-The grid'5000 clusters have different number of cores embedded in their nodes
-as in the Table \ref{table:grid5000}. Moreover, the cores of each node are
-connected via shared memory model, the data transfer between cores' local
-memories achieved via the global memory \cite{rauber_book}. Therefore, in
-this section the proposed scaling algorithm is implemented over the grid'5000
-clusters which are included multicores in the selected nodes as same as the
-two previous platform scenarios that mentioned in the section \ref{sec.res}.
-The two platform scenarios, the two sites and one site scenarios, with 32
-nodes are reconfigured to used multicores for each node. For example if
-the participating number of nodes from a certain cluster is equal to 12 nodes,
-in the multicores scenario the selected nodes is equal to 3 nodes with using
-4 cores for each of them to produced 12 cores. These scenarios with one
-core and multicores are demonstrated in Table \ref{table:sen-mc}.
-The energy consumptions and execution times of running the NAS parallel
-benchmarks, class D, over these four different scenarios are represented
-in the figures \ref{fig:eng-cons-mc} and \ref{fig:time-mc} respectively.
-The execution times of NAS benchmarks over the one site multicores scenario
-is higher than the execution time of those running over one site multicores scenario.
-This because in the one site multicores scenario the communication is increased significantly,
-and all node's cores share the same node network link which increased
-the communication times. While, the execution times of the NAS benchmarks over
-the two site multicores scenario is less than those executed over the two
-sites one core scenario. This because using multicores decrease the communications,
-while the cores shared same nodes' link but the communications between the cores
-are less than the communication times between the nodes over the long distance
-networks, and thus the over all execution time decreased. Generally, executing
-the NAS benchmarks over the one site one core gives smaller execution times
-comparing to other scenarios. This because each node in this scenario has it's
-dedicated network link that used independently by one core, while in the other
-scenarios the communication times are higher when using long distance communication
-link or using the shared link communications between cores of each node.
-On the other hand, the energy consumptions of the NAS benchmarks over the
-one site one cores is less than the one site multicores scenario because
-this scenario had less execution time as mentioned before. Also, in the
-one site one core scenario the computations to communications ratio is
-higher, then the new scaled frequencies are decreased the dynamic energy
-consumption, because the dynamic power consumption are decreased exponentially
-with the new frequency scaling factors. These experiments also showed, the energy
-consumption and the execution times of EP and MG benchmarks over these four
-scenarios are not change a lot, because there are no or small communications
- which are increase or decrease the static power consumptions.
-The other benchmarks were showed that their energy consumptions and execution times
-are changed according to the decreasing or increasing in the communication
-times that are different from scenario to other or due to the amount of
-communications in each of them.
-The energy saving percentages of all NAS benchmarks, as in figure
-\ref{fig:eng-s-mc}, running over these four scenarios are presented. The figure
-showed the energy saving percentages of NAS benchmarks over two sites multicores scenario is higher
-than two sites once core scenario, this because the the computation
-times in the two sites multicores scenario is higher than the computation times
-of the two sites one core scenario, then the more reduction in the
-dynamic energy can be obtained as mentioned previously. In contrast, in the one site one
-core and one site multicores scenarios the energy saving percentages
-are approximately equivalent, on average they are up to 25\%. This
-because in the both scenarios there are a small difference in the
-computations to communications ratio, leading the proposed scaling algorithm
-to selects the frequencies proportionally to these ratios and keeping
-as much as possible the energy saving percentages the same. The
-performance degradation percentages of NAS benchmarks are presented in
-figure \ref{fig:per-d-mc}. This figure indicates that performance
-degradation percentages of running NAS benchmarks over two sites
-multocores, on average is equal to 7\%, gives more performance degradation percentage
-than two sites one core scenario, which on average is equal to 4\%.
-This because when using the two sites multicores scenario increased
-the computations to communications ratio, which may be increased the effect
-on the overall execution time when the proposed scaling algorithm is applied and scaling down the frequencies.
-The inverse was happened when the benchmarks are executed over one
-site one core scenario their performance degradation percentages, on average
-is equal to 10\%, are higher than those executed over one sit one core,
-which on average is equal to 7\%. This because in one site
-multicores scenario the computations to communications ratio is decreased
-as mentioned before, thus selecting new frequencies are less effect
-on the overall execution time. The tradeoff distances of all NAS
-benchmarks over all scenarios are presented in the figure \ref{fig:dist-mc}.
-These tradeoff distances are used to verified which scenario is the best in term of
-energy and performance ratio. The one sites multicores scenario is the best scenario in term of
-energy and performance tradeoff, on average is equal to 17.6\%, when comparing to the one site one core
-scenario, one average is equal to 15.3\%. This because the one site multicores scenario
-has the same energy saving percentages of the one site one core scenario but
-with less performance degradation. The two sites multicores scenario is gives better
-energy and performance tradeoff, one average is equal to 14.7\%, than the two sites
-one core, on average is equal to 13.3\%.
-Finally, using multicore in both scenarios increased the energy and performance tradeoff
-distance. This is because using multicores are increased the computations to communications
-ratio in two sites scenario and thus the energy saving increased over the performance degradation, whereas decreased this ratio
-in one site scenario causing the performance degradation decreased over the energy saving.