From: guyeux Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 20:20:32 +0000 (+0100) Subject: Ajout e la preuve de pch X-Git-Url:;hp=8d3c5f7139485b7ef6336618316517861ac6a039 Ajout e la preuve de pch --- diff --git a/prng_gpu.tex b/prng_gpu.tex index 2dfa78e..d2e5e05 100644 --- a/prng_gpu.tex +++ b/prng_gpu.tex @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ on GPU} \begin{document} \author{Jacques M. Bahi, Rapha\"{e}l Couturier, and Christophe -Guyeux\thanks{Authors in alphabetic order}} +Guyeux, Pierre-Cyrille Heam\thanks{Authors in alphabetic order}} \maketitle @@ -1517,6 +1517,118 @@ In comparison, Listing~\ref{algo:seqCIprng} allows us to generate about +\section{Security Analysis} + + + + +In this section the concatenation of two strings $u$ and $v$ is classically +denoted by $uv$. +In a cryptographic context, a pseudo-random generator is a deterministic +algorithm $G$ transforming strings into strings and such that, for any +seed $w$ of length $N$, $G(w)$ (the output of $G$ on the input $w$) has size +$\ell_G(N)$ with $\ell_G(N)>N$. +The notion of {\it secure} PRNGs can now be defined as follows. + +\begin{definition} +A cryptographic PRNG $G$ is secure if for any probabilistic polynomial time +algorithm $D$, for any positive polynomial $p$, and for all sufficiently +large $k$'s, +$$| \mathrm{Pr}[D(G(U_k))=1]-Pr[D(U_{\ell_G(k)}=1]|< \frac{1}{p(N)},$$ +where $U_r$ is the uniform distribution over $\{0,1\}^r$ and the +probabilities are taken over $U_N$, $U_{\ell_G(N)}$ as well as over the +internal coin tosses of $D$. +\end{definition} + +Intuitively, it means that there is no polynomial time algorithm that can +distinguish a perfect uniform random generator from $G$ with a non +negligible probability. The interested reader is referred +to~\cite[chapter~3]{Goldreich} for more information. Note that it is +quite easily possible to change the function $\ell$ into any polynomial +function $\ell^\prime$ satisfying $\ell^\prime(N)>N)$~\cite[Chapter 3.3]{Goldreich}. + +The generation schema developed in (\ref{equation Oplus}) is based on a +pseudo-random generator. Let $H$ be a cryptographic PRNG. We may assume, +without loss of generality, that for any string $S_0$ of size $N$, the size +of $H(S_0)$ is $kN$, with $k>2$. It means that $\ell_H(N)=kN$. +Let $S_1,\ldots,S_k$ be the +strings of length $N$ such that $H(S_0)=S_1 \ldots S_k$ ($H(S_0)$ is the concatenation of +the $S_i$'s). The cryptographic PRNG $X$ defined in (\ref{equation Oplus}) +is the algorithm mapping any string of length $2N$ $x_0S_0$ into the string +$(x_0\oplus S_0 \oplus S_1)(x_0\oplus S_0 \oplus S_1\oplus S_2)\ldots +(x_o\bigoplus_{i=0}^{i=k}S_i)$. Particularly one has $\ell_{X}(2N)=kN=\ell_H(N)$. +We claim now that if this PRNG is secure, +then the new one is secure too. + +\begin{proposition} +If $H$ is a secure cryptographic PRNG, then $X$ is a secure cryptographic +PRNG too. +\end{proposition} + +\begin{proof} +The proposition is proved by contraposition. Assume that $X$ is not +secure. By Definition, there exists a polynomial time probabilistic +algorithm $D$, a positive polynomial $p$, such that for all $k_0$ there exists +$N\geq \frac{k_0}{2}$ satisfying +$$| \mathrm{Pr}[D(X(U_{2N}))=1]-\mathrm{Pr}[D(U_{kN}=1]|\geq \frac{1}{p(2N)}.$$ +We describe a new probabilistic algorithm $D^\prime$ on an input $w$ of size +$kN$: +\begin{enumerate} +\item Decompose $w$ into $w=w_1\ldots w_{k}$, where each $w_i$ has size $N$. +\item Pick a string $y$ of size $N$ uniformly at random. +\item Compute $z=(y\oplus w_1)(y\oplus w_1\oplus w_2)\ldots (y + \bigoplus_{i=1}^{i=k} w_i).$ +\item Return $D(z)$. +\end{enumerate} + + +Consider for each $y\in \mathbb{B}^{kN}$ the function $\varphi_{y}$ +from $\mathbb{B}^{kN}$ into $\mathbb{B}^{kN}$ mapping $w=w_1\ldots w_k$ +(each $w_i$ has length $N$) to +$(y\oplus w_1)(y\oplus w_1\oplus w_2)\ldots (y + \bigoplus_{i=1}^{i=k_1} w_i).$ By construction, one has for every $w$, +\begin{equation}\label{PCH-1} +D^\prime(w)=D(\varphi_y(w)), +\end{equation} +where $y$ is randomly generated. +Moreover, for each $y$, $\varphi_{y}$ is injective: if +$(y\oplus w_1)(y\oplus w_1\oplus w_2)\ldots (y\bigoplus_{i=1}^{i=k_1} +w_i)=(y\oplus w_1^\prime)(y\oplus w_1^\prime\oplus w_2^\prime)\ldots +(y\bigoplus_{i=1}^{i=k} w_i^\prime)$, then for every $1\leq j\leq k$, +$y\bigoplus_{i=1}^{i=j} w_i^\prime=y\bigoplus_{i=1}^{i=j} w_i$. It follows, +by a direct induction, that $w_i=w_i^\prime$. Furthermore, since $\mathbb{B}^{kN}$ +is finite, each $\varphi_y$ is bijective. Therefore, and using (\ref{PCH-1}), +one has +\begin{equation}\label{PCH-2} +\mathrm{Pr}[D^\prime(U_{kN})=1]=\mathrm{Pr}[D(\varphi_y(U_{kN}))=1]=\mathrm{Pr}[D(U_{kN})=1]. +\end{equation} + +Now, using (\ref{PCH-1}) again, one has for every $x$, +\begin{equation}\label{PCH-3} +D^\prime(H(x))=D(\varphi_y(H(x))), +\end{equation} +where $y$ is randomly generated. By construction, $\varphi_y(H(x))=X(yx)$, +thus +\begin{equation}\label{PCH-3} +D^\prime(H(x))=D(yx), +\end{equation} +where $y$ is randomly generated. +It follows that + +\begin{equation}\label{PCH-4} +\mathrm{Pr}[D^\prime(H(U_{N}))=1]=\mathrm{Pr}[D(U_{2N})=1]. +\end{equation} + From (\ref{PCH-2}) and (\ref{PCH-4}), one can deduce that +there exist a polynomial time probabilistic +algorithm $D^\prime$, a positive polynomial $p$, such that for all $k_0$ there exists +$N\geq \frac{k_0}{2}$ satisfying +$$| \mathrm{Pr}[D(H(U_{N}))=1]-\mathrm{Pr}[D(U_{kN}=1]|\geq \frac{1}{p(2N)},$$ +proving that $H$ is not secure, a contradiction. +\end{proof} + + + + \section{Conclusion}