timestamp = {2009.06.29}
+ author = {Fischlin, R. and Schnorr, C. P.},
+ title = {Stronger security proofs for RSA and rabin bits},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th annual international conference on Theory
+ and application of cryptographic techniques},
+ year = {1997},
+ series = {EUROCRYPT'97},
+ pages = {267--279},
+ address = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
+ publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
+ acmid = {1754569},
+ isbn = {3-540-62975-0},
+ location = {Konstanz, Germany},
+ numpages = {13},
+ url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1754542.1754569}
author = {Sebastiano Battiato and Dario Catalano and Giovanni Gallo and Rosario
volume = {15},
pages = {364--383},
+ author = {Oded Goldreich},
+ ALTeditor = {},
+ title = {Foundations of Cryptography: Basic Tools},
+ publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+ year = {2007},