-This generator is synthesized in Algorithm~\ref{CI Algorithm}.
-It takes as input: a function $f$;
-an integer $b$, ensuring that the number of executed iterations is at least $b$ and at most $2b+1$; and an initial configuration $x^0$.
-It returns the new generated configuration $x$. Internally, it embeds two
-\textit{XORshift}$(k)$ PRNGs \cite{Marsaglia2003} that returns integers uniformly distributed
-into $\llbracket 1 ; k \rrbracket$.
-\textit{XORshift} is a category of very fast PRNGs designed by George Marsaglia, which repeatedly uses the transform of exclusive or (XOR, $\oplus$) on a number with a bit shifted version of it. This PRNG, which has a period of $2^{32}-1=4.29\times10^9$, is summed up in Algorithm~\ref{XORshift}. It is used in our PRNG to compute the strategy length and the strategy elements.
-We have proven in \cite{FCT11} that,
- Let $f: \mathds{B}^{n} \rightarrow \mathds{B}^{n}$, $\Gamma(f)$ its
- iteration graph, $\check{M}$ its adjacency
- matrix and $M$ a $n\times n$ matrix defined as in the previous lemma.
- If $\Gamma(f)$ is strongly connected, then
- the output of the PRNG detailed in Algorithm~\ref{CI Algorithm} follows
- a law that tends to the uniform distribution
- if and only if $M$ is a double stochastic matrix.
-\section{Efficient prng based on chaotic iterations}
-In order to implement efficiently a PRNG based on chaotic iterations it is
-possible to improve previous works [ref]. One solution consists in considering
-that the strategy used contains all the bits for which the negation is
-achieved out. Then in order to apply the negation on these bits we can simply
-apply the xor operator between the current number and the strategy. In
-order to obtain the strategy we also use a classical PRNG.
-Here is an example with 16-bits numbers showing how the bitwise operations are
-applied. Suppose that $x$ and the strategy $S^i$ are defined in binary mode.
-Then the following table shows the result of $x$ xor $S^i$.
-x &=&1&0&1&1&1&0&1&0&1&0&0&1&0&0&1&0\\
-S^i &=&0&1&1&0&0&1&1&0&1&1&1&0&0&1&1&1\\
-x \oplus S^i&=&1&1&0&1&1&1&0&0&0&1&1&1&0&1&0&1\\
- \end{array}
-%% \begin{figure}[htbp]
-%% \begin{center}
-%% \fbox{
-%% \begin{minipage}{14cm}
-%% unsigned int CIprng() \{\\
-%% static unsigned int x = 123123123;\\
-%% unsigned long t1 = xorshift();\\
-%% unsigned long t2 = xor128();\\
-%% unsigned long t3 = xorwow();\\
-%% x = x\textasciicircum (unsigned int)t1;\\
-%% x = x\textasciicircum (unsigned int)(t2$>>$32);\\
-%% x = x\textasciicircum (unsigned int)(t3$>>$32);\\
-%% x = x\textasciicircum (unsigned int)t2;\\
-%% x = x\textasciicircum (unsigned int)(t1$>>$32);\\
-%% x = x\textasciicircum (unsigned int)t3;\\
-%% return x;\\
-%% \}
-%% \end{minipage}
-%% }
-%% \end{center}
-%% \caption{sequential Chaotic Iteration PRNG}
-%% \label{algo:seqCIprng}
-%% \end{figure}
-\lstset{language=C,caption={C code of the sequential chaotic iterations based PRNG},label=algo:seqCIprng}
-unsigned int CIprng() {
- static unsigned int x = 123123123;
- unsigned long t1 = xorshift();
- unsigned long t2 = xor128();
- unsigned long t3 = xorwow();
- x = x^(unsigned int)t1;
- x = x^(unsigned int)(t2>>32);
- x = x^(unsigned int)(t3>>32);
- x = x^(unsigned int)t2;
- x = x^(unsigned int)(t1>>32);
- x = x^(unsigned int)t3;
- return x;
-In listing~\ref{algo:seqCIprng} a sequential version of our chaotic iterations
-based PRNG is presented. The xor operator is represented by
-\textasciicircum. This function uses three classical 64-bits PRNG: the
-\texttt{xorshift}, the \texttt{xor128} and the \texttt{xorwow}. In the
-following, we call them xor-like PRNGSs. These three PRNGs are presented
-in~\cite{Marsaglia2003}. As each xor-like PRNG used works with 64-bits and as
-our PRNG works with 32-bits, the use of \texttt{(unsigned int)} selects the 32
-least significant bits whereas \texttt{(unsigned int)(t3$>>$32)} selects the 32
-most significants bits of the variable \texttt{t}. So to produce a random
-number realizes 6 xor operations with 6 32-bits numbers produced by 3 64-bits
-PRNG. This version successes the BigCrush of the TestU01 battery [P. L’ecuyer
- and R. Simard. Testu01].
