62&27.00&18.62 \\ \hline
$Rauber_{E}$&LU&2.14&45.66&33.01&12.65\\ \hline
- EPSA&BT&1.315& 29.6&20.53&9.07 \\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E-P}$&BT&2.1&45.53&49.63&-4.1\\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E}$&BT&2.1&43.93&52.86&-8.93\\ \hline
+ EPSA&BT&1.31& 29.60&20.53&9.07 \\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E-P}$&BT&2.10&45.53&49.63&-4.10\\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E}$&BT&2.10&43.93&52.86&-8.93\\ \hline
- EPSA&SP&1.388& 33.51&15.65&17.86 \\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E-P}$&SP&2.11&45.62&42.52&3.1\\ \hline
+ EPSA&SP&1.38& 33.51&15.65&17.86 \\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E-P}$&SP&2.11&45.62&42.52&3.10\\ \hline
$Rauber_{E}$&SP&2.11&45.78&43.09&2.69\\ \hline
- EPSA&FT&1.25& 25&10.8&14.2 \\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E-P}$&FT&2.1&39.29&34.3&4.99 \\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E}$&FT&2.1&37.56&38.21&-0.65\\ \hline
+ EPSA&FT&1.25&25.00&10.80&14.20 \\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E-P}$&FT&2.10&39.29&34.30&4.99 \\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E}$&FT&2.10&37.56&38.21&-0.65\\ \hline
\label{table:compare Class A}
% is used to refer this table in the text
name &name&value& Saving \%&Degradation \% &Distance
\\ \hline
% \rowcolor[gray]{0.85}
- EPSA&CG & 1.66 &39.23&16.63&22.6 \\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E-P}$&CG &2.15 &45.34&27.6&17.74\\ \hline
+ EPSA&CG & 1.66 &39.23&16.63&22.60 \\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E-P}$&CG &2.15 &45.34&27.60&17.74\\ \hline
$Rauber_{E}$&CG &2.15 &45.34&28.88&16.46\\ \hline
EPSA&MG & 1.47 &34.98&18.35&16.63\\ \hline
$Rauber_{E}$&MG &2.14&43.56&37.07&6.49 \\ \hline
EPSA&EP &1.08 &20.29&17.15&3.14 \\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E-P}$&EP&2&42.38&56.88&-14.5\\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E}$&EP&2&39.73&59.94&-20.21\\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E-P}$&EP&2.00&42.38&56.88&-14.50\\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E}$&EP&2.00&39.73&59.94&-20.21\\ \hline
EPSA&LU&1.47&38.57&21.34&17.23 \\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E-P}$&LU&2.1&43.62&36.51&7.11 \\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E}$&LU&2.1&43.61&38.54&5.07 \\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E-P}$&LU&2.10&43.62&36.51&7.11 \\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E}$&LU&2.10&43.61&38.54&5.07 \\ \hline
- EPSA&BT&1.315& 29.59&20.88&8.71\\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E-P}$&BT&2.1&44.53&53.05&-8.52\\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E}$&BT&2.1&42.93&52.806&-9.876\\ \hline
+ EPSA&BT&1.31& 29.59&20.88&8.71\\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E-P}$&BT&2.10&44.53&53.05&-8.52\\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E}$&BT&2.10&42.93&52.80&-9.87\\ \hline
- EPSA&SP&1.388&33.44&19.24&14.2 \\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E-P}$&SP&2.15&45.69&43.2&2.49\\ \hline
+ EPSA&SP&1.38&33.44&19.24&14.20 \\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E-P}$&SP&2.15&45.69&43.20&2.49\\ \hline
$Rauber_{E}$&SP&2.15&45.41&44.47&0.94\\ \hline
- EPSA&FT&1.388&34.4&14.57&19.83 \\ \hline
+ EPSA&FT&1.38&34.40&14.57&19.83 \\ \hline
$Rauber_{E-P}$&FT&2.13&42.98&37.35&5.63 \\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E}$&FT&2.13&43.04&37.9&5.14\\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E}$&FT&2.13&43.04&37.90&5.14\\ \hline
\label{table:compare Class B}
% is used to refer this table in the text
% \rowcolor[gray]{0.85}
EPSA&CG & 1.56 &39.23&14.88&24.35 \\ \hline
$Rauber_{E-P}$&CG &2.15 &45.36&25.89&19.47\\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E}$&CG &2.15 &45.36&26.7&18.66\\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E}$&CG &2.15 &45.36&26.70&18.66\\ \hline
- EPSA&MG & 1.47 &34.97&21.697&13.273\\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E-P}$&MG &2.15&43.65&40.45&3.2 \\ \hline
+ EPSA&MG & 1.47 &34.97&21.69&13.27\\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E-P}$&MG &2.15&43.65&40.45&3.20 \\ \hline
$Rauber_{E}$&MG &2.15&43.64&41.38&2.26 \\ \hline
EPSA&EP &1.04 &22.14&20.73&1.41 \\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E-P}$&EP&1.92&39.4&56.33&-16.93\\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E}$&EP&1.92&38.1&56.35&-18.25\\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E-P}$&EP&1.92&39.40&56.33&-16.93\\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E}$&EP&1.92&38.10&56.35&-18.25\\ \hline
- EPSA&LU&1.388&35.83&22.49&13.34 \\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E-P}$&LU&2.15&44.97&41&3.97 \\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E}$&LU&2.15&44.97&41.8&3.17 \\ \hline
+ EPSA&LU&1.38&35.83&22.49&13.34 \\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E-P}$&LU&2.15&44.97&41.00&3.97 \\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E}$&LU&2.15&44.97&41.80&3.17 \\ \hline
- EPSA&BT&1.315& 29.6&21.28&8.32\\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E-P}$&BT&2.13&45.6&49.84&-4.24\\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E}$&BT&2.13&44.9&55.16&-10.26\\ \hline
+ EPSA&BT&1.31& 29.60&21.28&8.32\\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E-P}$&BT&2.13&45.60&49.84&-4.24\\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E}$&BT&2.13&44.90&55.16&-10.26\\ \hline
- EPSA&SP&1.388&33.48&21.35&12.12\\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E-P}$&SP&2.1&45.69&43.6&2.09\\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E}$&SP&2.1&45.75&44.1&1.65\\ \hline
+ EPSA&SP&1.38&33.48&21.35&12.12\\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E-P}$&SP&2.10&45.69&43.60&2.09\\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E}$&SP&2.10&45.75&44.10&1.65\\ \hline
- EPSA&FT&1.47&34.72&19&15.72 \\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E-P}$&FT&2.04&39.4&37.1&2.3\\ \hline
- $Rauber_{E}$&FT&2.04&39.35&37.7&1.65\\ \hline
+ EPSA&FT&1.47&34.72&19.00&15.72 \\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E-P}$&FT&2.04&39.40&37.10&2.30\\ \hline
+ $Rauber_{E}$&FT&2.04&39.35&37.70&1.65\\ \hline
\label{table:compare Class C}
% is used to refer this table in the text
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% LocalWords: Badri Charr FIXME Tianhe DVFS HPC NAS NPB SMPI Rauber's Rauber