+return $x$\;
+\caption{PRNG with chaotic functions}
+\label{CI Algorithm}
+%\SetAlgoLined %%RAPH: cette ligne provoque une erreur chez moi
+\KwIn{the internal configuration $z$ (a 32-bit word)}
+\KwOut{$y$ (a 32-bit word)}
+return $y$\;
+\caption{An arbitrary round of \textit{XORshift} algorithm}
+This generator is synthesized in Algorithm~\ref{CI Algorithm}.
+It takes as input: a function $f$;
+an integer $b$, ensuring that the number of executed iterations is at least $b$ and at most $2b+1$; and an initial configuration $x^0$.
+It returns the new generated configuration $x$. Internally, it embeds two
+\textit{XORshift}$(k)$ PRNGs \cite{Marsaglia2003} that returns integers uniformly distributed
+into $\llbracket 1 ; k \rrbracket$.
+\textit{XORshift} is a category of very fast PRNGs designed by George Marsaglia, which repeatedly uses the transform of exclusive or (XOR, $\oplus$) on a number with a bit shifted version of it. This PRNG, which has a period of $2^{32}-1=4.29\times10^9$, is summed up in Algorithm~\ref{XORshift}. It is used in our PRNG to compute the strategy length and the strategy elements.
+We have proven in \cite{FCT11} that,
+ Let $f: \mathds{B}^{n} \rightarrow \mathds{B}^{n}$, $\Gamma(f)$ its
+ iteration graph, $\check{M}$ its adjacency
+ matrix and $M$ a $n\times n$ matrix defined as in the previous lemma.
+ If $\Gamma(f)$ is strongly connected, then
+ the output of the PRNG detailed in Algorithm~\ref{CI Algorithm} follows
+ a law that tends to the uniform distribution
+ if and only if $M$ is a double stochastic matrix.
+\alert{Mettre encore un peu de blabla sur le PRNG, puis enchaîner en disant que, ok, on peut préserver le chaos quand on passe sur machine, mais que le chaos dont il s'agit a été prouvé pour une distance bizarroïde sur un espace non moins hémoroïde, d'où ce qui suit}
+\section{The relativity of disorder}
+\label{sec:de la relativité du désordre}
+\subsection{Impact of the topology's finenesse}
+Let us firstly introduce the following notations.
+$\mathcal{X}_\tau$ will denote the topological space $\left(\mathcal{X},\tau\right)$, whereas $\mathcal{V}_\tau (x)$ will be the set of all the neighborhoods of $x$ when considering the topology $\tau$ (or simply $\mathcal{V} (x)$, if there is no ambiguity).
+\label{Th:chaos et finesse}
+Let $\mathcal{X}$ a set and $\tau, \tau'$ two topologies on $\mathcal{X}$ s.t. $\tau'$ is finer than $\tau$. Let $f:\mathcal{X} \to \mathcal{X}$, continuous both for $\tau$ and $\tau'$.
+If $(\mathcal{X}_{\tau'},f)$ is chaotic according to Devaney, then $(\mathcal{X}_\tau,f)$ is chaotic too.
+Let us firstly establish the transitivity of $(\mathcal{X}_\tau,f)$.
+Let $\omega_1, \omega_2$ two open sets of $\tau$. Then $\omega_1, \omega_2 \in \tau'$, becaus $\tau'$ is finer than $\tau$. As $f$ is $\tau'-$transitive, we can deduce that $\exists n \in \mathds{N}, \omega_1 \cap f^{(n)}(\omega_2) = \varnothing$. Consequently, $f$ is $\tau-$transitive.
+Let us now consider the regularity of $(\mathcal{X}_\tau,f)$, \emph{i.e.}, for all $x \in \mathcal{X}$, and for all $\tau-$neighborhood $V$ of $x$, there is a periodic point for $f$ into $V$.
+Let $x \in \mathcal{X}$ and $V \in \mathcal{V}_\tau (x)$ a $\tau-$neighborhood of $x$. By definition, $\exists \omega \in \tau, x \in \omega \subset V$.
