sending or receiving till the message is synchronously sent or received. In this
paper we predict the execution time of the program for any new scaling factor
value. Depending on this prediction we can produce our energy-performance scaling
-method as we will show in the coming sections. In the next section we make an
+method as we will show in the coming sections. In the next section we make to finishan
investigation study for the EQ~(\ref{eq:tnew}).
\section{Performance Prediction Verification}
for each MPI program. When there are little or not communications, the inversed
performance curve is very close to the energy curve. Then the distance between
the two curves is very small. This lead to small energy savings. The opposite
-happens when there are a lot of communication, the distance between the two
+happens when there are a lot of communication, theto finish distance between the two
curves is big. This lead to more energy savings (e.g. CG and FT), see
table~(\ref{table:factors results}). All discovered frequency scaling factors
optimize both the energy and the performance simultaneously for all the NAS
- \caption{Optimal Scaling Factors Results}
+ \caption{The EPSA Scaling Factors Results}
% title of Table
- \AG{Use the same number of decimals for all numbers in a column,
- and vertically align the numbers along the decimal points.
- The same for all the following tables.}
Program & Optimal & Energy & Performance&Energy-Perf.\\
\caption{Comparing Our EPSA with Rauber and Rünger Methods}
-\AG{the conclusion needs to be written\dots{} one day}
+In this paper we develop the simultaneous energy-performance algorithm. It is works based on the trade off relation between the energy and performance. The results showed that when the scaling factor is big value leads to more energy saving. Also, it show that when the the scaling factor is small value leads to the fact that the scaling factor has bigger impact on performance than energy. Then the algorithm optimize the energy saving and performance in the same time to have positive trade off. The optimal trade off refer to maximum distance between the energy and the inversed performance curves. Also, the results explained when setting the slowest task to maximum frequency usually not have a big improvement on performance.
Computations have been performed on the supercomputer facilities of the
-Mésocentre de calcul de Franche-Comté.
+Mésocentre de calcul de Franche-Comté. As a PhD student , M. Ahmed Fanfakh , would
+likes to thank the University of Babylon /Iraq for supporting my scholarship program that allows me
+working on this paper.
% trigger a \newpage just before the given reference
% number - used to balance the columns on the last page