-This section demonstrates our approach for choosing the optimal scaling factor.
-This factor gives maximum energy reduction taking into account the execution
-times for both computation and communication. The relation between the energy
-and the performance is nonlinear and complex, because the relation of the energy
-with scaling factor is nonlinear and with the performance it is linear
-see~\cite{17}. Moreover, they are not measured using the same metric. For
-solving this problem, we normalize the energy by calculating the ratio between
+This section presents our approach for choosing the optimal scaling factor.
+This factor gives maximum energy reduction while taking into account the execution
+times for both computation and communication. The relation between the performance
+and the energy is nonlinear and complex. Thus, unlike the relation between the performance and the scaling factor, the relation of energy with the scaling factor is nonlinear, for more details refer to~\cite{17}. Moreover, they are not measured using the same metric. To
+solve this problem, we normalize the energy by calculating the ratio between