+But $\tau \subset \tau'$, so $\omega \in \tau'$, and then $V \in \mathcal{V}_{\tau'} (x)$. As $(\mathcal{X}_{\tau'},f)$ is regular, there is a periodic point for $f$ into $V$, and the regularity of $(\mathcal{X}_\tau,f)$ is proven.
+\subsection{A given system can always be claimed as chaotic}
+Let $f$ an iteration function on $\mathcal{X}$ having at least a fixed point. Then this function is chaotic (in a certain way):
+Let $\mathcal{X}$ a nonempty set and $f: \mathcal{X} \to \X$ a function having at least a fixed point.
+Then $f$ is $\tau_0-$chaotic, where $\tau_0$ is the trivial (indiscrete) topology on $\X$.
+$f$ is transitive when $\forall \omega, \omega' \in \tau_0 \setminus \{\varnothing\}, \exists n \in \mathds{N}, f^{(n)}(\omega) \cap \omega' \neq \varnothing$.
+As $\tau_0 = \left\{ \varnothing, \X \right\}$, this is equivalent to look for an integer $n$ s.t. $f^{(n)}\left( \X \right) \cap \X \neq \varnothing$. For instance, $n=0$ is appropriate.
+Let us now consider $x \in \X$ and $V \in \mathcal{V}_{\tau_0} (x)$. Then $V = \mathcal{X}$, so $V$ has at least a fixed point for $f$. Consequently $f$ is regular, and the result is established.
+\subsection{A given system can always be claimed as non-chaotic}
+Let $\mathcal{X}$ be a set and $f: \mathcal{X} \to \X$.
+If $\X$ is infinite, then $\left( \X_{\tau_\infty}, f\right)$ is not chaotic (for the Devaney's formulation), where $\tau_\infty$ is the discrete topology.
+Let us prove it by contradiction, assuming that $\left(\X_{\tau_\infty}, f\right)$ is both transitive and regular.
+Let $x \in \X$ and $\{x\}$ one of its neighborhood. This neighborhood must contain a periodic point for $f$, if we want that $\left(\X_{\tau_\infty}, f\right)$ is regular. Then $x$ must be a periodic point of $f$.
+Let $I_x = \left\{ f^{(n)}(x), n \in \mathds{N}\right\}$. This set is finite because $x$ is periodic, and $\mathcal{X}$ is infinite, then $\exists y \in \mathcal{X}, y \notin I_x$.
+As $\left(\X_{\tau_\infty}, f\right)$ must be transitive, for all open nonempty sets $A$ and $B$, an integer $n$ must satisfy $f^{(n)}(A) \cap B \neq \varnothing$. However $\{x\}$ and $\{y\}$ are open sets and $y \notin I_x \Rightarrow \forall n, f^{(n)}\left( \{x\} \right) \cap \{y\} = \varnothing$.
+\section{Chaos on the order topology}
+\subsection{The phase space is an interval of the real line}
+\subsubsection{Toward a topological semiconjugacy}
+In what follows, our intention is to establish, by using a topological semiconjugacy, that chaotic iterations over $\mathcal{X}$ can be described as iterations on a real interval. To do so, we must firstly introduce some notations and terminologies.
+Let $\mathcal{S}_\mathsf{N}$ be the set of sequences belonging into $\llbracket 1; \mathsf{N}\rrbracket$ and $\mathcal{X}_{\mathsf{N}} = \mathcal{S}_\mathsf{N} \times \B^\mathsf{N}$.
+The function $\varphi: \mathcal{S}_{10} \times\mathds{B}^{10} \rightarrow \big[ 0, 2^{10} \big[$ is defined by:
+\varphi: & \mathcal{X}_{10} = \mathcal{S}_{10} \times\mathds{B}^{10}& \longrightarrow & \big[ 0, 2^{10} \big[ \\
+ & (S,E) = \left((S^0, S^1, \hdots ); (E_0, \hdots, E_9)\right) & \longmapsto & \varphi \left((S,E)\right)
+\noindent where $\varphi\left((S,E)\right)$ is the real number:
+\item whose integral part $e$ is $\displaystyle{\sum_{k=0}^9 2^{9-k} E_k}$, that is, the binary digits of $e$ are $E_0 ~ E_1 ~ \hdots ~ E_9$.
