+Different experiments have been performed in order to measure the generation
+speed. We have used a first computer equipped with a Tesla C1060 NVidia GPU card
+and an
+Intel Xeon E5530 cadenced at 2.40 GHz, and
+a second computer equipped with a smaller CPU and a GeForce GTX 280.
+All the
+cards have 240 cores.
+In Figure~\ref{fig:time_xorlike_gpu} we compare the quantity of pseudorandom numbers
+generated per second with various xor-like based PRNG. In this figure, the optimized
+versions use the {\it xor64} described in~\cite{Marsaglia2003}, whereas the naive versions
+embed the three xor-like PRNGs described in Listing~\ref{algo:seqCIPRNG}. In
+order to obtain the optimal performances, the storage of pseudorandom numbers
+into the GPU memory has been removed. This step is time consuming and slows down the numbers
+generation. Moreover this storage is completely
+useless, in case of applications that consume the pseudorandom
+numbers directly after generation. We can see that when the number of threads is greater
+than approximately 30,000 and lower than 5 millions, the number of pseudorandom numbers generated
+per second is almost constant. With the naive version, this value ranges from 2.5 to
+3GSamples/s. With the optimized version, it is approximately equal to
+20GSamples/s. Finally we can remark that both GPU cards are quite similar, but in
+practice, the Tesla C1060 has more memory than the GTX 280, and this memory
+should be of better quality.
+As a comparison, Listing~\ref{algo:seqCIPRNG} leads to the generation of about
+138MSample/s when using one core of the Xeon E5530.
+ \includegraphics[scale=.7]{curve_time_xorlike_gpu.pdf}
+\caption{Quantity of pseudorandom numbers generated per second with the xorlike-based PRNG}
+In Figure~\ref{fig:time_bbs_gpu} we highlight the performances of the optimized
+BBS-based PRNG on GPU. On the Tesla C1060 we
+obtain approximately 700MSample/s and on the GTX 280 about 670MSample/s, which is
+obviously slower than the xorlike-based PRNG on GPU. However, we will show in the
+next sections that
+this new PRNG has a strong level of security, which is necessary paid by a speed
+ \includegraphics[scale=.7]{curve_time_bbs_gpu.pdf}
+\caption{Quantity of pseudorandom numbers generated per second using the BBS-based PRNG}
+All these experiments allow us to conclude that it is possible to
+generate a very large quantity of pseudorandom numbers statistically perfect with the xor-like version.
+In a certain extend, it is the case too with the secure BBS-based version, the speed deflation being
+explained by the fact that the former version has ``only''
+chaotic properties and statistical perfection, whereas the latter is also cryptographically secure,
+as it is shown in the next sections.
+\section{Security Analysis}
+\label{sec:security analysis}
+In this section the concatenation of two strings $u$ and $v$ is classically
+denoted by $uv$.
+In a cryptographic context, a pseudorandom generator is a deterministic
+algorithm $G$ transforming strings into strings and such that, for any
+seed $k$ of length $k$, $G(k)$ (the output of $G$ on the input $k$) has size
+$\ell_G(k)$ with $\ell_G(k)>k$.
+The notion of {\it secure} PRNGs can now be defined as follows.
+A cryptographic PRNG $G$ is secure if for any probabilistic polynomial time
+algorithm $D$, for any positive polynomial $p$, and for all sufficiently
+large $k$'s,
+$$| \mathrm{Pr}[D(G(U_k))=1]-Pr[D(U_{\ell_G(k)})=1]|< \frac{1}{p(k)},$$
+where $U_r$ is the uniform distribution over $\{0,1\}^r$ and the
+probabilities are taken over $U_N$, $U_{\ell_G(N)}$ as well as over the
+internal coin tosses of $D$.
+Intuitively, it means that there is no polynomial time algorithm that can
+distinguish a perfect uniform random generator from $G$ with a non
+negligible probability. The interested reader is referred
+to~\cite[chapter~3]{Goldreich} for more information. Note that it is
+quite easily possible to change the function $\ell$ into any polynomial
+function $\ell^\prime$ satisfying $\ell^\prime(N)>N)$~\cite[Chapter 3.3]{Goldreich}.
