-The grid'5000 testbed provided some monitoring and measurements features to captured
-the power consumption values for each node in any cluster of Lyon and Nancy sites.
-The power consumed for each node from the selected four clusters is measured.
-While the power consumed by any computing node is a collection of the powers consumed by
-hard drive, main-board, memory and node's computing cores, for more detail refer to
-\cite{Energy_measurement}. Therefore, the dynamic power consumed
-by one core is not allowed to measured alone. To overcome this problem, firstly,
-we measured the power consumed by one node when there is no computation, when
-the CPU is in the idle state. The second step, we run EP benchmark, there is no communications
-in this benchmarks, over one core with maximum frequency of the desired node and
-capturing the power consumed by a node, this representing the peak power of the node with one core.
-The difference between the peak power and the idle power representing the
-dynamic power consumption of that core with maximum frequency, for example see figure(\ref{fig:power_cons}).
-The $\Ppeak[jx]$ is the peak power value in time $x$ with maximum frequency for one core of node $j$,
-and $\Pidle[jy]$ is the idle power value in time $y$ for the one core of the node $j$ .
-The dynamic power $\Pd[j]$ is computed as in equation (\ref{eq:pdyn})
- \label{eq:pdyn}
- \Pd[j] = \max_{x=\beta_1,\dots \beta_2} (\Ppeak[jx]) - \min_{y=\Theta_1,\dots \Theta_2} (\Pidle[jy])
-where $\Pd[j]$ is the dynamic power consumption for one core of node $j$,
-$\lbrace \beta_1,\beta_2 \rbrace$ is the time interval for the measured peak power values,
-$\lbrace\Theta_1,\Theta_2\rbrace$ is the time interval for the measured idle power values.
-Therefore, the dynamic power of one core is computed as the difference between the maximum
-measured value in peak powers vector and the minimum measured value in the idle powers vector.
-We are computed the dynamic powers, using the equation (\ref{eq:pdyn}), for all nodes in the
-selected clusters, which is recorded in table \ref{table:grid5000}.
-On the other side, the static power consumption by one core is embedded with whole idle power consumption of the node.
-Indeed, the static power is represents as ratio from dynamic power. So, we supposed
-the static power consumption represented as \np[\%]{20} of dynamic power consumption of the core,
-the same assumption was made in \cite{Our_first_paper,pdsec2015,Rauber_Analytical.Modeling.for.Energy}.
- \centering
- \includegraphics[scale=0.6]{fig/power_consumption.pdf}
- \caption{The power consumption by one core from Taurus cluster}
- \label{fig:power_cons}