+In this paper, we have presented a new online heterogeneous scaling algorithm
+that selects the best possible vector of frequency scaling factors. This vector
+gives the maximum distance (optimal tradeoff) between the predicted energy and
+the predicted performance curves. In addition, we developed a new energy model for measuring
+and predicting the energy of distributed iterative applications running over heterogeneous
+cluster. The proposed method evaluated on Simgrid/SMPI simulator to built a heterogeneous
+platform to executes NAS parallel benchmarks. The results of the experiments showed the ability of
+the proposed algorithm to changes its behaviour to selects different scaling factors when
+the number of computing nodes and both of the static and the dynamic powers are changed.
+In the future, we plan to improve this method to apply on asynchronous iterative applications
+where each task does not wait the others tasks to finish there works. This leads us to develop a new
+energy model to an asynchronous iterative applications, where the number of iterations is not
+known in advance and depends on the global convergence of the iterative system.