+In order to implement efficiently a PRNG based on chaotic iterations it is
+possible to improve previous works [ref]. One solution consists in considering
+that the strategy used contains all the bits for which the negation is
+achieved out. Then in order to apply the negation on these bits we can simply
+apply the xor operator between the current number and the strategy. In
+order to obtain the strategy we also use a classical PRNG.
+Here is an example with 16-bits numbers showing how the bitwise operations
+applied. Suppose that $x$ and the strategy $S^i$ are defined in binary mode.
+Then the following table shows the result of $x$ xor $S^i$.
+x &=&1&0&1&1&1&0&1&0&1&0&0&1&0&0&1&0\\
+S^i &=&0&1&1&0&0&1&1&0&1&1&1&0&0&1&1&1\\
+x \oplus S^i&=&1&1&0&1&1&1&0&0&0&1&1&1&0&1&0&1\\
+ \end{array}
+%% \begin{figure}[htbp]
+%% \begin{center}
+%% \fbox{
+%% \begin{minipage}{14cm}
+%% unsigned int CIprng() \{\\
+%% static unsigned int x = 123123123;\\
+%% unsigned long t1 = xorshift();\\
+%% unsigned long t2 = xor128();\\
+%% unsigned long t3 = xorwow();\\
+%% x = x\textasciicircum (unsigned int)t1;\\
+%% x = x\textasciicircum (unsigned int)(t2$>>$32);\\
+%% x = x\textasciicircum (unsigned int)(t3$>>$32);\\
+%% x = x\textasciicircum (unsigned int)t2;\\
+%% x = x\textasciicircum (unsigned int)(t1$>>$32);\\
+%% x = x\textasciicircum (unsigned int)t3;\\
+%% return x;\\
+%% \}
+%% \end{minipage}
+%% }
+%% \end{center}
+%% \caption{sequential Chaotic Iteration PRNG}
+%% \label{algo:seqCIprng}
+%% \end{figure}
+\lstset{language=C,caption={C code of the sequential chaotic iterations based
+unsigned int CIprng() {
+ static unsigned int x = 123123123;
+ unsigned long t1 = xorshift();
+ unsigned long t2 = xor128();
+ unsigned long t3 = xorwow();
+ x = x^(unsigned int)t1;
+ x = x^(unsigned int)(t2>>32);
+ x = x^(unsigned int)(t3>>32);
+ x = x^(unsigned int)t2;
+ x = x^(unsigned int)(t1>>32);
+ x = x^(unsigned int)t3;
+ return x;
+In listing~\ref{algo:seqCIprng} a sequential version of our chaotic iterations
+based PRNG is presented. The xor operator is represented by \textasciicircum.
+This function uses three classical 64-bits PRNG: the \texttt{xorshift}, the
+\texttt{xor128} and the \texttt{xorwow}. In the following, we call them
+xor-like PRNGSs. These three PRNGs are presented in~\cite{Marsaglia2003}. As
+each xor-like PRNG used works with 64-bits and as our PRNG works with 32-bits,
+the use of \texttt{(unsigned int)} selects the 32 least significant bits whereas
+\texttt{(unsigned int)(t3$>>$32)} selects the 32 most significants bits of the
+variable \texttt{t}. So to produce a random number realizes 6 xor operations
+with 6 32-bits numbers produced by 3 64-bits PRNG. This version successes the
+BigCrush of the TestU01 battery~\cite{LEcuyerS07}.
+\section{Efficient PRNGs based on chaotic iterations on GPU}
+\label{sec:efficient prng gpu}
+In order to benefit from computing power of GPU, a program needs to define
+independent blocks of threads which can be computed simultaneously. In general,
+the larger the number of threads is, the more local memory is used and the less
+branching instructions are used (if, while, ...), the better performance is
+obtained on GPU. So with algorithm \ref{algo:seqCIprng} presented in the
+previous section, it is possible to build a similar program which computes PRNG
+on GPU. In the CUDA [ref] environment, threads have a local identificator,
+called \texttt{ThreadIdx} relative to the block containing them.
+\subsection{Naive version for GPU}
+From the CPU version, it is possible to obtain a quite similar version for GPU.
+The principe consists in assigning the computation of a PRNG as in sequential to
+each thread of the GPU. Of course, it is essential that the three xor-like
+PRNGs used for our computation have different parameters. So we chose them
+randomly with another PRNG. As the initialisation is performed by the CPU, we
+have chosen to use the ISAAC PRNG [ref] to initalize all the parameters for the
+GPU version of our PRNG. The implementation of the three xor-like PRNGs is
+straightforward as soon as their parameters have been allocated in the GPU
+memory. Each xor-like PRNGs used works with an internal number $x$ which keeps
+the last generated random numbers. Other internal variables are also used by the
+xor-like PRNGs. More precisely, the implementation of the xor128, the xorshift
+and the xorwow respectively require 4, 5 and 6 unsigned long as internal
+\KwIn{InternalVarXorLikeArray: array with internal variables of the 3 xor-like
+PRNGs in global memory\;
+NumThreads: Number of threads\;}
+\KwOut{NewNb: array containing random numbers in global memory}
+\If{threadIdx is concerned by the computation} {
+ retrieve data from InternalVarXorLikeArray[threadIdx] in local variables\;
+ \For{i=1 to n} {
+ compute a new PRNG as in Listing\ref{algo:seqCIprng}\;
+ store the new PRNG in NewNb[NumThreads*threadIdx+i]\;
+ }
+ store internal variables in InternalVarXorLikeArray[threadIdx]\;
+\caption{main kernel for the chaotic iterations based PRNG GPU naive version}
+Algorithm~\ref{algo:gpu_kernel} presents a naive implementation of PRNG using
+GPU. According to the available memory in the GPU and the number of threads
+used simultenaously, the number of random numbers that a thread can generate
+inside a kernel is limited, i.e. the variable \texttt{n} in
+algorithm~\ref{algo:gpu_kernel}. For example, if $100,000$ threads are used and
+if $n=100$\footnote{in fact, we need to add the initial seed (a 32-bits number)}
+then the memory required to store internals variables of xor-like
+PRNGs\footnote{we multiply this number by $2$ in order to count 32-bits numbers}
+and random number of our PRNG is equals to $100,000\times ((4+5+6)\times
+2+(1+100))=1,310,000$ 32-bits numbers, i.e. about $52$Mb.