-\section{Efficient prng based on chaotic iterations on GPU}
-In order to benefit from computing power of GPU, a program needs to define
-independent blocks of threads which can be computed simultaneously. In general,
-the larger the number of threads is, the more local memory is used and the less
-branching instructions are used (if, while, ...), the better performance is
-obtained on GPU. So with algorithm \ref{algo:seqCIprng} presented in the
-previous section, it is possible to build a similar program which computes PRNG
-on GPU. In the CUDA [ref] environment, threads have a local identificator,
-called \texttt{ThreadIdx} relative to the block containing them.
-\subsection{Naive version for GPU}
-From the CPU version, it is possible to obtain a quite similar version for GPU.
-The principe consists in assigning the computation of a PRNG as in sequential to
-each thread of the GPU. Of course, it is essential that the three xor-like
-PRNGs used for our computation have different parameters. So we chose them
-randomly with another PRNG. As the initialisation is performed by the CPU, we
-have chosen to use the ISAAC PRNG [ref] to initalize all the parameters for the
-GPU version of our PRNG. The implementation of the three xor-like PRNGs is
-straightforward as soon as their parameters have been allocated in the GPU
-memory. Each xor-like PRNGs used works with an internal number $x$ which keeps
-the last generated random numbers. Other internal variables are also used by the
-xor-like PRNGs. More precisely, the implementation of the xor128, the xorshift
-and the xorwow respectively require 4, 5 and 6 unsigned long as internal
-\KwIn{InternalVarXorLikeArray: array with internal variables of the 3 xor-like PRNGs in global memory\;
-NumThreads: Number of threads\;}
-\KwOut{NewNb: array containing random numbers in global memory}
-\If{threadIdx is concerned by the computation} {
- retrieve data from InternalVarXorLikeArray[threadIdx] in local variables\;
- \For{i=1 to n} {
- compute a new PRNG as in Listing\ref{algo:seqCIprng}\;
- store the new PRNG in NewNb[NumThreads*threadIdx+i]\;
- }
- store internal variables in InternalVarXorLikeArray[threadIdx]\;
-\caption{main kernel for the chaotic iterations based PRNG GPU naive version}
-Algorithm~\ref{algo:gpu_kernel} presents a naive implementation of PRNG using
-GPU. According to the available memory in the GPU and the number of threads
-used simultenaously, the number of random numbers that a thread can generate
-inside a kernel is limited, i.e. the variable \texttt{n} in
-algorithm~\ref{algo:gpu_kernel}. For example, if $100,000$ threads are used and
-if $n=100$\footnote{in fact, we need to add the initial seed (a 32-bits number)}
-then the memory required to store internals variables of xor-like
-PRNGs\footnote{we multiply this number by $2$ in order to count 32-bits numbers}
-and random number of our PRNG is equals to $100,000\times ((4+5+6)\times
-2+(1+100))=1,310,000$ 32-bits numbers, i.e. about $52$Mb.
-All the tests performed to pass the BigCrush of TestU01 succeeded. Different
-number of threads, called \texttt{NumThreads} in our algorithm, have been tested
-upto $10$ millions.
-Algorithm~\ref{algo:gpu_kernel} has the advantage to manipulate independent
-PRNGs, so this version is easily usable on a cluster of computer. The only thing
-to ensure is to use a single ISAAC PRNG. For this, a simple solution consists in
-using a master node for the initialization which computes the initial parameters
-for all the differents nodes involves in the computation.
-\subsection{Improved version for GPU}
-As GPU cards using CUDA have shared memory between threads of the same block, it
-is possible to use this feature in order to simplify the previous algorithm,
-i.e. using less than 3 xor-like PRNGs. The solution consists in computing only
-one xor-like PRNG by thread, saving it into shared memory and using the results
-of some other threads in the same block of threads. In order to define which
-thread uses the result of which other one, we can use a permutation array which
-contains the indexes of all threads and for which a permutation has been
-performed. In Algorithm~\ref{algo:gpu_kernel2}, 2 permutations arrays are used.
-The variable \texttt{offset} is computed using the value of
-\texttt{permutation\_size}. Then we can compute \texttt{o1} and \texttt{o2}
-which represent the indexes of the other threads for which the results are used
-by the current thread. In the algorithm, we consider that a 64-bits xor-like
-PRNG is used, that is why both 32-bits parts are used.
-This version also succeed to the BigCrush batteries of tests.