Remark that the only requirement regarding the seed regarding the security of our PRNG is
that it must be randomly picked. Indeed, the asymptotic security of BBS guarantees
that, as the seed length increases, no polynomial time statistical test can
distinguish the pseudorandom sequences from truly random sequences with non-negligible probability,
see, \emph{e.g.},~\cite{Sidorenko:2005:CSB:2179218.2179250}.
Remark that the only requirement regarding the seed regarding the security of our PRNG is
that it must be randomly picked. Indeed, the asymptotic security of BBS guarantees
that, as the seed length increases, no polynomial time statistical test can
distinguish the pseudorandom sequences from truly random sequences with non-negligible probability,
see, \emph{e.g.},~\cite{Sidorenko:2005:CSB:2179218.2179250}.