-claimed nor proved that this generator is secure. Indeed, to the authors opinion,
-linear operations are a necessity when speed with pseudorandomness are only desired.
-A sentence has been added to clarify this point \begin{color}{green} Il faudrait ajouter
-cette phrase fin de la section 6 (je l'ai fait pour la fin de la section 5.4).
-Dire que pour l'instant, on veut juste avoir de la rapidité sans biais
-statistique, que la sécurité viendra après.\end{color}
+claimed nor proved that this generator is secure. Indeed, we have only shown that some
+chaotic iteration based post-treatment, like the one that use the vectorial negation,
+can preserve the cryptographically secure property (while adding chaos), if this property has been established
+for the inputted generator. As the inputted generator is not
+cryptographically secure in the example disputed by the reviewer, we cannot apply this
+result. Indeed the first part of the document does not deal with security,
+but it investigates the speed, chaos, and statistical quality of PRNGs.
+A sentence has been added to clarify this point at the end of Section 5.4.