-In this section we review some GPU based PRNGs.
-\alert{RC, un petit state-of-the-art sur les PRNGs sur GPU ?}
+In the litterature many authors have work on defining GPU based PRNGs. We do not
+want to be exhaustive and we just give the most significant works from our point
+of view.
+In \cite{Pang:2008:cec}, the authors define a PRNG based on cellular automata
+which does not require high precision integer arithmetics nor bitwise
+operations. There is no mention of statistical tests nor proof that this PRNG is
+chaotic. Concerning the speed of generation, they can generate about 3200000
+random numbers per seconds on a GeForce 7800 GTX GPU (which is quite old now).
+In \cite{ZRKB10}, the authors propose different versions of efficient GPU PRNGs
+based on Lagged Fibonacci, Hybrid Taus or Hybrid Taus. They have used these
+PRNGs for Langevin simulations of biomolecules fully implemented on
+GPU. Performance of the GPU versions are far better than those obtained with a
+CPU and these PRNGs succeed to pass the {\it BigCrush} test of TestU01. There is
+no mention that their PRNGs have chaos mathematical properties.
+To the best of our knowledge no GPU implementation have been proven to have chaotic properties.