From: afanfakh <afanfakh@fanfakh.afanfakh>
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2015 07:56:58 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: correcting some paragraphs and adding the conclusions

correcting some paragraphs and adding the conclusions

diff --git a/mpi-energy2-extension/Heter_paper.tex b/mpi-energy2-extension/Heter_paper.tex
index ef4982b..1fe16cf 100644
--- a/mpi-energy2-extension/Heter_paper.tex
+++ b/mpi-energy2-extension/Heter_paper.tex
@@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@ to 10\% and are higher than those executed over the one site multi-cores scenari
 which on average is equal to 7\%. 
-The performance degradation percentages over one site multi-cores is lower because  the computations to communications ratio is decreased. Therefore, selecting small 
+The performance degradation percentages over one site multi-cores is lower because  the computations to communications ratio is decreased. Therefore, selecting bigger 
 frequencies by the scaling algorithm are proportional to this ratio, and thus the execution time do not increase significantly.}