-site one core scenario their performance degradation percentages, on average
-is equal to 10\%, are higher than those executed over one site one core,
-which on average is equal to 7\%. \textcolor{red}{You are comparing the one
-site one core scenario to itself! Please rewrite all the following paragraphs because they are full of mistakes! Look how I modified the previous parts, discover your mistakes and stop making the same mistakes.}
-So, in one site
-multicores scenario the computations to communications ratio is decreased
-as mentioned before, thus selecting new frequencies are not increased
-the overall execution time. The tradeoff distances of all NAS
-benchmarks over all scenarios are presented in the figure \ref{fig:dist-mc}.
-These tradeoff distances are used to verified which scenario is the best in term of
-energy and performance ratio. The one sites multicores scenario is the best scenario in term of
-energy and performance tradeoff, on average is equal to 17.6\%, when comparing to the one site one core
-scenario, one average is equal to 15.3\%. The one site multicores scenario
-has the same energy saving percentages of the one site one core scenario but
-with less performance degradation. The two sites multicores scenario is gives better
-energy and performance tradeoff, one average is equal to 14.7\%, than the two sites
-one core, on average is equal to 13.3\%.
-Finally, using multi-cores in both scenarios increased the energy and performance tradeoff
-distance. This generally due to using multicores was increased the computations to communications
-ratio in two sites scenario and thus the energy saving percentage increased over the performance degradation percentage, whereas this ratio was decreased
-in one site scenario causing the performance degradation percentage decreased over the energy saving percentage.