+The generation schema developed in (\ref{equation Oplus}) is based on a
+pseudorandom generator. Let $H$ be a cryptographic PRNG. We may assume,
+without loss of generality, that for any string $S_0$ of size $N$, the size
+of $H(S_0)$ is $kN$, with $k>2$. It means that $\ell_H(N)=kN$.
+Let $S_1,\ldots,S_k$ be the
+strings of length $N$ such that $H(S_0)=S_1 \ldots S_k$ ($H(S_0)$ is the concatenation of
+the $S_i$'s). The cryptographic PRNG $X$ defined in (\ref{equation Oplus})
+is the algorithm mapping any string of length $2N$ $x_0S_0$ into the string
+$(x_0\oplus S_0 \oplus S_1)(x_0\oplus S_0 \oplus S_1\oplus S_2)\ldots
+(x_o\bigoplus_{i=0}^{i=k}S_i)$. Particularly one has $\ell_{X}(2N)=kN=\ell_H(N)$.
+We claim now that if this PRNG is secure,
+then the new one is secure too.
+If $H$ is a secure cryptographic PRNG, then $X$ is a secure cryptographic
+PRNG too.
+The proposition is proved by contraposition. Assume that $X$ is not
+secure. By Definition, there exists a polynomial time probabilistic
+algorithm $D$, a positive polynomial $p$, such that for all $k_0$ there exists
+$N\geq \frac{k_0}{2}$ satisfying
+$$| \mathrm{Pr}[D(X(U_{2N}))=1]-\mathrm{Pr}[D(U_{kN}=1]|\geq \frac{1}{p(2N)}.$$
+We describe a new probabilistic algorithm $D^\prime$ on an input $w$ of size
+\item Decompose $w$ into $w=w_1\ldots w_{k}$, where each $w_i$ has size $N$.
+\item Pick a string $y$ of size $N$ uniformly at random.
+\item Compute $z=(y\oplus w_1)(y\oplus w_1\oplus w_2)\ldots (y
+ \bigoplus_{i=1}^{i=k} w_i).$
+\item Return $D(z)$.
+Consider for each $y\in \mathbb{B}^{kN}$ the function $\varphi_{y}$
+from $\mathbb{B}^{kN}$ into $\mathbb{B}^{kN}$ mapping $w=w_1\ldots w_k$
+(each $w_i$ has length $N$) to
+$(y\oplus w_1)(y\oplus w_1\oplus w_2)\ldots (y
+ \bigoplus_{i=1}^{i=k_1} w_i).$ By construction, one has for every $w$,
+where $y$ is randomly generated.
+Moreover, for each $y$, $\varphi_{y}$ is injective: if
+$(y\oplus w_1)(y\oplus w_1\oplus w_2)\ldots (y\bigoplus_{i=1}^{i=k_1}
+w_i)=(y\oplus w_1^\prime)(y\oplus w_1^\prime\oplus w_2^\prime)\ldots
+(y\bigoplus_{i=1}^{i=k} w_i^\prime)$, then for every $1\leq j\leq k$,
+$y\bigoplus_{i=1}^{i=j} w_i^\prime=y\bigoplus_{i=1}^{i=j} w_i$. It follows,
+by a direct induction, that $w_i=w_i^\prime$. Furthermore, since $\mathbb{B}^{kN}$
+is finite, each $\varphi_y$ is bijective. Therefore, and using (\ref{PCH-1}),
+one has
+Now, using (\ref{PCH-1}) again, one has for every $x$,
+where $y$ is randomly generated. By construction, $\varphi_y(H(x))=X(yx)$,
+where $y$ is randomly generated.
+It follows that
+ From (\ref{PCH-2}) and (\ref{PCH-4}), one can deduce that
+there exist a polynomial time probabilistic
+algorithm $D^\prime$, a positive polynomial $p$, such that for all $k_0$ there exists
+$N\geq \frac{k_0}{2}$ satisfying
+$$| \mathrm{Pr}[D(H(U_{N}))=1]-\mathrm{Pr}[D(U_{kN}=1]|\geq \frac{1}{p(2N)},$$
+proving that $H$ is not secure, a contradiction.
+\section{Cryptographical Applications}
+\subsection{A Cryptographically Secure PRNG for GPU}
+It is possible to build a cryptographically secure PRNG based on the previous
+algorithm (Algorithm~\ref{algo:gpu_kernel2}). Due to Proposition~\ref{cryptopreuve},
+it simply consists in replacing
+the {\it xor-like} PRNG by a cryptographically secure one.