+\item whose decimal part $s$ is equal to $s = 0,S^0~ S^1~ S^2~ \hdots = \sum_{k=1}^{+\infty} 10^{-k} S^{k-1}.$
+$\varphi$ realizes the association between a point of $\mathcal{X}_{10}$ and a real number into $\big[ 0, 2^{10} \big[$. We must now translate the chaotic iterations $\Go$ on this real interval. To do so, two intermediate functions over $\big[ 0, 2^{10} \big[$ must be introduced:
+\label{def:e et s}
+Let $x \in \big[ 0, 2^{10} \big[$ and:
+\item $e_0, \hdots, e_9$ the binary digits of the integral part of $x$: $\displaystyle{\lfloor x \rfloor = \sum_{k=0}^{9} 2^{9-k} e_k}$.
+\item $(s^k)_{k\in \mathds{N}}$ the digits of $x$, where the chosen decimal decomposition of $x$ is the one that does not have an infinite number of 9:
+$\displaystyle{x = \lfloor x \rfloor + \sum_{k=0}^{+\infty} s^k 10^{-k-1}}$.
+$e$ and $s$ are thus defined as follows:
+e: & \big[ 0, 2^{10} \big[ & \longrightarrow & \mathds{B}^{10} \\
+ & x & \longmapsto & (e_0, \hdots, e_9)
+\noindent and
+s: & \big[ 0, 2^{10} \big[ & \longrightarrow & \llbracket 0, 9 \rrbracket^{\mathds{N}} \\
+ & x & \longmapsto & (s^k)_{k \in \mathds{N}}
+We are now able to define the function $g$, whose goal is to translate the chaotic iterations $\Go$ on an interval of $\mathds{R}$.
+$g:\big[ 0, 2^{10} \big[ \longrightarrow \big[ 0, 2^{10} \big[$ is defined by:
+g: & \big[ 0, 2^{10} \big[ & \longrightarrow & \big[ 0, 2^{10} \big[ \\
+& \\
+ & x & \longmapsto & g(x)
+\noindent where g(x) is the real number of $\big[ 0, 2^{10} \big[$ defined bellow:
+\item its integral part has a binary decomposition equal to $e_0', \hdots, e_9'$, with:
+e_i' = \left\{
+e(x)_i & \textrm{ if } i \neq s^0\\
+e(x)_i + 1 \textrm{ (mod 2)} & \textrm{ if } i = s^0\\
+\item whose decimal part is $s(x)^1, s(x)^2, \hdots$
+In other words, if $x = \displaystyle{\sum_{k=0}^{9} 2^{9-k} e_k + \sum_{k=0}^{+\infty} s^{k} ~10^{-k-1}}$, then: $$g(x) = \displaystyle{\sum_{k=0}^{9} 2^{9-k} (e_k + \delta(k,s^0) \textrm{ (mod 2)}) + \sum_{k=0}^{+\infty} s^{k+1} 10^{-k-1}}.$$
+\subsubsection{Defining a metric on $\big[ 0, 2^{10} \big[$}
+Numerous metrics can be defined on the set $\big[ 0, 2^{10} \big[$, the most usual one being the Euclidian distance recalled bellow:
+$\Delta$ is the Euclidian distance on $\big[ 0, 2^{10} \big[$, that is, $\Delta(x,y) = |y-x|^2$.
+This Euclidian distance does not reproduce exactly the notion of proximity induced by our first distance $d$ on $\X$. Indeed $d$ is finer than $\Delta$. This is the reason why we have to introduce the following metric:
+Let $x,y \in \big[ 0, 2^{10} \big[$.
