\textit T_\textit{new} =
\max_{i=1,2,\dots,N} ({TcpOld_{i}} \cdot S_{i}) + MinTcm
MinTcm = \min_{i=1,2,\dots,N} (Tcm_i)
type &GFLOPS & Freq. & Freq. & Freq. & power & power \\
& & GHz & GHz &GHz & & \\
- 1 &40 & 2.5 & 1.2 & 0.1 & 20~w &4~w \\
+ 1 &40 & 2.5 & 1.2 & 0.1 & 20~W &4~W \\
- 2 &50 & 2.66 & 1.6 & 0.133 & 25~w &5~w \\
+ 2 &50 & 2.66 & 1.6 & 0.133 & 25~W &5~W \\
- 3 &60 & 2.9 & 1.2 & 0.1 & 30~w &6~w \\
+ 3 &60 & 2.9 & 1.2 & 0.1 & 30~W &6~W \\
- 4 &70 & 3.4 & 1.6 & 0.133 & 35~w &7~w \\
+ 4 &70 & 3.4 & 1.6 & 0.133 & 35~W &7~W \\
\caption{Running NAS benchmarks on 4 nodes }
% title of Table
- \begin{tabular}{|*{7}{l|}}
+ \begin{tabular}{|*{7}{r|}}
Program & Execution & Energy & Energy & Performance & Distance \\
name & time/s & consumption/J & saving\% & degradation\% & \\
\caption{Running NAS benchmarks on 8 and 9 nodes }
% title of Table
- \begin{tabular}{|*{7}{l|}}
+ \begin{tabular}{|*{7}{r|}}
Program & Execution & Energy & Energy & Performance & Distance \\
name & time/s & consumption/J & saving\% & degradation\% & \\
\caption{Running NAS benchmarks on 16 nodes }
% title of Table
- \begin{tabular}{|*{7}{l|}}
+ \begin{tabular}{|*{7}{r|}}
Program & Execution & Energy & Energy & Performance & Distance \\
name & time/s & consumption/J & saving\% & degradation\% & \\
\caption{Running NAS benchmarks on 32 and 36 nodes }
% title of Table
- \begin{tabular}{|*{7}{l|}}
+ \begin{tabular}{|*{7}{r|}}
Program & Execution & Energy & Energy & Performance & Distance \\
name & time/s & consumption/J & saving\% & degradation\% & \\
\caption{Running NAS benchmarks on 64 nodes }
% title of Table
- \begin{tabular}{|*{7}{l|}}
+ \begin{tabular}{|*{7}{r|}}
Program & Execution & Energy & Energy & Performance & Distance \\
name & time/s & consumption/J & saving\% & degradation\% & \\
\caption{Running NAS benchmarks on 128 and 144 nodes }
% title of Table
- \begin{tabular}{|*{7}{l|}}
+ \begin{tabular}{|*{7}{r|}}
Program & Execution & Energy & Energy & Performance & Distance \\
name & time/s & consumption/J & saving\% & degradation\% & \\
\caption{The results of the 70\%-30\% power scenario}
% title of Table
- \begin{tabular}{|*{6}{l|}}
+ \begin{tabular}{|*{6}{r|}}
Program & Energy & Energy & Performance & Distance \\
name & consumption/J & saving\% & degradation\% & \\
\caption{The results of the 90\%-10\% power scenario}
% title of Table
- \begin{tabular}{|*{6}{l|}}
+ \begin{tabular}{|*{6}{r|}}
Program & Energy & Energy & Performance & Distance \\
name & consumption/J & saving\% & degradation\% & \\
\caption{Comparing the proposed algorithm}
-\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{\multirow{2}{*}{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Program \\ name\end{tabular}}} & \multicolumn{2}{l|}{Energy saving \%} & \multicolumn{2}{l|}{Perf. degradation \%} & \multicolumn{2}{l|}{Distance} \\ \cline{3-8}
-\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{} & EDP & MaxDist & EDP & MaxDist & EDP & MaxDist \\ \hline
-\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{CG} & 27.58 & 31.25 & 5.82 & 7.12 & 21.76 & 24.13 \\ \hline
-\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{MG} & 29.49 & 33.78 & 3.74 & 6.41 & 25.75 & 27.37 \\ \hline
-\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{LU} & 19.55 & 28.33 & 0.0 & 0.01 & 19.55 & 28.22 \\ \hline
-\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{EP} & 28.40 & 27.04 & 4.29 & 0.49 & 24.11 & 26.55 \\ \hline
-\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{BT} & 27.68 & 32.32 & 6.45 & 7.87 & 21.23 & 24.43 \\ \hline
-\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{SP} & 20.52 & 24.73 & 5.21 & 2.78 & 15.31 & 21.95 \\ \hline
-\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{FT} & 27.03 & 31.02 & 2.75 & 2.54 & 24.28 & 28.48 \\ \hline
+Program & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Energy saving \%} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Perf. degradation \%} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Distance} \\ \cline{2-7}
+name & EDP & MaxDist & EDP & MaxDist & EDP & MaxDist \\ \hline
+CG & 27.58 & 31.25 & 5.82 & 7.12 & 21.76 & 24.13 \\ \hline
+MG & 29.49 & 33.78 & 3.74 & 6.41 & 25.75 & 27.37 \\ \hline
+LU & 19.55 & 28.33 & 0.0 & 0.01 & 19.55 & 28.22 \\ \hline
+EP & 28.40 & 27.04 & 4.29 & 0.49 & 24.11 & 26.55 \\ \hline
+BT & 27.68 & 32.32 & 6.45 & 7.87 & 21.23 & 24.43 \\ \hline
+SP & 20.52 & 24.73 & 5.21 & 2.78 & 15.31 & 21.95 \\ \hline
+FT & 27.03 & 31.02 & 2.75 & 2.54 & 24.28 & 28.48 \\ \hline