+We have chosen the Blum Blum Shum generator~\cite{BBS} (usually denoted by BBS) having the form:
+$$x_{n+1}=x_n^2~ mod~ M$$ where $M$ is the product of two prime numbers (these
+prime numbers need to be congruent to 3 modulus 4). BBS is known to be
+very slow and only usable for cryptographic applications.
+The modulus operation is the most time consuming operation for current
+GPU cards. So in order to obtain quite reasonable performances, it is
+required to use only modulus on 32 bits integer numbers. Consequently
+$x_n^2$ need to be lesser than $2^{32}$, and thus the number $M$ must be
+lesser than $2^{16}$. So in practice we can choose prime numbers around
+256 that are congruent to 3 modulus 4. With 32 bits numbers, only the
+4 least significant bits of $x_n$ can be chosen (the maximum number of
+indistinguishable bits is lesser than or equals to
+$log_2(log_2(M))$). In other words, to generate a 32 bits number, we need to use
+8 times the BBS algorithm with possibly different combinations of $M$. This
+approach is not sufficient to be able to pass all the TestU01,
+as small values of $M$ for the BBS lead to
+ small periods. So, in order to add randomness we proceed with
+the followings modifications.
+Firstly, we define 16 arrangement arrays instead of 2 (as described in
+Algorithm \ref{algo:gpu_kernel2}), but only 2 of them are used at each call of
+the PRNG kernels. In practice, the selection of combinations
+arrays to be used is different for all the threads. It is determined
+by using the three last bits of two internal variables used by BBS.
+%This approach adds more randomness.
+In Algorithm~\ref{algo:bbs_gpu},
+character \& is for the bitwise AND. Thus using \&7 with a number
+gives the last 3 bits, providing so a number between 0 and 7.
+Secondly, after the generation of the 8 BBS numbers for each thread, we
+have a 32 bits number whose period is possibly quite small. So
+to add randomness, we generate 4 more BBS numbers to
+shift the 32 bits numbers, and add up to 6 new bits. This improvement is
+described in Algorithm~\ref{algo:bbs_gpu}. In practice, the last 2 bits
+of the first new BBS number are used to make a left shift of at most
+3 bits. The last 3 bits of the second new BBS number are add to the
+strategy whatever the value of the first left shift. The third and the
+fourth new BBS numbers are used similarly to apply a new left shift
+and add 3 new bits.
+Finally, as we use 8 BBS numbers for each thread, the storage of these
+numbers at the end of the kernel is performed using a rotation. So,
+internal variable for BBS number 1 is stored in place 2, internal
+variable for BBS number 2 is stored in place 3, ..., and finally, internal
+variable for BBS number 8 is stored in place 1.
+\KwIn{InternalVarBBSArray: array with internal variables of the 8 BBS
+in global memory\;
+NumThreads: Number of threads\;
+tab: 2D Arrays containing 16 combinations (in first dimension) of size combination\_size (in second dimension)\;}
+\KwOut{NewNb: array containing random numbers in global memory}
+\If{threadId is concerned} {
+ retrieve data from InternalVarBBSArray[threadId] in local variables including shared memory and x\;
+ we consider that bbs1 ... bbs8 represent the internal states of the 8 BBS numbers\;
+ offset = threadIdx\%combination\_size\;
+ o1 = threadIdx-offset+tab[bbs1\&7][offset]\;
+ o2 = threadIdx-offset+tab[8+bbs2\&7][offset]\;
+ \For{i=1 to n} {
+ t<<=4\;
+ t|=BBS1(bbs1)\&15\;
+ ...\;
+ t<<=4\;
+ t|=BBS8(bbs8)\&15\;
+ //two new shifts\;
+ t<<=BBS3(bbs3)\&3\;
+ t|=BBS1(bbs1)\&7\;
+ t<<=BBS7(bbs7)\&3\;
+ t|=BBS2(bbs2)\&7\;
+ t=t $\wedge$ shmem[o1] $\wedge$ shmem[o2]\;
+ shared\_mem[threadId]=t\;
+ x = x $\wedge$ t\;
+ store the new PRNG in NewNb[NumThreads*threadId+i]\;
+ }
+ store internal variables in InternalVarXorLikeArray[threadId] using a rotation\;