+All the tests performed to pass the BigCrush of TestU01 succeeded. Different
+number of threads, called \texttt{NumThreads} in our algorithm, have been tested
+upto $10$ millions.
+Algorithm~\ref{algo:gpu_kernel} has the advantage to manipulate independent
+PRNGs, so this version is easily usable on a cluster of computer. The only thing
+to ensure is to use a single ISAAC PRNG. For this, a simple solution consists in
+using a master node for the initialization which computes the initial parameters
+for all the differents nodes involves in the computation.
+\subsection{Improved version for GPU}
+As GPU cards using CUDA have shared memory between threads of the same block, it
+is possible to use this feature in order to simplify the previous algorithm,
+i.e., using less than 3 xor-like PRNGs. The solution consists in computing only
+one xor-like PRNG by thread, saving it into shared memory and using the results
+of some other threads in the same block of threads. In order to define which
+thread uses the result of which other one, we can use a permutation array which
+contains the indexes of all threads and for which a permutation has been
+performed. In Algorithm~\ref{algo:gpu_kernel2}, 2 permutations arrays are used.
+The variable \texttt{offset} is computed using the value of
+\texttt{permutation\_size}. Then we can compute \texttt{o1} and \texttt{o2}
+which represent the indexes of the other threads for which the results are used
+by the current thread. In the algorithm, we consider that a 64-bits xor-like
+PRNG is used, that is why both 32-bits parts are used.
+This version also succeed to the BigCrush batteries of tests.
+\KwIn{InternalVarXorLikeArray: array with internal variables of 1 xor-like PRNGs
+in global memory\;
+NumThreads: Number of threads\;
+tab1, tab2: Arrays containing permutations of size permutation\_size\;}
+\KwOut{NewNb: array containing random numbers in global memory}
+\If{threadId is concerned} {
+ retrieve data from InternalVarXorLikeArray[threadId] in local variables\;
+ offset = threadIdx\%permutation\_size\;
+ o1 = threadIdx-offset+tab1[offset]\;
+ o2 = threadIdx-offset+tab2[offset]\;
+ \For{i=1 to n} {
+ t=xor-like()\;
+ shared\_mem[threadId]=(unsigned int)t\;
+ x = x $\oplus$ (unsigned int) t\;
+ x = x $\oplus$ (unsigned int) (t>>32)\;
+ x = x $\oplus$ shared[o1]\;
+ x = x $\oplus$ shared[o2]\;
+ store the new PRNG in NewNb[NumThreads*threadId+i]\;
+ }
+ store internal variables in InternalVarXorLikeArray[threadId]\;
+\caption{main kernel for the chaotic iterations based PRNG GPU efficient
+\subsection{Theoretical Evaluation of the Improved Version}
+A run of Algorithm~\ref{algo:gpu_kernel2} consists in four operations having
+the form of Equation~\ref{equation Oplus}, which is equivalent to the iterative
+system of Eq.~\ref{eq:generalIC}. That is, four iterations of the general chaotic
+iterations are realized between two stored values of the PRNG.
+To be certain that we are in the framework of Theorem~\ref{t:chaos des general},
+we must guarantee that this dynamical system iterates on the space
+$\mathcal{X} = \mathcal{P}\left(\llbracket 1, \mathsf{N} \rrbracket\right)^\mathds{N}\times\mathds{B}^\mathsf{N}$.
+The left term $x$ obviously belongs into $\mathds{B}^ \mathsf{N}$.
+To prevent from any flaws of chaotic properties, we must check that each right
+term, corresponding to terms of the strategies, can possibly be equal to any
+integer of $\llbracket 1, \mathsf{N} \rrbracket$.
+Such a result is obvious for the two first lines, as for the xor-like(), all the
+integers belonging into its interval of definition can occur at each iteration.
+It can be easily stated for the two last lines by an immediate mathematical
+Thus Algorithm~\ref{algo:gpu_kernel2} is a concrete realization of the general
+chaotic iterations presented previously, and for this reason, it satisfies the
+Devaney's formulation of a chaotic behavior.
+Different experiments have been performed in order to measure the generation
+speed. In Figure~\ref{fig:time_gpu} we compare the number of random numbers generated per second.
+ \includegraphics[scale=.7]{curve_time_gpu.pdf}
+\caption{Number of random numbers generated per second}
+First of all we have compared the time to generate X random numbers with both
+the CPU version and the GPU version.
+Faire une courbe du nombre de random en fonction du nombre de threads,
+éventuellement en fonction du nombres de threads par bloc.