+$D$ denotes the function from $\big[ 0, 2^{10} \big[^2$ to $\mathds{R}^+$ defined by: $D(x,y) = D_e\left(e(x),e(y)\right) + D_s\left(s(x),s(y)\right)$, where:
+$\displaystyle{D_e(E,\check{E}) = \sum_{k=0}^\mathsf{9} \delta (E_k, \check{E}_k)}$, ~~and~ $\displaystyle{D_s(S,\check{S}) = \sum_{k = 1}^\infty \dfrac{|S^k-\check{S}^k|}{10^k}}$.
+$D$ is a distance on $\big[ 0, 2^{10} \big[$.
+The three axioms defining a distance must be checked.
+\item $D \geqslant 0$, because everything is positive in its definition. If $D(x,y)=0$, then $D_e(x,y)=0$, so the integral parts of $x$ and $y$ are equal (they have the same binary decomposition). Additionally, $D_s(x,y) = 0$, then $\forall k \in \mathds{N}^*, s(x)^k = s(y)^k$. In other words, $x$ and $y$ have the same $k-$th decimal digit, $\forall k \in \mathds{N}^*$. And so $x=y$.
+\item $D(x,y)=D(y,x)$.
+\item Finally, the triangular inequality is obtained due to the fact that both $\delta$ and $\Delta(x,y)=|x-y|$ satisfy it.
+The convergence of sequences according to $D$ is not the same than the usual convergence related to the Euclidian metric. For instance, if $x^n \to x$ according to $D$, then necessarily the integral part of each $x^n$ is equal to the integral part of $x$ (at least after a given threshold), and the decimal part of $x^n$ corresponds to the one of $x$ ``as far as required''.
+To illustrate this fact, a comparison between $D$ and the Euclidian distance is given Figure \ref{fig:comparaison de distances}. These illustrations show that $D$ is richer and more refined than the Euclidian distance, and thus is more precise.
+ \subfigure[Function $x \to dist(x;1,234) $ on the interval $(0;5)$.]{\includegraphics[scale=.35]{DvsEuclidien.pdf}}\quad
+ \subfigure[Function $x \to dist(x;3) $ on the interval $(0;5)$.]{\includegraphics[scale=.35]{DvsEuclidien2.pdf}}
+\caption{Comparison between $D$ (in blue) and the Euclidian distane (in green).}
+\label{fig:comparaison de distances}
+\subsubsection{The semiconjugacy}
+It is now possible to define a topological semiconjugacy between $\mathcal{X}$ and an interval of $\mathds{R}$:
+Chaotic iterations on the phase space $\mathcal{X}$ are simple iterations on $\mathds{R}$, which is illustrated by the semiconjugacy of the diagram bellow:
+\left(~\mathcal{S}_{10} \times\mathds{B}^{10}, d~\right) @>G_{f_0}>> \left(~\mathcal{S}_{10} \times\mathds{B}^{10}, d~\right)\\
+ @V{\varphi}VV @VV{\varphi}V\\
+\left( ~\big[ 0, 2^{10} \big[, D~\right) @>>g> \left(~\big[ 0, 2^{10} \big[, D~\right)
+$\varphi$ has been constructed in order to be continuous and onto.
+In other words, $\mathcal{X}$ is approximately equal to $\big[ 0, 2^\mathsf{N} \big[$.
+\subsection{Study of the chaotic iterations described as a real function}
+ \subfigure[ICs on the interval $(0,9;1)$.]{\includegraphics[scale=.35]{ICs09a1.pdf}}\quad
+ \subfigure[ICs on the interval $(0,7;1)$.]{\includegraphics[scale=.35]{ICs07a95.pdf}}\\
+ \subfigure[ICs on the interval $(0,5;1)$.]{\includegraphics[scale=.35]{ICs05a1.pdf}}\quad
+ \subfigure[ICs on the interval $(0;1)$]{\includegraphics[scale=.35]{ICs0a1.pdf}}