-\linespread{1.2} The proposed EPSA algorithm works online during the execution
-time of the MPI program. It selects the optimal scaling factor by gathering some
-information from the program after one iteration. This algorithm has small
-execution time (between 0.00152 $ms$ for 4 nodes to 0.00665 $ms$ for 32
-nodes). The data required by this algorithm is the computation time and the
-communication time for each task from the first iteration only. When these times
-are measured, the MPI program calls the EPSA algorithm to choose the new
-frequency using the optimal scaling factor. Then the program set the new
-frequency to the system. The algorithm is called just one time during the
-execution of the program. The following example shows where and when the EPSA
-algorithm is called in the MPI program : \clearpage
+The proposed EPSA algorithm works online during the execution time of the MPI
+program. It selects the optimal scaling factor by gathering some information
+from the program after one iteration. This algorithm has small execution time
+(between 0.00152 $ms$ for 4 nodes to 0.00665 $ms$ for 32 nodes). The data
+required by this algorithm is the computation time and the communication time
+for each task from the first iteration only. When these times are measured, the
+MPI program calls the EPSA algorithm to choose the new frequency using the
+optimal scaling factor. Then the program set the new frequency to the
+system. The algorithm is called just one time during the execution of the
+program. The following example shows where and when the EPSA algorithm is called
+in the MPI program :
+\AG{Use the same format as for Algorithm~\ref{EPSA}}