-Simgrid simulator \cite{SimGrid}, which offers easy tools to create a homogeneous and heterogeneous platforms. In this paper, a new frequencies selecting algorithm
-adapted for heterogeneous grid platform is presented and executed over real testbed,
-the grid'5000 platform \cite{grid5000}. It selects the vector of
-frequencies, for a heterogeneous grid platform running a message passing iterative
-application, that simultaneously tries to offer the maximum energy reduction and
-minimum performance degradation ratio. The algorithm has a very small overhead,
-works online and does not need any training or profiling.}
+Simgrid simulator \cite{SimGrid}, which offers easy tools to create a homogeneous and heterogeneous platforms and run message passing parallel applications over them. In this paper, a new frequencies selecting algorithm,
+adapted to grid platforms, is presented. It is applied to the NAS parallel benchmarks and evaluated over a real testbed,
+the grid'5000 platform \cite{grid5000}. It selects for a grid platform running a message passing iterative
+application the vector of
+frequencies that simultaneously tries to offer the maximum energy reduction and
+minimum performance degradation ratios. The algorithm has a very small overhead,
+works online and does not need any training or profiling.